提交 b9abd61d 编写于 作者: L Larry Hamel

Fixing: duplicated table name caused unwanted information in dump

 * a bug was introduced by a feature that looked for partition tables that were moved to other schemas.
 * fixed here by qualifying with schema name, tightening the criteria
 * added Behave test
上级 c83e2383
......@@ -3450,6 +3450,22 @@ Feature: Validate command line arguments
Then gpdbrestore should return a return code of 0
And the database "bkdb1" does not exist
Scenario: Tables with same name but different partitioning should not pollute one another's dump during backup
Given the test is initialized
And there is schema "withpartition" exists in "bkdb"
And there is schema "withoutpartition" exists in "bkdb"
And there is schema "aaa" exists in "bkdb"
And there is a "heap" table "withoutpartition.rank" in "bkdb" with data
And there is a "heap" partition table "withpartition.rank" in "bkdb" with data
When the user runs "psql -c 'alter table withpartition.rank_1_prt_p1 set SCHEMA aaa;' bkdb"
Then psql should return a return code of 0
And the user runs "psql -c 'alter table withpartition.rank_1_prt_p2 set SCHEMA aaa;' bkdb"
Then psql should return a return code of 0
When the user runs "gpcrondump -a -x bkdb -t withoutpartition.rank"
And the timestamp from gpcrondump is stored
Then verify the metadata dump file does not contain "ALTER TABLE rank_1_prt_p1 SET SCHEMA aaa"
Then verify the metadata dump file does not contain "ALTER TABLE rank_1_prt_p2 SET SCHEMA aaa"
Scenario: cleanup for backup feature
# coding: utf-8
import thread
import os
import socket
import filecmp
from gppylib.commands.base import Command, ExecutionError, REMOTE, WorkerPool, CommandResult
import gzip
from gppylib.commands.base import Command, REMOTE, WorkerPool, CommandResult
from gppylib.db import dbconn
from gppylib.test.behave_utils.utils import run_gpcommand, getRows, validate_parse_email_file
from gppylib.test.behave_utils.utils import getRows, validate_parse_email_file
from gppylib.gparray import GpArray
from gppylib.operations.unix import CheckFile
from gppylib.test.behave_utils.utils import run_command, backup_data, backup_data_to_file, check_table_exists, check_table_exists,\
from gppylib.test.behave_utils.utils import backup_data_to_file, check_table_exists, validate_restore_data_in_file
master_data_dir = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')
......@@ -25,7 +23,7 @@ len_start_comment_expr = len(comment_start_expr)
@then('the user locks "{table_name}" in "{lock_mode}" using connection "{conn}" on "{dbname}"')
def impl(context, table_name, lock_mode, conn, dbname):
query = "begin; lock table %s in %s" % (table_name, lock_mode)
conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname))
conn = dbconn.connect(dbconn.DbURL(dbname=dbname)) # todo not truthful about using conn parameter
dbconn.execSQL(conn, query)
context.conn = conn
......@@ -157,30 +155,40 @@ def impl(context, directory):
names = ["Name", "Data", "Data for Name"]
master_dump_dir = directory if len(directory.strip()) != 0 else master_data_dir
timestamp = context.backup_timestamp
metadata_file = '%s/db_dumps/%s/gp_dump_1_1_%s.gz' % (master_dump_dir, timestamp[0:8], timestamp)
tmp_metadata_file = '/tmp/behave_metadata_file'
cmd = Command(name="Unzip conetnts of metadata dump file to temp file", cmdStr='zcat %s > %s' % (metadata_file, tmp_metadata_file))
with open(tmp_metadata_file, 'r') as fd:
lines = fd.readlines()
if len(lines) == 0:
raise Exception('Metadata file has no data')
for line in lines:
if (line[:3] == comment_start_expr):
if (line.startswith(comment_expr) or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a) or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_b)):
name_k, type_k, schema_k = get_comment_keys(line)
if (name_k not in names and type_k != "Type" and schema_k != "Schema"):
raise Exception("Unknown key in the comment line of the metdata_file '%s'. Please check and confirm if the key is correct" % (metadata_file))
name_v, type_v, schema_v = get_comment_values(line)
if (type_v not in types):
raise Exception("Value of Type in the comment line '%s' of the metadata_file '%s' does not fall under the expected list %s. Please check if the value is correct" %(type_v, metadata_file, types))
if os.path.exists(tmp_metadata_file):
metadata_path = __get_dump_metadata_path(context, master_dump_dir)
with gzip.open(metadata_path, 'r') as fd:
line = None
for line in fd:
if (line[:3] == comment_start_expr):
if (line.startswith(comment_expr) or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_a) or line.startswith(comment_data_expr_b)):
name_k, type_k, schema_k = get_comment_keys(line)
if (name_k not in names and type_k != "Type" and schema_k != "Schema"):
raise Exception("Unknown key in the comment line of the metdata_file '%s'. Please check and confirm if the key is correct" % (metadata_file))
name_v, type_v, schema_v = get_comment_values(line)
if (type_v not in types):
raise Exception("Value of Type in the comment line '%s' of the metadata_file '%s' does not fall under the expected list %s. Please check if the value is correct" %(type_v, metadata_file, types))
if not line:
raise Exception('Metadata file has no data')
@given('verify the metadata dump file does not contain "{target}"')
@when('verify the metadata dump file does not contain "{target}"')
@then('verify the metadata dump file does not contain "{target}"')
def impl(context, target):
metadata_path = __get_dump_metadata_path(context, master_data_dir)
with gzip.open(metadata_path, 'r') as fd:
line = None
for line in fd:
if target in line:
raise Exception("Unexpectedly found %s in metadata file %s" % (target, metadata_path))
if not line:
raise Exception('Metadata file has no data')
def __get_dump_metadata_path(context, dump_dir):
filename = "gp_dump_1_1_%s.gz" % context.backup_timestamp
metadata_path = os.path.join(dump_dir, "db_dumps", context.backup_timestamp[0:8], filename)
return metadata_path
def get_comment_keys(line):
......@@ -6246,12 +6246,13 @@ dumpTableSchema(Archive *fout, TableInfo *tbinfo)
char *relname = NULL;
/* Prefixing the quoted object name in where clause with 'E' to avoid backslash escape warnings. */
appendPQExpBuffer(query, "SELECT "
"partitionschemaname, partitiontablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitions "
"WHERE partitionschemaname != schemaname AND tablename = ");
"SELECT partitionschemaname, partitiontablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_partitions "
" WHERE partitionschemaname != schemaname AND schemaname = ");
appendStringLiteralConn(query, tbinfo->dobj.namespace, g_conn);
appendPQExpBuffer(query, " AND tablename = ");
appendStringLiteralConn(query, tbinfo->dobj.name, g_conn);
res = PQexec(g_conn, query->data);
check_sql_result(res, g_conn, query->data, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);
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