提交 20d31fd6 编写于 作者: B Bruce Momjian

Completely remove /contrib/retep, with Peter's approval; now on Source

上级 9c7cd8ba
Fri Mar 02 16:08:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
- Started importing in the rest of the retep tools.
Tue Jan 23 10:19:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
- Finished the XML Export classes
- First of the test data suite now in CVS.
Retep Tools Implementation
The tools are designed to be put into a single jar file, but each one is
executable either individually or part of one single application.
To run the big application, you can either:
java -jar retepTools.jar
or with the retepTools.jar in the classpath run:
java uk.org.retep.tools.Main
Windows users: For you you can also double click the retepTools.jar as windows
will automatically run javac for you.
To run the individual tools, you must have the .jar file in your classpath and
then run the relevant Main class.
Tool Type Class
pg_hba.conf Editor/repairer Editor uk.org.retep.util.hba.Main
Properties Editor Editor uk.org.retep.util.proped.Main
Layout of the classes
Simply, tools that work on property files (Java properties, resource files,
configuration settings - pg_hba.conf for example) go under uk.org.retep.util in
their own package. Other utility classes (like PropertyIO) go in to the
uk.org.retep.util.misc package except for certain ones where they are related.
ie: TableModels. In swing you have JTable which uses a TableModel to display
(and possibly update) some data. These go under uk.org.retep.util.models where
you will find PropertiesTableModel for example. This one allows a Properties
object to be displayed & updated.
Come core classes like Logger, ExceptionDialog etc go into the main
uk.org.retep.util package.
Directory/Package Contents
uk.org.retep Home of the tools.properties file
uk.org.retep.tools The main all-in-one application
uk.org.retep.dtu The Data Transform Unit
uk.org.retep.util Core utility classes
uk.org.retep.util.hba pg_hba.conf editor/repairer
uk.org.retep.util.misc Misc utility classes
uk.org.retep.util.models Swing table models
uk.org.retep.util.proped Property Editor
uk.org.retep.util.xml.core Basic XML Factory
uk.org.retep.util.xml.jdbc JDBC/XML interface
uk.org.retep.util.xml.parser Simple SAX parser
Structure of a tool
Each tool has at least 2 base classes, and an entry in the tools.properties
file. For this example, I'll show you the Properties Editor:
Base package uk.org.retep.util.proped
Main tool class uk.org.retep.util.proped.PropertyEditor
Standalone class uk.org.retep.util.proped.Main
The main tool class is the entry point used by the main application. Because
they are used in a GUI, this class must extend javax.swing.JComponent and
implement the uk.org.retep.tools.Tool interface. (NB: You will find I always
use JPanel, but JComponent is used here so that any swing class can be used
you are not limited to JPanel.)
The standalone class is a basic static class that implements the main method.
It should extend the uk.org.retep.misc.StandaloneApp class and be written along
the lines of the following example:
import uk.org.retep.util.StandaloneApp;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class Main extends StandaloneApp
public Main(String[] args)
throws Exception
public JComponent init()
throws Exception
// Your initialisation here. In this case the PropertyEditor
PropertyEditor panel = new PropertyEditor();
// do stuff here, ie load a file if supplied
// return the tool
return panel;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
Main main = new Main(args);
you will find a template in the uk.org.retep.util.Main class. Simply copy this
classes source, as it gives you the basic stub. Just add your own implementation
if init() like the one above. Look at the full Main class for the
PropertiesEditor to see how to get at the command line args.
By convention, the standalone class is named Main.
# Makefile for contributed retep tools
# Copyright (c) 2001, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
# $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/retep/Attic/Makefile,v 1.1 2001/07/06 23:07:20 petere Exp $
subdir = contrib/retep
top_builddir = ../..
include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
$(ANT) -buildfile $(srcdir)/build.xml all
install: installdirs
$(ANT) -buildfile $(srcdir)/build.xml install \
$(mkinstalldirs) $(javadir)
$(ANT) -buildfile $(srcdir)/build.xml uninstall \
clean distclean maintainer-clean:
$(ANT) -buildfile $(srcdir)/build.xml clean
Before you ask what retepTools are, they are my personal suite of utilities.
About 90% of them are JDBC related (either they use JDBC, or I use them in
developing the JDBC driver).
Now, because of various reasons I won't go into now, in January 2001 I decided
to release the entire lot to the public. I could have used something like
SourceForge, but as they are mainly JDBC related I thought here is the best
Now all (bar retepPDF, see end-note) will over the next few months be going
into the /contrib/retep directory. They range from simple XML Inport/Export
classes to entire sub-systems that can be plugged into applications.
All this lot were never released, so I'm placing them under PostgreSQL's
Please refer to Implementation for details of what package does what.
