提交 858428dd 编写于 作者: K Kalen Krempely 提交者: Bhuvnesh

remove dead code appendNewEntriesToHbaFile()

上级 57eda1bf
...@@ -348,50 +348,6 @@ def parseKeyColonValueLines(str): ...@@ -348,50 +348,6 @@ def parseKeyColonValueLines(str):
def sortedDictByKey(di): def sortedDictByKey(di):
return [ (k,di[k]) for k in sorted(di.keys())] return [ (k,di[k]) for k in sorted(di.keys())]
def appendNewEntriesToHbaFile(fileName, segments):
Will raise Exception if there is a problem updating the hba file
# Get the list of lines that already exist...we won't write those again
# Replace runs of whitespace with single space to improve deduping
def lineToCanonical(s):
s = re.sub("\s", " ", s) # first reduce whitespace runs to single space
s = re.sub(" $", "", s) # remove trailing space
s = re.sub("^ ", "", s) # remove leading space
return s
existingLineMap = {}
for line in readAllLinesFromFile(fileName):
existingLineMap[lineToCanonical(line)] = True
fp = open(fileName, 'a')
for newSeg in segments:
address = newSeg.getSegmentAddress()
addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(address, None)
ipaddrlist = list(set([ (ai[0], ai[4][0]) for ai in addrinfo]))
haveWrittenCommentHeader = False
for addr in ipaddrlist:
newLine = 'host\tall\tall\t%s/%s\ttrust' % (addr[1], '32' if addr[0] == socket.AF_INET else '128')
newLineCanonical = lineToCanonical(newLine)
if newLineCanonical not in existingLineMap:
if not haveWrittenCommentHeader:
fp.write('# %s\n' % address)
haveWrittenCommentHeader = True
existingLineMap[newLineCanonical] = True
except IOError as msg:
raise Exception('Failed to open %s' % fileName)
except Exception as msg:
raise Exception('Failed to add new segments to template %s' % fileName)
class TableLogger: class TableLogger:
""" """
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