提交 226d202d 编写于 作者: A Amil Khanzada 提交者: Ben Christel

Add a README for the GPDB dev workflow with native Docker (#3588)

This guide is based on the centos-gpdb-dev docker images that Concourse uses, thus there are less things we need to add on top.
Signed-off-by: NAmil Khanzada <akhanzada@pivotal.io>
上级 599d6045
# Setting up a Docker Development Environment
This guide shows how to use native Docker for Mac to compile GPDB5 with your Mac’s folders mounted into a CentOS container. Although compiling GPDB5 on Mac is supported, Linux is required for some GPDB5 features like resource groups.
These instructions should be applicable to any Docker host OS. We have seen it work on Mac OS X El Capitan and Ubuntu.
## Installing Docker for Mac OS X
Follow instructions below and select Docker for Mac for native support. You must have OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite or newer.
After installing, in Docker preferences, you may want to increase the CPUs/memory allocated to Docker.
## Pull and Run the Docker Image
Note that the -v switch is used to mount the OS X’s gpdb folder into the container. The privileged and seccomp flags are used to allow gdb to work in Docker.
docker run -t -v ~/workspace/gpdb:/home/gpadmin/gpdb_src --privileged --security-opt seccomp:unconfined -i pivotaldata/centos-gpdb-dev:7 bash
## Set up Container Dependencies and the gpadmin User
***The following steps run inside the container***
pip install psutil lockfile
# Set up gpadmin user and SSH
cd /home/gpadmin
echo "export PS1='\n\w\n$ '" >> /home/gpadmin/.bashrc
echo "/usr/sbin/sshd" >> /root/.bashrc
## Set up rsync (optional)
Compiling and running GPDB from the mounted OSX `gpdb_src` folder is quite slow and sometimes buggy due to the constant handshake between OSX and the Docker container. To get around this issue, we can use rsync to sync the files from `~/gpdb_src` to a local `~/gpdb` folder.
rsync -avz --exclude=.git --exclude=gpAux/client/ --exclude=gpAux/docs/ /home/gpadmin/gpdb_src/ /home/gpadmin/gpdb/
To make the resync a little faster after the initial sync, you can specify to sync only the `gpdb_src/src` directory if you only make modifications to that particular directory.
Another helpful trick is to make it so that running make in the `gpdb_src/` folder will run the rsync command either by using an alias for make as below or modifying the gpdb Makefile.
alias make="rsync [...] ; /bin/make -j8"
## Configure cgroups for GPDB (optional)
Follow the instructions in the “Prerequisites” section from below:
## Configure the GPDB Build Environment
Run the `./configure` command as described in [README.md](README.md).
NOTE: make sure that the gpdb folder on the Mac is clean, so that no object files get mounted into Docker! This can be done with `make distclean` or `git clean -xdff` (the latter will delete *all* untracked files, so be careful).
su - gpadmin
cd gpdb_src
./configure --with-perl --with-python --with-libxml --disable-orca --prefix=/home/gpadmin/gpdb_install
## Commit the Container (optional)
Exit the docker container and run the below from the host machine:
docker ps -a
#copy the container name and rename to gpdb (any name is okay)
docker rename <container name> gpdb
#this will save base image if you ever mess up later on
docker commit gpdb gpdb-image:base
docker start gpdb
docker attach gpdb
## Creating Multiple Login Sessions to the Container
Note that you can run `docker exec -i -t [container name] /bin/bash` to create additional login shells where `[container name]` can be found with `docker ps`.
## Compile and Install GPDB
su - gpadmin
cd ~/gpdb_src
make -j8
make -j8 install
## Starting a gpdemo Cluster
Follow the below steps. If you are unable to psql in, try increasing your CPU and memory settings for docker to the max or disabling mirror segments in gpdemo's `clusterConfigFile`.
su - gpadmin
rm -rf /tmp/.s* #kill leftover lock files in case docker shutdown ungracefully
cd ~/gpdb_src/gpAux/gpdemo
source ~/gpdb_install/greenplum_path.sh
make cluster
source gpdemo-env.sh
psql postgres
### Running Regression Tests
Note that the installcheck-world make target has at least 43 out of 401 failures, some of which are non-deterministic.
su - gpadmin
cd ~/gpdb_src
make installcheck-world
......@@ -182,7 +182,11 @@ See [more information about gpperfmon here](gpAux/gpperfmon/README.md)
gpperfmon is dependent on several libraries like apr, apu, and libsigar
## Development with Docker
## Development with Native Docker Client
See [README.docker.md](README.docker.md).
## Development with Docker Machine
We provide a docker image with all dependencies required to compile and test
GPDB. You can view the dependency dockerfile at `./src/tools/docker/base/Dockerfile`.
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