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<topic id="topic1">
  <title id="cd20941">CREATE TABLE</title>
    <p id="sql_command_desc">Defines a new table.</p>
    <note type="note">Referential integrity syntax (foreign key constraints) is accepted but not
    <section id="section2">
      <codeblock id="sql_command_synopsis">CREATE [[GLOBAL | LOCAL] {TEMPORARY | TEMP}] TABLE <varname>table_name</varname> ( 
[ { <varname>column_name</varname> <varname>data_type</varname> [ DEFAULT <varname>default_expr</varname> ] 
   [<varname>column_constraint</varname> [ ... ]
[ ENCODING ( <varname>storage_directive</varname> [,...] ) ]
   | <varname>table_constraint</varname>
   | LIKE <varname>other_table</varname> [{INCLUDING | EXCLUDING} 
                      {DEFAULTS | CONSTRAINTS}] ...}
   [, ... ] ]
   [ INHERITS ( <varname>parent_table</varname> [, ... ] ) ]
   [ WITH ( <varname>storage_parameter</varname>=<varname>value</varname> [, ... ] )
   [ TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname> ]
26 27
   [ DISTRIBUTED BY (<varname>column</varname>, [ ... ] ) | DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY 
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
   [ PARTITION BY <varname>partition_type</varname> (<varname>column</varname>)
       [ SUBPARTITION BY <varname>partition_type</varname> (<varname>column</varname>) ] 
          [ SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE ( <varname>template_spec </varname>) ]
    ( <varname>partition_spec</varname> ) 
        | [ SUBPARTITION BY <varname>partition_type</varname> (<varname>column</varname>) ]
    ( <varname>partition_spec</varname>
      [ ( <varname>subpartition_spec</varname>
         ) ] 
      <p>where <varname>column_constraint</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>   [CONSTRAINT <varname>constraint_name</varname>]
   | UNIQUE [USING INDEX TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname>]
            [WITH ( FILLFACTOR = <varname>value</varname> )]
   | PRIMARY KEY [USING INDEX TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname>] 
                 [WITH ( FILLFACTOR = <varname>value</varname> )]
   | CHECK ( <varname>expression</varname> )
   | REFERENCES table_name [ ( column_name [, ... ] ) ] 
            [ key_match_type ]
            [ key_action ]</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>storage_directive</varname> for a column is:</p>
53 54 55 56 57 58 59
    [COMPRESSLEVEL={0-9} ]
    [BLOCKSIZE={8192-2097152} ]</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>storage_parameter</varname> for the table is:</p>
      <codeblock>   APPENDONLY={TRUE|FALSE}
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
      <p>and <varname>table_constraint</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>   [CONSTRAINT <varname>constraint_name</varname>]
   UNIQUE ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] )
          [USING INDEX TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname>] 
          [WITH ( FILLFACTOR=<varname>value</varname> )] 
   | PRIMARY KEY ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] ) 
                 [USING INDEX TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname>] 
                 [WITH ( FILLFACTOR=<varname>value</varname> )] 
   | CHECK ( <varname>expression</varname> )
   | FOREIGN KEY ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] )
            REFERENCES table_name [ ( column_name [, ... ] ) ]
            [ <varname>key_match_type</varname> ]
            [ <varname>key_action</varname> ]
            [ <varname>key_checking_mode</varname> ]</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>key_match_type</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>    MATCH FULL
  | SIMPLE</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>key_action</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>    ON DELETE 
  | SET DEFAULT</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>key_checking_mode</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>    DEFERRABLE
      <p>where <varname>partition_type</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>    LIST
  | RANGE</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>partition_specification</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock><varname>partition_element</varname> [, ...]</codeblock>
      <p>and <varname>partition_element</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>   DEFAULT PARTITION <varname>name</varname>
  | [PARTITION <varname>name</varname>] VALUES (<varname>list_value</varname> [,...] )
  | [PARTITION <varname>name</varname>] 
     START ([<varname>datatype</varname>] '<varname>start_value</varname>') [INCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE]
     [ END ([<varname>datatype</varname>] '<varname>end_value</varname>') [INCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE] ]
     [ EVERY ([<varname>datatype</varname>] [<varname>number | </varname>INTERVAL] '<varname>interval_value</varname>') ]
  | [PARTITION <varname>name</varname>] 
     END ([<varname>datatype</varname>] '<varname>end_value</varname>') [INCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE]
     [ EVERY ([<varname>datatype</varname>] [<varname>number | </varname>INTERVAL] '<varname>interval_value</varname>') ]
[ WITH ( <varname>partition_storage_parameter</varname>=<varname>value</varname> [, ... ] ) ]
[ TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname> ]</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>subpartition_spec</varname> or <varname>template_spec</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock><varname>subpartition_element</varname> [, ...]</codeblock>
      <p>and <varname>subpartition_element</varname> is:</p>
      <codeblock>   DEFAULT SUBPARTITION <varname>name</varname>
  | [SUBPARTITION <varname>name</varname>] VALUES (<varname>list_value</varname> [,...] )
  | [SUBPARTITION <varname>name</varname>] 
     START ([<varname>datatype</varname>] '<varname>start_value</varname>') [INCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE]
     [ END ([<varname>datatype</varname>] '<varname>end_value</varname>') [INCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE] ]
     [ EVERY ([<varname>datatype</varname>] [<varname>number | </varname>INTERVAL] '<varname>interval_value</varname>') ]
  | [SUBPARTITION <varname>name</varname>] 
     END ([<varname>datatype</varname>] '<varname>end_value</varname>') [INCLUSIVE | EXCLUSIVE]
     [ EVERY ([<varname>datatype</varname>] [<varname>number | </varname>INTERVAL] '<varname>interval_value</varname>') ]
[ WITH ( <varname>partition_storage_parameter</varname>=<varname>value</varname> [, ... ] ) ]
[ TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname> ]</codeblock>
      <p>where <varname>storage_parameter</varname> for a partition is:</p>
      <codeblock>   APPENDONLY={TRUE|FALSE}
132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
    <section id="section3">
      <p><codeph>CREATE TABLE</codeph> creates an initially empty table in the current database. The
        user who issues the command owns the table.</p>
      <p>If you specify a schema name, Greenplum creates the table in the specified schema.
        Otherwise Greenplum creates the table in the current schema. Temporary tables exist in a
        special schema, so you cannot specify a schema name when creating a temporary table. Table
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        names must be distinct from the name of any other table, external table, sequence, index,
        view, or foreign table in the same schema.</p>
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
      <p>The optional constraint clauses specify conditions that new or updated rows must satisfy
        for an insert or update operation to succeed. A constraint is an SQL object that helps
        define the set of valid values in the table in various ways. Constraints apply to tables,
        not to partitions. You cannot add a constraint to a partition or subpartition.</p>
      <p>Referential integrity constraints (foreign keys) are accepted but not enforced. The
        information is kept in the system catalogs but is otherwise ignored.</p>
      <p>There are two ways to define constraints: table constraints and column constraints. A
        column constraint is defined as part of a column definition. A table constraint definition
        is not tied to a particular column, and it can encompass more than one column. Every column
        constraint can also be written as a table constraint; a column constraint is only a
        notational convenience for use when the constraint only affects one column. </p>
      <p>When creating a table, there is an additional clause to declare the Greenplum Database
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        distribution policy. If a <codeph>DISTRIBUTED BY</codeph>, <codeph>DISTRIBUTED
          RANDOMLY</codeph>, or <codeph>DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED</codeph> clause is not supplied, then
        Greenplum Database assigns a hash distribution policy to the table using either the
          <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph> (if the table has one) or the first column of the table as
        the distribution key. Columns of geometric or user-defined data types are not eligible as
        Greenplum distribution key columns. If a table does not have a column of an eligible data
        type, the rows are distributed based on a round-robin or random distribution. To ensure an
        even distribution of data in your Greenplum Database system, you want to choose a
        distribution key that is unique for each record, or if that is not possible, then choose
          <codeph>DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY</codeph>. </p>
      <p>If the <codeph>DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED</codeph> clause is supplied, Greenplum Database
        distributes all rows of the table to all segments in the Greenplum Database system. This
        option can be used in cases where user-defined functions must execute on the segments, and
        the functions require access to all rows of the table. Replicated functions can also be used
        to improve query performance by preventing broadcast motions for the table. The
          <codeph>DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED</codeph> clause cannot be used with the <codeph>PARTITION
          BY</codeph> clause or the <codeph>INHERITS</codeph> clause. A replicated table also cannot
        be inherited by another table.</p>
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
      <p>The <codeph>PARTITION BY</codeph> clause allows you to divide the table into multiple
        sub-tables (or parts) that, taken together, make up the parent table and share its schema.
