提交 2f8978aa 编写于 作者: M Mel Kiyama 提交者: David Yozie

docs: add guc gp_max_slices (#4861)

backport of https://github.com/greenplum-db/gpdb/pull/4854
上级 9bffd421
......@@ -383,6 +383,8 @@
<xref href="#gp_max_plan_size"/>
<xref href="#gp_max_slices"/></li>
<xref href="#gp_max_tablespaces"/>
......@@ -4750,6 +4752,41 @@
<topic id="gp_max_slices">
<p>Specifies the maximum number of slices (portions of a query plan that are executed on
segment instances) that can be generated by a query. If the query generates more than the
specified number of slices, Greenplum Database returns an error and does not execute the
query. The default value is <codeph>0</codeph>, no maximum value. </p>
<p>Executing a query that generates a large number of slices might affect Greenplum Database
performance. For example, a query that contains <codeph>UNION</codeph> or <codeph>UNION
ALL</codeph> operators over several complex views can generate a large number of slices.
You can run <codeph>EXPLAIN ANALYZE</codeph> on the query to view slice statistics for the
<table id="table_uwf_lzw_ldb">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1*"/>
<colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="1*"/>
<entry colname="col1">Value Range</entry>
<entry colname="col2">Default</entry>
<entry colname="col3">Set Classifications</entry>
<entry colname="col1">0 - INT_MAX</entry>
<entry colname="col2">0</entry>
<entry colname="col3">master<p>session</p><p>reload</p></entry>
<topic id="gp_max_tablespaces">
......@@ -5034,9 +5071,10 @@
mirrors on <codeph>seghost1</codeph> fail over to become primary segments, each of the
original 4 primaries retain their memory allotment of <codeph>0.175</codeph>, and the two
new primary segments are each allotted <codeph>(0.7 / 6 = 0.116%)</codeph> of system
memory. <codeph>seghost1</codeph>'s overall memory allocation in this scenario
0.7 + (0.116 * 2) = 0.932%</codeblock></p>
memory. <codeph>seghost1</codeph>'s overall memory allocation in this scenario is</p><p>
0.7 + (0.116 * 2) = 0.932%</codeblock>
<p>which is above the percentage configured in the
<codeph>gp_resource_group_memory_limit</codeph> setting.</p></note>
......@@ -686,6 +686,19 @@
<topic id="topic_qtf_qth_ndb">
<title>Query Plan Execution</title>
<p>Control the query plan execution.</p>
<simpletable frame="none" id="simpletable_rtf_qth_ndb">
<p><xref href="guc-list.xml#gp_max_slices">gp_max_slices</xref></p>
<topic id="topic29" xml:lang="en">
<title id="kh155046">Error Reporting and Logging Parameters</title>
......@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_max_local_distributed_cache"/>
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_max_packet_size"/>
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_max_plan_size"/>
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_max_slices"/>
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_max_tablespaces"/>
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_motion_cost_per_row"/>
<topicref href="guc-list.xml#gp_num_contents_in_cluster"/>
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