It all requires Java2SE (JDK1.2) as a minimum. I do have some plans for some
EJB tools later, so those will need Java2EE, but not yet ;-)
Peter Mount
March 2 2001
retepPDF: This is not included for two reasons:
1: It's big and not really related in any way to PostgreSQL
2: More importantly, I (may be foolishly) released it some 3 years ago under
the LGPL. As a few people have added to it, it's not really possible to
change the licence, and I don't want to polute PostgreSQL's source tree ;-)
retepGraph: This was an old graphics library. It's been obsolete for 3 years
now, so it's not going in.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
build file to build the donated retep tools packages
$Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/contrib/retep/Attic/build.xml,v 1.8 2001/07/06 23:07:20 petere Exp $
<!DOCTYPE project [
<!ENTITY jarname "retepTools.jar">
<project name="retep" default="all" basedir=".">
<!-- set global properties for this build -->
<property name="srcdir" value="." />
<property name="builddir" value="build" />
<property name="package" value="uk/org/retep" />
<property name="jardir" value="jars" />
<!-- Some checks used to build dependent on the environment -->
<target name="checks">
<available property="jdk1.2+" classname="java.lang.ThreadLocal" />
<available property="jdk1.3+" classname="java.lang.StrictMath" />
<available property="jdk1.2e+" classname="javax.sql.DataSource" />
<available property="xml" classname="org.xml.sax.Parser" />
<target name="warning" depends="checks" unless="jdk1.2+">
*** WARNING: Contributed retep tools need jdk1.2 or later.
*** Compilation NOT done
<!-- default target -->
<target name="all">
<antcall target="jar" />
<!-- Builds the various jar files -->
<target name="jar" depends="compile">
<jar jarfile="${jardir}/&jarname;" whenempty="fail">
<fileset dir="${builddir}">
<include name="**/*.class" />
<fileset dir="${srcdir}">
<include name="**/*.properties" />
<!-- Builds the XML Tools -->
<target name="compile" depends="checks,prepare,warning" if="jdk1.2+">
<javac srcdir="${srcdir}" destdir="${builddir}">
<include name="${package}/**" />
<exclude name="${package}/**" unless="jdk1.2+" />
<!-- Prepares the build by creating a directory to place the class files -->
<target name="prepare">
<mkdir dir="${builddir}" />
<mkdir dir="${jardir}" />
<target name="install" depends="all" if="install.directory">
<copy todir="${install.directory}" overwrite="true" filtering="off">
<fileset dir="${jardir}">
<include name="&jarname;" />
<target name="uninstall" if="install.directory">
<fileset dir="${install.directory}">
<include name="&jarname;" />
<!-- This target removes any class files from the build directory -->
<target name="clean">
<delete quiet="true" dir="${builddir}" />
<delete quiet="true" dir="${jardir}" />
<!ELEMENT album (track*)+>
<!ATTLIST album
<!ELEMENT catalogue (group)>
<!ELEMENT group (album*)>
<!ATTLIST group
<!ELEMENT track (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST track
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--JBuilder XML Project-->
<property category="idl" name="ProcessIDL" value="false" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="RunnableType" value="com.borland.jbuilder.runtime.ApplicationRunner" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="application.class" value="uk.org.retep.util.hba.Main" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="application.parameters" value="-d2 pg_hba.conf" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="appserver.ejbJarsSaved" value="1" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="appserver.parameters" value="-jts -jns -jss -jdb" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="appserver.servername" value="ejbcontainer" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="appserver.vmparameters" value="" />
<property category="runtime.0" name="jsprunner.docbase" value="." />
<property category="runtime.0" name="jsprunner.jspfile" value="E%|/docs/java/xml/example6" />
<property category="sys" name="AuthorLabel" value="@author" />
<property category="sys" name="BackupPath" value="bak" />
<property category="sys" name="BeansInstantiate" value="false" />
<property category="sys" name="BraceStyle" value="1" />
<property category="sys" name="CheckStable" value="1" />
<property category="sys" name="Company" value="" />
<property category="sys" name="CompanyLabel" value="Company:" />
<property category="sys" name="Copyright" value="Copyright (c) 2001" />
<property category="sys" name="CopyrightLabel" value="Copyright:" />
<property category="sys" name="DefaultPackage" value="uk.org.retep.util.misc" />
<property category="sys" name="Description" value="" />
<property category="sys" name="DescriptionLabel" value="Description:" />
<property category="sys" name="DocPath" value="doc" />
<property category="sys" name="EventMatch" value="false" />
<property category="sys" name="EventStyle" value="1" />
<property category="sys" name="ExcludeClassEnabled" value="0" />
<property category="sys" name="InstanceVisibility" value="0" />
<property category="sys" name="JDK" value="java 1.3.0-C" />
<property category="sys" name="LastTag" value="0" />
<property category="sys" name="Libraries" value="JAXP;Oracle JDBC;JDK1.3 JRE" />
<property category="sys" name="MakeStable" value="0" />
<property category="sys" name="OutPath" value="build" />
<property category="sys" name="SourcePath" value="." />
<property category="sys" name="Title" value="" />
<property category="sys" name="TitleLabel" value="Title:" />
<property category="sys" name="Version" value="1.0" />
<property category="sys" name="VersionLabel" value="@version" />
<property category="sys" name="WorkingDirectory" value="." />
<node type="Package" name="uk.org.retep.dtu" />
<node type="Package" name="uk.org.retep.tools" />
<node type="Package" name="uk.org.retep.util" />
<node type="Package" name="uk.org.retep.xml.core" />
<node type="Package" name="uk.org.retep.xml.jdbc" />
<node type="Package" name="uk.org.retep.xml.parser" />
<file path="build.xml" />
<file path="CHANGELOG" />
<file path="Implementation" />
<file path="uk/org/retep/util/models/PropertiesTableModel.java" />
<file path="README" />
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactory;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactoryException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class DCollection implements Collection
protected int num,max,inc;
protected DElement elements[];
public DCollection()
public DCollection(int aIncrement)
protected void resize()
if(num>=max) {
DElement n[] = new DElement[max];
if(elements!=null) {
public int size()
return num;
public boolean isEmpty()
return (num==0);
* Checks the list using it's XML id.
