提交 40ba2864 编写于 作者: A Ashwin Agrawal 提交者: Xin Zhang

Fix expected return code for mm_gpcheckcat.

上级 cc8240a9
......@@ -359,13 +359,13 @@ Feature: gpcheckcat tests
And the user runs "psql constraint_g_db -f test/behave/mgmt_utils/steps/data/gpcheckcat/create_invalid_constraint.sql"
Then psql should return a return code of 0
When the user runs "gpcheckcat -g repair_dir constraint_g_db"
Then gpcheckcat should return a return code of 3
Then gpcheckcat should return a return code of 1
Then gpcheckcat should print "repair script\(s\) generated in dir repair_dir" to stdout
Then the path "repair_dir" is found in cwd "1" times
Then run all the repair scripts in the dir "repair_dir"
And the path "repair_dir" is removed from current working directory
When the user runs "gpcheckcat -g repair_dir constraint_g_db"
Then gpcheckcat should return a return code of 3
Then gpcheckcat should return a return code of 0
Then the path "repair_dir" is found in cwd "0" times
And the user runs "dropdb constraint_g_db"
And the path "repair_dir" is removed from current working directory
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