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<topic id="topic1">
    <title id="bv20941">CREATE PROTOCOL</title>
        <p id="sql_command_desc">Registers a custom data access protocol that can be specified when
            defining a Greenplum Database external table.</p>
        <section id="section2">
            <codeblock id="sql_command_synopsis">CREATE [TRUSTED] PROTOCOL <varname>name</varname> (
   [readfunc='<varname>read_call_handler</varname>'] [, writefunc='<varname>write_call_handler</varname>']
   [, validatorfunc='<varname>validate_handler</varname>' ])</codeblock>
        <section id="section3">
            <p><codeph>CREATE PROTOCOL</codeph> associates a data access protocol name with call
                handlers that are responsible for reading from and writing data to an external data
                source. You must be a superuser to create a protocol.</p>
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            <p>The <codeph>CREATE PROTOCOL</codeph> command must specify either a read call handler
                or a write call handler. The call handlers specified in the <codeph>CREATE
                    PROTOCOL</codeph> command must be defined in the database.</p>
            <p>The protocol name can be specified in a <codeph>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</codeph>
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
                command. </p>
            <p> For information about creating and enabling a custom data access protocol, see
                "Example Custom Data Access Protocol" in the <cite>Greenplum Database Administrator
        <section id="section4">
34 35 36 37
                    <pd>If not specified, only superusers and the protocol owner can create external
                        tables using the protocol. If specified, superusers and the protocol owner
                        can <codeph>GRANT</codeph> permissions on the protocol to other database
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
                    <pd>The name of the data access protocol. The protocol name is case sensitive.
                        The name must be unique among the protocols in the database. </pd>
                    <pt>readfunc= '<varname>read_call_handler</varname>'</pt>
                    <pd>The name of a previously registered function that Greenplum Database calls
                        to read data from an external data source. The command must specify either a
                        read call handler or a write call handler.</pd>
                    <pt>writefunc= '<varname>write_call_handler</varname>'</pt>
                    <pd>The name of a previously registered function that Greenplum Database calls
                        to write data to an external data source. The command must specify either a
                        read call handler or a write call handler.</pd>
                    <pd>An optional validator function that validates the URL specified in the
                            <codeph>CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE</codeph> command.</pd>
        <section id="section5">
            <p>Greenplum Database handles external tables of type <codeph>file</codeph>,
68 69
                    <codeph>gpfdist</codeph>, and <codeph>gpfdists</codeph> internally. 
                    <xref href="../../admin_guide/external/g-s3-protocol.xml#amazon-emr/s3_prereq"/>
71 72 73
                for information about enabling the <codeph>S3</codeph> protocol. Refer to <xref
                    href="../../admin_guide/external/g-pxf-protocol.xml" type="topic"></xref> for
                information about using the <codeph>pxf</codeph> protocol.</p>
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            <p>Any shared library that implements a data access protocol must be located in the same
                location on all Greenplum Database segment hosts. For example, the shared library
                can be in a location specified by the operating system environment variable
                    <codeph>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</codeph> on all hosts. You can also specify the location
                when you define the handler function. For example, when you define the
                    <codeph>s3</codeph> protocol in the <codeph>CREATE PROTOCOL</codeph> command,
                you specify <codeph>$libdir/</codeph> as the location of the shared
                object, where <codeph>$libdir</codeph> is located at
        <section id="section7">
            <p><codeph>CREATE PROTOCOL</codeph> is a Greenplum Database extension. </p>
        <section id="section8">
            <title>See Also</title>
            <p><codeph><xref href="ALTER_PROTOCOL.xml#topic1"/></codeph>, <codeph><xref
                        href="CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE.xml#topic1"/></codeph>, <codeph><xref
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                        href="DROP_PROTOCOL.xml#topic1"/></codeph>, <xref href="GRANT.xml#topic1"
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