public synchronized boolean contains(Object parm1)
if(parm1 instanceof DElement) {
DElement e = (DElement) parm1;
int ei = e.getID();
// out of range?
if(ei<0 || ei>=num)
return false;
return elements[ei].equals(e);
return false;
public Iterator iterator()
return new iterator(this);
* Inner class to implement an Iterator
protected class iterator implements Iterator
protected DCollection c;
protected int i;
public iterator(DCollection aCollection)
public boolean hasNext()
return i<c.size();
public Object next() {
return c.getElement(i++);
public void remove() {
public synchronized Object[] toArray()
Object o[] = new Object[num];
return o;
public Object[] toArray(Object[] parm1)
/**@todo: Implement this java.util.Collection method*/
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method toArray() not yet implemented.");
* Adds a node to the Collection, and sets it's ID to its position in the Collection
public synchronized boolean add(Object parm1)
if(parm1 instanceof DElement) {
DElement e = (DElement) parm1;
// Do nothing if it's already in a Collection
if(e.getID()>-1) {
return false;
// Add to the Collection
elements[num++] = e;
return true;
return false;
public synchronized boolean remove(Object parm1)
if(parm1 instanceof DElement) {
DElement e = (DElement) parm1;
int ei = e.getID();
if(ei<0 || ei>=num)
return false;
// Mark the node as parentless
// Now remove from the array by moving latter nodes, fixing their ids
// in the process
for(int j=ei,k=ei+1;k<num;j++,k++) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean containsAll(Collection parm1)
/**@todo: Implement this java.util.Collection method*/
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method containsAll() not yet implemented.");
public boolean addAll(Collection parm1)
/**@todo: Implement this java.util.Collection method*/
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method addAll() not yet implemented.");
public boolean removeAll(Collection parm1)
/**@todo: Implement this java.util.Collection method*/
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method removeAll() not yet implemented.");
public boolean retainAll(Collection parm1)
/**@todo: Implement this java.util.Collection method*/
throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException("Method retainAll() not yet implemented.");
public synchronized void clear()
// Mark each node as parentless
for(int i=0;i<num;i++) {
// dispose the array
* Returns the element with supplied id.
