提交 d741099a 编写于 作者: L Lisa Owen 提交者: David Yozie

docs - greenplumr input.signature (#10477)

上级 f2da25de
......@@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ Connection 1 is disconnected!
<section id="objs">
<title>Examining Database Obects</title>
<p>The <codeph>db.object()</codeph> function lists the tables and views
<p>The <codeph>db.objects()</codeph> function lists the tables and views
in the database identified by a specific connection identifier. The
function signature is:</p>
<codeblock>db.object( search = NULL, conn.id = 1 )</codeblock>
<codeblock>db.objects( search = NULL, conn.id = 1 )</codeblock>
<p> If you choose, you can specify a filter string to narrow the returned
results. For example, to list the tables and views in the
<codeph>public</codeph> schema in the database identified by the
default connection identifier, invoke the function as follows:</p>
<codeblock>> db.object( search = "public." )</codeblock>
<codeblock>> db.objects( search = "public." )</codeblock>
<section id="data">
<title>Analyzing and Manipulating Data</title>
......@@ -284,23 +284,31 @@ Connection : 1
<p>The function signatures follow:</p>
<codeblock>db.gpapply( X, MARGIN = NULL, FUN = NULL, output.name = NULL, output.signature = NULL,
clear.existing = FALSE, case.sensitive = FALSE, output.distributeOn = NULL,
debugger.mode = FALSE, runtime.id = "plc_r_shared", language = "plcontainer", ... )
debugger.mode = FALSE, runtime.id = "plc_r_shared", language = "plcontainer",
input.signature = NULL, ... )
db.gptapply( X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, output.name = NULL, output.signature = NULL,
clear.existing = FALSE, case.sensitive = FALSE,
output.distributeOn = NULL, debugger.mode = FALSE,
runtime.id = "plc_r_shared", language = "plcontainer", ... )</codeblock>
runtime.id = "plc_r_shared", language = "plcontainer",
input.signature = NULL, ... )</codeblock>
<p>Use the second variant of the function when the table data is indexed.</p>
<p>By default, <codeph>db.gp[t]apply()</codeph> passes a single data frame
input argument to the R function <codeph>FUN</codeph>. If you define
<codeph>FUN</codeph> to take a list of arguments, you must specify the
function argument name to Greenplum table column name mapping in
<codeph>input.signature</codeph>. You must specify this mapping
in table column order.</p>
<p><b>Example 1</b>:</p>
<p>Create a Greenplum table named <codeph>table1</codeph> in the
database named <codeph>testdb</codeph>. This table has a single
integer-type field. Populate the table with some data:</p>
<codeblock>user@clientsys$ psql -h gpmaster -d testdb
testdb=# CREATE TABLE table1( id int );
testdb=# INSERT INTO table1 SELECT generate_series(1,13);
testdb=# \q</codeblock>
<p>Create an R function that increments an integer. Run the function on
the <codeph>table1</codeph> <codeph>id</codeph> column in Greenplum
<codeph>table1</codeph> in Greenplum
using the PL/R procedural language. Then write the new values to a
table named <codeph>table1_r_inc</codeph>:
<codeblock>user@clientsys$ R
......@@ -313,7 +321,7 @@ testdb=#\q</codeblock>
return (num[[1]] + 1)
> ## create the output signature
> ## create the function output signature
> .sig &lt;- list( "num" = "int" )
> ## run the function in Greenplum and print
......@@ -344,6 +352,51 @@ testdb=#\q</codeblock>
> db.objects( search = "public.")
[1] "public.abalone_from_r" "public.table1_r_inc"
<p><b>Example 2</b>:</p>
<p>Create a Greenplum table named <codeph>table2</codeph> in the
database named <codeph>testdb</codeph>. This table has two
integer-type fields. Populate the table with some data:</p>
<codeblock>user@clientsys$ psql -h gpmaster -d testdb
testdb=# CREATE TABLE table2( c1 int, c2 int );
testdb=# INSERT INTO table2 VALUES (1, 2);
<p>Create an R function that takes two integer arguments, manipulates
the arguments, and returns both. Run the function on the data
in <codeph>table2</codeph> in Greenplum using the PL/R procedural
language, writing the new values to a table named <codeph>table2_r_upd</codeph>:</p>
<codeblock>user@clientsys$ R
> ## create a reference to table2
> t2 &lt;- db.data.frame("public.table2")
> ## create the R function
> fn.func_with_two_args &lt;- function(a, b)
a &lt;- a * 20
b &lt;- a + 66
c &lt;- list(a, b)
return (as.data.frame(c))
> ## create the function input signature, mapping function argument name to
> ## table column name
> input.sig &lt;- list('a' = 'c1', 'b' = 'c2')
> ## create the function output signature
> return.sig &lt;- list('a' = 'int', 'b' = 'int')
> ## run the function in Greenplum and write to the output table
> db.gpapply(t2, output.name = "public.table2_r_upd", FUN = fn.func_with_two_args,
output.signature = return.sig, clear.existing = TRUE, case.sensitive = TRUE,
language = "plr", input.signature = input.sig )
<p>View the contents of the Greenplum table named <codeph>table2_r_upd</codeph>:</p>
<codeblock>user@clientsys$ psql -h gpmaster -d testdb
testdb=# SELECT * FROM table2_r_upd;
a | b
20 | 86
(1 row)
testdb=# \q</codeblock>
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