combine_cli_coverage.bash 3.3 KB
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#! /bin/bash
# Given a bucket containing data, this script retrieves and combines
# that coverage data, generates an HTML report, and pushes the results back to
# the bucket. A textual report is also printed for convenience when looking at
# the CI.
# This script assumes that the provided bucket has a folder inside it with a
# name corresponding to the current gpdb_src commit SHA.
set -ex

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    exit 1

# Trim any trailing slash from the bucket uri.
read -r COMMIT_SHA < gpdb_src/.git/HEAD

# needs to be able to find the source files that were used during
# the coverage run. The easiest way to do that for the majority of those files
# is to install GPDB in the same place it was installed on the clusters.
source ./gpdb_src/concourse/scripts/common.bash
time install_gpdb

30 31 32 33
# Set PIP Download cache directory
export PIP_CACHE_DIR=${PWD}/pip-cache-dir

pip --retries 10 install -r ./gpdb_src/gpMgmt/requirements-dev.txt
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

# Save the JSON_KEY to a file, for later use by gsutil.
umask 077
cat - <<< "$JSON_KEY" > "$keyfile"
umask "${saved_umask}"

# Generate a Boto configuration file for gsutil.
cat - > boto.cfg <<EOF
https_validate_certificates = True
gs_service_key_file = $(pwd)/$keyfile
export BOTO_CONFIG=$(pwd)/boto.cfg

# Pull down the coverage data for our current commit.
mkdir ./coverage
gsutil -m rsync -r "$BUCKET_URI/$COMMIT_SHA" ./coverage

cd ./coverage/

# Extract the raw coverage files
find . -name '*.tar' -exec tar -xf {} \;

# Installing GPDB gets most of the source we need, but Python sources that were
# inside the Git repo when they executed will be in a different location on this
# machine compared to the test clusters. Here, we use [paths] to tell
# that any source files under /home/*/gpdb_src (for CCP clusters) or
# /tmp/build/*/gpdb_src (for demo clusters) can be found in our local copy of
# gpdb_src.
cat > .coveragerc <<EOF
install =

install_lib =

source =

omit =
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105

# Now combine the individual coverage data files for analysis. There can be
# thousands of coverage files across an entire CI run, so we use a find | xargs
# pipeline to avoid execution limits.
find . -name '*.coverage.*' -print0 | xargs -0 coverage combine --append

# Generate an HTML report and sync it back to the bucket, then print out a quick
# text report for developers perusing the CI directly. The artifacts we push are
# publicly readable, to make it easy to browse the HTML. They're also gzipped to
# save on storage (see the -Z option for `gsutil cp`).
coverage html -d ./html
gsutil -m cp -rZ -a public-read ./html/* "$BUCKET_URI/$COMMIT_SHA/html"
coverage report
echo "View the full coverage report:$BUCKET_PATH/$COMMIT_SHA/html/index.html"