* @return element or null
public synchronized DElement getElement(int id)
if(id<0 || id>=num)
return null;
return elements[id];
* Repairs the collection, ensuring all id's are correct
public synchronized void repair()
for(int i=0;i<num;i++) {
public synchronized void saveXML(XMLFactory aFactory)
throws IOException, XMLFactoryException
for(int i=0;i<num;i++) {
\ No newline at end of file
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
public class DConstants
* A global version number
public static final String XML_VERSION_ID = "V7.1-2001-02-26";
* XML Tag names
public static final String XML_DISPLAYNAME= "DISPLAYNAME";
public static final String XML_FROM = "FROM";
public static final String XML_ID = "ID";
public static final String XML_MODULE = "MODULE";
public static final String XML_NODE = "NODE";
public static final String XML_TO = "TO";
public static final String XML_TRANSFORM = "TRANSFORM";
public static final String XML_TYPE = "TYPE";
public static final String XML_VERSION = "VERSION";
public static final String XML_X = "X";
public static final String XML_Y = "Y";
public static final int NOP = 0; // No operation or always run transform
public static final int SUCCESS = 1; // Run transform only if DNode.OK
public static final int ERROR = 2; // Run transform only if DNode.ERROR
* Node types 20-39 reserved for Transformation types
public static final int TRANSFORMBASE = 20;
* Node types 20-99 reserved for Internal Node implementations
public static final int INTERNALBASE = 50;
* Node types 100+ are for user extensions
public static final int USERBASE = 100;
\ No newline at end of file
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactory;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactoryException;
import java.io.IOException;
public interface DElement
* Fetch the unique ID of this Element
public int getID();
* Sets the unique id - normally set by DCollection
public void setID(int id);
* @return the type of the Element
public int getType();
* Set's the element type
public void setType(int aType);
public void saveXML(XMLFactory aFactory) throws IOException, XMLFactoryException;
\ No newline at end of file
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class DEnvironment
protected HashMap dsrc;
public DEnvironment()
dsrc=new HashMap();
public void addDataSource(String aKey,Object aObject)
public Object getDataSource(String aKey)
return dsrc.get(aKey);
public Iterator getDataSources()
return dsrc.values().iterator();
\ No newline at end of file
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactory;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactoryException;
import uk.org.retep.xml.parser.TagListener;
import uk.org.retep.util.Logger;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* DModule represents a programatic module of steps used within the DTU
public class DModule implements Serializable
// The nodes and transitions between them
protected DCollection nodes;
protected String displayName;
public static final String DEFAULT_DISPLAYNAME = "unnamed module";
public DModule()
nodes=new DCollection();
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"new DModule",this);
// Expensive!
public DNode getNode(int id)
return (DNode) nodes.getElement(id);
public DNode addNode(DNode aNode)
return aNode;
public void removeNode(DNode aNode)
public void clear()
public void setDisplayName(String aName)
displayName = aName;
public String getDisplayName()
return displayName;
public Iterator iterator()
return nodes.iterator();
* Writes an XML representation of this module to an XMLFactory. The caller
* must close the factory after use!
public synchronized void saveXML(XMLFactory aFactory)
throws IOException, XMLFactoryException
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DModule.saveXML start",this);
Iterator it;
// The nodes
// The transforms
aFactory.endTag(); // MODULE
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DModule.saveXML end",this);
\ No newline at end of file
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactory;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactoryException;
import uk.org.retep.xml.parser.TagHandler;
import uk.org.retep.xml.parser.TagListener;
import uk.org.retep.util.Logger;
import java.io.CharArrayWriter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Parser;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
public class DModuleXML implements TagListener
protected TagHandler handler;
protected DModule module = null;
protected DNode node = null;
protected DTransform trans = null;
protected ArrayList txmap;
public DModuleXML()
handler = new TagHandler();
txmap = new ArrayList();
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DModuleXML initialised");
public TagHandler getTagHandler()
return handler;
* Used to optimise the switch handling in tagStart.
* The values of each T_* constant must match the corresponding element no
* in the tags static array.
private static final int T_DEFAULT=-1;
private static final int T_MODULE =0;
private static final int T_NODE =1;
private static final int T_TRANS =2;
private static final String tags[] = {
* This is called when a tag has just been started.
* <p><b>NB:</b> args is volatile, so if you use it beyond the lifetime of
* this call, then you must make a copy of the HashMap (and not use simply
* store this HashMap).
* @param level The number of tags above this
* @param tag The tag name
* @param args A HashMap of any arguments
public void tagStart(int level,String tag,HashMap args)
// Prefetch some common attributes
String sType = (String) args.get(DConstants.XML_TYPE);
String sX = (String) args.get(DConstants.XML_X);
String sY = (String) args.get(DConstants.XML_Y);
int type=-1,x=-1,y=-1;
if(sType!=null) {
type = Integer.parseInt(sType);
if(sX!=null) {
y = Integer.parseInt(sX);
if(sY!=null) {
x = Integer.parseInt(sY);
// Match the tag against the tags array (used for switch() )
int tagID=T_DEFAULT;
for(int i=0;i<tags.length;i++) {
if(tag.equals(tags[i])) {
// The main module tag
case T_MODULE:
module = new DModule();
String sDisplayName = (String) args.get(DConstants.XML_DISPLAYNAME);
if(sDisplayName!=null) {
// Basic nodes
case T_NODE:
node = new DNode();
// Basic transforms
case T_TRANS:
trans = new DTransform();
// When finished we fix the transforms
int to = Integer.parseInt((String) args.get(DConstants.XML_TO));
txmap.add(new tx(node,trans,to));
// ignore unknown tags for now
protected class tx
public DNode node;
public DTransform transform;
public int toID;
public tx(DNode aNode,DTransform aTransform,int aID)
* This method is called by ContHandler to process a tag once it has been
* fully processed.
* <p><b>NB:</b> content is volatile, so you must copy its contents if you use
* it beyond the lifetime of this call.
