• D
    Docs: Edit pxf filter pushdown docs (#5219) · 052251a7
    David Yozie 提交于
    * fix problematic xrefs
    * Consistency edits for list items
    * edit, relocate filter pushdown section
    * minor edits to guc description
    * remove note about non-support in Hive doc
    * Edits from Lisa's review
    * Adding note about experimental status of HBase connector pushdown
    * Adding note about experimental status of Hive connector pushdown
    * Revert "Adding note about experimental status of Hive connector pushdown"
    This reverts commit 43dfe51526e19983835f7cbd25d540d3c0dec4ba.
    * Revert "Adding note about experimental status of HBase connector pushdown"
    This reverts commit 3b143de058c7403c2bc141c11c61bf227c2abf3a.
    * restoring HBase, Hive pushdown support
    * slight wording change
    * adding xref
g-external-tables.xml 6.8 KB