提交 226e8867 编写于 作者: H Heikki Linnakangas

Don't use a temp table in gpccheckcat, when checking for missing entries.

The new query is simpler. There was a comment about using the temp table
to avoid gathering all the data to the master, but I don't think that is a
good tradeoff. Creating a temp table is pretty expensive, and even with
the temp table, the master needs to broadcast all the master's entries from
to the segments. For comparison, with the Gather node, all the segments
need to send their entries to the master. Isn't that roughly the same
amount of traffic?

A long time ago, the query was made to use the temp table, after a report
from a huge cluster with over 1000 segments, where the total size of
pg_attribute, across all the nodes, was over 200 GB. So the catalogs can
be large. But even then, I don't think this query can get much better than

The new query moves some of the logic from SQL to the Python code. Seems
simpler that way.

The real reason to do this right now is that in the next commit, I'm
going to change the way snapshots are dispatched with a query, and that
change will change the visibility of the temp table that was created in
the same command. In a nutshell, currently, if you do "CREATE TABLE mytemp
AS SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname='mytemp'", the oid of the table
being created is included. On PostgreSQL, and after the snapshot changes
I'm working on, it will not be. And would confuse this gpcheckcat query.
上级 909d66a2
......@@ -3036,44 +3036,38 @@ def missingEntryQuery(max_content, catname, pkey, castedPkey):
# =================
# Missing / Extra
# =================
# Cross product
# (all unique {primary_key} present on any segment)
# (all unique segment_ids in the system)
# Left join
# (actual ({primary_key}, segment_id) present in the catalog)
# Count number not null vs number null in the join:
# If the nulls are <= 1/2 the result report those segments as "missing"
# If the non-nulls are <= 1/2 the result report those segments as "extra"
# (Fetch all the entries from segments. For each entry, collect the
# segment IDs of all the segments where the entry is present, in an array)
# Full outer join
# (Fetch all entries in master)
# The WHERE clause at the bottom filters out all the boring rows, leaving
# only rows that are missing from one of the segments, or from the master.
catalog_exclude = MISSING_ENTRY_EXCLUDE.get(catname, "")
qry = """
-- distribute catalog table from master, so that we can avoid to gather
SELECT gp_segment_id segid, {primary_key} FROM {catalog} {catalog_exclude};
SELECT {oidcasted_pk}, exists, array_agg(segid order by segid) as segids
qry = """
SELECT {primary_key},
case when master is null then segids
when segids is null then array[master.segid]
else master.segid || segids end as segids
SELECT ideal.*,
case when actual.segid is null then 'missing' else 'extra' end as exists,
count(*) over (partition by {primary_key}, actual.segid is null) as subcount
SELECT segid, {primary_key}
FROM( SELECT distinct {primary_key} FROM _tmp_master
SELECT distinct {primary_key} FROM gp_dist_random('{catalog}') ) all_pks,
( SELECT distinct content as segid from gp_segment_configuration) all_segs
) ideal
( SELECT segid, {primary_key} FROM _tmp_master
SELECT gp_segment_id as segid, {primary_key} FROM gp_dist_random('{catalog}') {catalog_exclude}
) actual USING (segid, {primary_key})
) missing_extra
WHERE subcount <= ({max_content}+2)/2.0
GROUP BY {oidcasted_pk}, exists;
SELECT {primary_key}, array_agg(gp_segment_id order by gp_segment_id) as segids
FROM gp_dist_random('{catalog}') {catalog_exclude} GROUP BY {primary_key}
) as seg
SELECT gp_segment_id as segid, {primary_key} FROM {catalog} {catalog_exclude}
) as master
USING ({primary_key})
WHERE master.segid is null
OR segids is null
OR NOT segids @> (select array_agg(content::int4) from gp_segment_configuration WHERE content >= 0)
......@@ -4003,10 +3997,10 @@ def getResourceTypeOid(oid):
def processMissingDuplicateEntryResult(catname, colname, allValues, type):
# type = {"missing" | "duplicate"}
colname: proname | pronamespace | proargtypes | exists | segids
allValues: add | 2200 | 23 23 | extra | {2,3}
scube | 2200 | 1700 | missing | {2}
scube_accum | 2200 | 1700 1700 | missing | {2}
colname: proname | pronamespace | proargtypes | segids
allValues: add | 2200 | 23 23 | {2,3}
scube | 2200 | 1700 | {-1,0,1,3}
scube_accum | 2200 | 1700 1700 | {-1,0,1,3}
colname: oid | total | segids
allValues: 18853 | 2 | {-1,1}
......@@ -4048,8 +4042,28 @@ def processMissingDuplicateEntryResult(catname, colname, allValues, type):
gpObj = getGPObject(oid, rowObjName)
if type == "missing":
issue = CatMissingIssue(catname, pkeys, segids, row[-2])
# In how many segments (counting master as segment -1) was the
# entry present?
# If it was present in half or more, then report the ones that
# it was *not* present as 'missing'. If it was presenet in half
# or less, then report the ones that it was present as 'extra'
# Note that if it was present in exactly half of the segments,
# we will report it as both missing and extra.
ids = [int(i) for i in segids[1:-1].split(',')]
if len(ids) <= (GV.max_content + 2) / 2:
issue = CatMissingIssue(catname, pkeys, ids, 'extra')
if len(ids) >= (GV.max_content + 2) / 2:
allids = [int(i) for i in range(-1, GV.max_content+1)]
diffids = set(allids) - set(ids)
issue = CatMissingIssue(catname, pkeys, diffids, 'missing')
assert (type == "duplicate")
issue = CatDuplicateIssue(catname, pkeys, segids, row[-2])
......@@ -4286,12 +4300,11 @@ class CatMissingIssue:
def report(self):
ids = [int(i) for i in self.segids[1:-1].split(',')]
idstr = ''
if len(ids) == len(GV.report_cfg):
if len(self.segids) == len(GV.report_cfg):
idstr = 'all segments'
for i in ids:
for i in self.segids:
idstr += '%s (%s:%d) ' % \
(GV.report_cfg[i]['segname'], GV.report_cfg[i]['hostname'],
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