* @param content CharArrayWriter containing the content of the tag.
public void tagContent(CharArrayWriter content)
// Ignore
public void fixTransforms()
DNode to;
Iterator it = txmap.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
tx x = (tx) it.next();
//Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Fixing transform "+x.toID,x.transform,Integer.toString(x.node.getID()),Integer.toString(module.getNode(x.toID).getID()));
to = module.getNode(x.toID);
* Parse an InputSource and return the contained module.
* @return DModule loaded, null if the xml file does not contain a module.
public DModule parse(InputSource is)
throws IOException,SAXException
return module;
* Parse an uri and return the contained module.
* @return DModule loaded, null if the xml file does not contain a module.
public DModule parse(String uri)
throws IOException,SAXException
return module;
* Debug test - read xml from one file and save to another.
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
if(args.length!=2) {
System.err.println("Syntax: java DModuleXML in-file out-file");
Logger.log(Logger.INFO,"DModuleXML Read test1.xml");
DModuleXML dm = new DModuleXML();
DModule module = dm.parse(new InputSource(new FileInputStream(args[0])));
Logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Parse complete");
Logger.log(Logger.INFO,"DModuleXML Write XML");
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(args[1]);
module.saveXML(new XMLFactory(fw));
Logger.log(Logger.INFO,"Write complete");
\ No newline at end of file
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.util.Logger;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactory;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactoryException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This is the base class for all nodes.
public class DNode implements DElement, Serializable
// The id of this node
protected int id;
// The type of this node
protected int type;
protected int x,y;
public static final int OK = 0; // Node last ran fine
public static final int ERROR = 1; // Node failed on last run
* This type of node does nothing
public static int NOP = 0; // No action
public DNode()
public DNode(int aType)
// Init the transform linkage
fn = new DTransform[mf];
tn = new DTransform[mt];
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"new DNode");
public int getID()
return id;
public void setID(int aID)
public int getType()
return type;
public void setType(int aType)
public void saveXML(XMLFactory aFactory)
throws IOException, XMLFactoryException
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DNode.saveXML start",this);
Iterator it;
aFactory.addAttribute(DConstants.XML_ID,new Integer(getID()));
aFactory.addAttribute(DConstants.XML_TYPE,new Integer(getType()));
// used for display only
aFactory.addAttribute(DConstants.XML_X,new Integer(getX()));
aFactory.addAttribute(DConstants.XML_Y,new Integer(getY()));
// Save the transforms here (only the from list required)
for(int i=0;i<nf;i++) {
aFactory.endTag(); // NODE
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DNode.saveXML finish",this);
public void setPosition(int aX,int aY)
public int getX()
return x;
public int getY()
return y;
public void setX(int aX)
public void setY(int aY)
* This must be overidden to do something
* @return Return status
public int run(DEnvironment env)
return OK;
* Node Transforms...
protected int nf,mf,nt,mt;
protected DTransform fn[],tn[];
* Executes the transform
public DTransform getTransform(int aID)
return tn[aID];
* @return number of transforms
public int getFromTransforms()
return nf;
* @return number of transforms
public int getToTransforms()
return nt;
* Adds a transform to this node (called by DTransform)
protected synchronized void setFrom(DTransform aTransform)
for(int i=0;i<nf;i++) {
if(fn[i].equals(aTransform)) {
if(nf>=mf) {
DTransform nn[] = new DTransform[mf];
* Adds a transform to this node (called by DTransform)
protected synchronized void setTo(DTransform aTransform)
for(int i=0;i<nt;i++) {
if(tn[i].equals(aTransform)) {
if(nt>=mt) {
DTransform nn[] = new DTransform[mt];
* Removes a transform (called by DTransform)
protected synchronized void removeFrom(DTransform aTransform)
for(int i=0;i<nf;i++) {
if(tn[i].equals(aTransform)) {
for(int j=i+1;j<nf;j++,i++) {
* Removes a transform (called by DTransform)
protected synchronized void removeTo(DTransform aTransform)
for(int i=0;i<nt;i++) {
if(tn[i].equals(aTransform)) {
for(int j=i+1;j<nt;j++,i++) {
package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.util.Logger;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This class processes a Module. It's implemented as a Thread and there can
* be many threads running on a single module
public class DProcessor
* This starts a module
public static DProcessor run(DModule aModule) {
// 3600000 is 1 hour in milliseconds
return run(aModule,3600000);
* This starts a module
public static DProcessor run(DModule aModule,long timeout) {
return new DProcessor(aModule,timeout);
protected DProcessor(DModule aModule,long timeout) {
ThreadGroup group = new ThreadGroup(aModule.getDisplayName()+" DProcessor");
// Setup the environment
DEnvironment env = new DEnvironment();
// loop for any nodes without a transform pointing _to_ it.
