• M
    docs: gpbackup/gprestore S3 plugin (#4881) · b960d981
    Mel Kiyama 提交于
    * docs: gpbackup/gprestore S3 plugin
    -add gpbackup/gprestore --plugin-config option
    -add S3 plugin information
    -other minor fixes: add index as object, support table data and metadata for --jobs > 1
    PR for 5X_STABLE
    Will be ported to MAIN
    * docs: review updates for gpbackup/gprestore S3 plugin
    -moved S3 links to Notes section
    -changed name from S3 plugin to S3 storage plugin
    -removed draft comments
    * docs: gpbackup s3 plugin change binary plugin name to gpbackup_s3_plugin
    * docs: s3 plugin - fix typo
backup-s3-plugin.xml 8.8 KB