Iterator it = aModule.iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
DNode node = (DNode) it.next();
// Only start if we have no predecessor
if(node.getFromTransforms()==0) {
proc proc = new proc(group,aModule,node,env);
// Now wait until all the threads have finished
boolean running=true;
try {
int cnt=1; // must loop at least once!
while(cnt>0) {
int numThreads = group.activeCount();
Thread threads[] = new Thread[numThreads];
cnt = group.enumerate(threads,false);
//Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Waiting on threads",cnt);
while(cnt>0) {
//Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"Waiting on thread",cnt);
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"All threads appear to have died, retesting");
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {
Logger.log(Logger.ERROR,"DProcessor, exception caught while waiting for threads to die",ie);
// finally close any open datasources
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DProcessor cleanup");
Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"DProcessor finished");
class proc implements Runnable
protected DModule module; // The module being run
protected DNode pc; // current Program Counter
protected DEnvironment env; // Shared environment
// Used when launching new threads only
protected DTransform trans; // If not null, a transform to run first
protected int status;
protected Thread thread;
* Start processing from DNode aNode. This is called by DProcessor at
* initialisation only.
protected proc(ThreadGroup aGroup,DModule aModule,DNode aNode,DEnvironment aEnv)
// aGroup will be null when forking...
if(aGroup==null) {
thread = new Thread(this);
} else {
thread = new Thread(aGroup,this);
module = aModule;
pc = aNode;
env = aEnv;
* Start processing the DTransform aTransform from aNode (does not execute
* the node). This is called by this inner class itself when forking new
* threads.
protected proc(DModule aModule,DNode aNode,DEnvironment aEnv,DTransform aTransform,int aStatus)
trans = aTransform;
status = aStatus;
* Start this thread
public void start()
public void run()
// Handle an initial transform first. It's used when a new Thread was created.
if(trans!=null) {
while(pc!=null) {
//Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG,"running node ",pc.getID());
// Process the node
int status = pc.run(env);
//Logger.log(Logger.DEBUG," status ",status);
// Now the transforms. This thread continues with the first one that runs,
// but any others that will also run will do so in their own thread.
// If no transform runs (or there are none), then the thread will die.
int numTrans = pc.getToTransforms();
boolean fork=false;
for(int i=0;i<numTrans;i++) {
fork = transform(pc.getTransform(i),fork,status);
if(!fork) {
// No transforms ran, so we quit this thread
// This lets the other threads a chance to run
* This executes a transform
* @param aTransform DTransform to execute
* @param fork true then a new process is triggered
* @param status The return status of the previous node
* @return true if the transform ran or a fork occured.
public boolean transform(DTransform aTransform,boolean fork,int status)
// Check to see if the transform will run (based on the calling nodes return
// status
if(!aTransform.willRun(status,env)) {
return false;
if(fork) {
// Create the new processor but this time we want a transform to run
proc proc = new proc(module,pc,env,aTransform,status);
return true;
if(aTransform.run(env)) {
return true;
return false;
} // class proc
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package uk.org.retep.dtu;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactory;
import uk.org.retep.xml.core.XMLFactoryException;
import java.io.IOException;
* This manages the links between two nodes.
public class DTransform
protected DNode from,to;
protected int type;
public DTransform()
public DTransform(DNode aFrom,DNode aTo)
public int getType()
return type;
public void setType(int aType)
public void setFrom(DNode aNode)
if(from!=null) {
public DNode getFrom()
return from;
public void setTo(DNode aNode)
if(to!=null) {
public DNode getTo()
return to;
* This ensures the minimum tag/attributes are generated.
* To extend, extend saveCustomXML() which is called by this method
* appropriately.
public final void saveXML(XMLFactory aFactory)
throws IOException, XMLFactoryException
// Bare minimum is the tag type, and the destination node's id
* Custom transformations must overide this method and write direct to the
* supplied XMLFactory. A tag is currently open when the method is called, but
* is closed immediately this method exits.
public void saveCustomXML(XMLFactory aFactory)
throws IOException, XMLFactoryException
// Default method does nothing...
* Checks to see if we should run based on the calling nodes status. Overide
* this to add this sort of checking.
* @param status The return status of the calling node
* @param env DEnvironment we are using
* @return true if we will run.
public boolean willRun(int status,DEnvironment env)
// NOP is the generic link - always run
case DConstants.NOP:
return true;
// SUCCESS only runs if the previous node was OK
case DConstants.SUCCESS:
return status==DNode.OK;
case DConstants.ERROR:
return status==DNode.ERROR;
// Default - always run. Overide the method if you need to change this
return true;
* Overide this for a transform to do something.
* @param env DEnvironment we are using
* @return true if we actually ran. DProcessor will jump to the getTo() node if so.
public boolean run(DEnvironment env)
return true;
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#Written by Retep PropertyEditor
#Sat Mar 03 16:29:44 GMT+00:00 2001
tool.hba=pg_hba.conf editor
tool.proped=Properties Editor
package uk.org.retep.tools;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
* Tools can implement this interface to provide the parent manager (the big
* application or the StandaloneApp class) enough details to display them.
* If a tool does not implement this class, it gets basic treatment.
* @author
* @version 1.0
public interface Tool
* @return the JMenuBar for this tool, null if none.
public JMenuBar getMenuBar();
* @return the title string to go into the JFrame/JInternalFrame's title bar.
public String getTitle();
* Called by StandaloneApp to indicate this is within a StandaloneApp.
* You should assume you are not in standalone mode until this is called.
public void setStandaloneMode(boolean aMode);
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package uk.org.retep.util;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* Display an Exception to the user
* @author
* @version 1.0
public class ExceptionDialog extends JDialog
// This is used to store the parent frame.
// Classes like StandaloneApp set's this so that the
// displayException() method can work without knowing/finding out
// the parent Frame/JFrame.
private static Frame globalFrame;
private static ExceptionDialog globalDialog;
JPanel panel1 = new JPanel();
BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout();
JTextArea message = new JTextArea();
JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel();
JButton jButton1 = new JButton();
GridLayout gridLayout1 = new GridLayout();
JButton jButton2 = new JButton();
JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel();
public ExceptionDialog(Frame frame, String title, boolean modal)
super(frame, title, modal);
catch(Exception ex)
public ExceptionDialog()
this(null, "", false);
void jbInit() throws Exception
jButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
jButton2.setText("Stack Trace");
panel1.add(message, BorderLayout.CENTER);
this.getContentPane().add(jPanel1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
jPanel1.add(jButton2, null);
jPanel1.add(jLabel1, null);
jPanel1.add(jButton1, null);
* Sets the Frame used to display all dialog boxes.
public static void setFrame(Frame aFrame)
globalFrame = aFrame;
* Displays a dialog based on the exception
* @param ex Exception that was thrown
public static void displayException(Exception ex)
* Displays a dialog based on the exception
* @param ex Exception that was thrown
public static void displayException(Exception ex,String msg)
String cname = ex.getClass().getName();
int i=cname.lastIndexOf(".");
public static void displayException(String title,Exception ex)
public static void displayException(String title,Exception ex,String msg)
// Default to a stack trace if no frame set
if(globalFrame==null) {
if(globalDialog==null) {
globalDialog=new ExceptionDialog(globalFrame,title,true);
if(msg!=null) {
void jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
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package uk.org.retep.util;
import uk.org.retep.util.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
* This is a Singleton that stores global properties, command line arguments
* etc.
* All tools are guranteed that this will exist.
* @author
* @version 1.0
public class Globals
private static final Globals SINGLETON = new Globals();
private Hashtable global= new Hashtable();
private Properties props = new Properties();
private ArrayList args = new ArrayList();
private Globals()
public static Globals getInstance()
* Retrieves an object from the global pool
* @param aKey key of the object
* @return The object, null if not found
public Object get(Object aKey)
return global.get(aKey);
* Stores an object into the global pool
* @param aKey key of the object
* @param aObj the object to store
* @return aObj
public Object put(Object aKey,Object aObj)
return global.put(aKey,aObj);
* Returns a Properties object of all properties
public Properties getProperties()
return props;
* @param aProp a property supplied to the command line
* @return property or NULL if not present
public String getProperty(String aProp)
return props.getProperty(aProp);
* @param aProp a property supplied to the command line
* @param aDefault default to return if property was not supplied
* @return property value
public String getProperty(String aProp,String aDefault)
return props.getProperty(aProp,aDefault);
* @param aID ID of the argument, 0 ... getArgumentCount()-1
* @return argument
public String getArgument(int aID)
return (String) args.get(aID);
* Returns an array of String objects representing the arguments
public String[] getArguments()
return (String[]) args.toArray();
* Returns an Iterator of the arguments
public Iterator getArgumentIterator()
return args.iterator();
* @return number of arguments
public int getArgumentCount()
return args.size();
* Parses the command line arguments
public void parseArguments(String[] aArgs)
throws Exception
for(int i=0;i<aArgs.length;i++) {
String arg = aArgs[i];
if(arg.startsWith("--") || arg.startsWith("-")) {
if(arg.length()>1) {
// Split the option at the first '=' char if any
int s = arg.startsWith("--") ? 2 : 1 ; // -- or -
int e = arg.indexOf("=");
String key,val;
if(e>s) {
// Format: -key=value
} else if(e>-1 && e<=s) {
// Can't have a property without a key!
throw new Exception("Invalid option -=");
} else {
val=""; // can't be null
if(key.equals("d")) {
// -d | --d is reserved to set the Logger level
int level=0;
if(!val.equals("")) {
} else {
// Add all other properties into the Properties object
} else {
// Just a - on its own?
System.out.println("Unknown option: -");
} else {
// Add the argument to the array
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package uk.org.retep.util;
import java.io.CharArrayWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
public class Logger
protected static int level;
protected static PrintWriter logger;
public static final int NONE = -1;
public static final int INFO = 0;
public static final int ERROR = 1;
public static final int DEBUG = 2;
public static final int ALL = 3;
static {
level = NONE;
logger = null;
private static final String levels[] = {
"INFO :",
"ALL :"
public static void setLevel(int aLevel)
// Incase we have not yet set a logger
if(logger==null) {
logger = new PrintWriter(System.out);
if(aLevel<NONE) {
} else if(aLevel>ALL) {
if(level>NONE) {
log(INFO,"Log level changed to",level,levels[level]);
public static void setLogger(PrintWriter pw)
if(logger!=null) {
try {
} catch(Exception ex) {
log(ERROR,"Exception while closing logger",ex);
public static void log(String msg)
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg)
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,int arg1)
Object o[] = {new Integer(arg1)};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,int arg1,Object arg2)
Object o[] = {new Integer(arg1),arg2};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,double arg1)
Object o[] = {new Double(arg1)};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,double arg1,Object arg2)
Object o[] = {new Double(arg1),arg2};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,Object arg1)
Object o[] = {arg1};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,Object arg1,Object arg2)
Object o[] = {arg1,arg2};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,Object arg1,Object arg2,Object arg3)
Object o[] = {arg1,arg2,arg3};
public static void log(int aLevel,String msg,Throwable t)
CharArrayWriter buffer = new CharArrayWriter();
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(buffer);
Object o[] = {buffer.toString()};
private static void write(int aLevel,String aMsg,Object args[])
// Can't be above ALL
if(aLevel>ALL) {
// Ignore if below or equal to NONE
if(aLevel<INFO || aLevel>level) {
if(args!=null) {
for(int a=0;a<args.length;a++) {
package uk.org.retep.util;
import uk.org.retep.util.StandaloneApp;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
* This is a template for your own Tools. Copy not extend this class. Please
* refer to Implementation for details.
* All you need to to is implement the init() method.
* $Id: Main.java,v 1.1 2001/03/05 09:15:36 peter Exp $
public class Main extends StandaloneApp
public Main(String[] args)
throws Exception
public JComponent init()
throws Exception
// Create your tool here, then do things like load files based on the
// command line arguments. Then return that tool.
// NB: This just allows us to compile. You're implementation must return
// the Tool itself.
return new JLabel("Replace with your own tool!");
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
Main main = new Main(args);
package uk.org.retep.util;
import uk.org.retep.tools.Tool;
import uk.org.retep.util.Globals;
import uk.org.retep.util.ExceptionDialog;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* This provides the basic services needed for enabling some of the tools to
* run in a Stand-alone fassion.
* Note: Because it's designed for standalone use, if this window is closed,
* the JVM is terminated. Do not use for normal application use.
* $Id: StandaloneApp.java,v 1.2 2001/03/05 10:18:48 peter Exp $
* @author
* @version 1.0
public abstract class StandaloneApp extends JFrame
public StandaloneApp(String[] aArgs)
throws Exception
super(); // Initialise JFrame
// Allow dialogs to work with us
// Add a window listener
this.addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
// Parse the command line arguments
// Now initialise this tool (init is overidden)
JComponent tool = null;
try {
tool = init();
} catch(Exception ex) {
// Now add to this frame
this.getContentPane().add(tool, BorderLayout.CENTER);
// Finally call the Tool interface
if(tool instanceof Tool) {
Tool t = (Tool) tool;
// Notify the tool we are a standalone
// Fetch the title
// and a MenuBar (if needed)
JMenuBar mb = t.getMenuBar();
if(mb!=null) {
} else {
// Ok, set a default title string
setTitle("RetepTools Standalone");
* You must overide this method with your initialiser.
public abstract JComponent init() throws Exception;
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package uk.org.retep.util.hba;
import uk.org.retep.util.ExceptionDialog;
import uk.org.retep.util.Globals;
import uk.org.retep.util.Logger;
import uk.org.retep.util.StandaloneApp;
import java.io.IOException;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
* Standalone entry point for the Properties editor
* $Id: Main.java,v 1.1 2001/03/05 09:15:37 peter Exp $
public class Main extends StandaloneApp
public Main(String[] args)
throws Exception
public JComponent init()
throws Exception
Globals globals = Globals.getInstance();
Editor editor = new Editor();
if(globals.getArgumentCount()>0) {
return editor;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
Main main = new Main(args);
package uk.org.retep.xml.core;
* Title:
* Description:
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
* Company:
* @author
* @version 1.0
public class XMLFactoryException extends Exception
public XMLFactoryException(String s)
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