        Though the sub-tables exist as independent tables, the Greenplum Database restricts their
        use in important ways. Internally, partitioning is implemented as a special form of
        inheritance. Each child table partition is created with a distinct <codeph>CHECK</codeph>
        constraint which limits the data the table can contain, based on some defining criteria. The
          <codeph>CHECK</codeph> constraints are also used by the query optimizer to determine which
        table partitions to scan in order to satisfy a given query predicate. These partition
        constraints are managed automatically by the Greenplum Database.</p>
    <section id="section4">
          <pt>GLOBAL | LOCAL</pt>
          <pd>These keywords are present for SQL standard compatibility, but have no effect in
            Greenplum Database. </pd>
          <pt>TEMPORARY | TEMP</pt>
          <pd>If specified, the table is created as a temporary table. Temporary tables are
            automatically dropped at the end of a session, or optionally at the end of the current
            transaction (see <codeph>ON COMMIT</codeph>). Existing permanent tables with the same
            name are not visible to the current session while the temporary table exists, unless
            they are referenced with schema-qualified names. Any indexes created on a temporary
            table are automatically temporary as well.</pd>
          <pd>The name (optionally schema-qualified) of the table to be created. </pd>
          <pd>The name of a column to be created in the new table. </pd>
          <pd>The data type of the column. This may include array specifiers.</pd>
218 219
          <pd>For table columns that contain textual data, Specify the data type
              <codeph>VARCHAR</codeph> or <codeph>TEXT</codeph>. Specifying the data type
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261
              <codeph>CHAR</codeph> is not recommended. In Greenplum Database, the data types
              <codeph>VARCHAR</codeph> or <codeph>TEXT</codeph> handles padding added to the data
            (space characters added after the last non-space character) as significant characters,
            the data type <codeph>CHAR</codeph> does not. See <xref href="#topic1/section5"
          <pt>DEFAULT <varname>default_expr</varname></pt>
          <pd>The <codeph>DEFAULT</codeph> clause assigns a default data value for the column whose
            column definition it appears within. The value is any variable-free expression
            (subqueries and cross-references to other columns in the current table are not allowed).
            The data type of the default expression must match the data type of the column. The
            default expression will be used in any insert operation that does not specify a value
            for the column. If there is no default for a column, then the default is null. </pd>
          <pt> ENCODING ( <varname>storage_directive</varname> [, ...] ) </pt>
          <pd>For a column, the optional <codeph>ENCODING</codeph> clause specifies the type of
            compression and block size for the column data. See <xref href="#topic1/with_storage"
              format="dita">storage_options</xref> for <codeph>COMPRESSTYPE</codeph>,
              <codeph>COMPRESSLEVEL</codeph>, and <codeph>BLOCKSIZE</codeph> values.</pd>
          <pd>The clause is valid only for append-optimized, column-oriented tables.</pd>
          <pd>Column compression settings are inherited from the table level to the partition level
            to the subpartition level. The lowest-level settings have priority.</pd>
          <pd>The optional <codeph>INHERITS</codeph> clause specifies a list of tables from which
            the new table automatically inherits all columns. Use of <codeph>INHERITS</codeph>
            creates a persistent relationship between the new child table and its parent table(s).
            Schema modifications to the parent(s) normally propagate to children as well, and by
            default the data of the child table is included in scans of the parent(s). </pd>
          <pd>In Greenplum Database, the <codeph>INHERITS</codeph> clause is not used when creating
            partitioned tables. Although the concept of inheritance is used in partition
            hierarchies, the inheritance structure of a partitioned table is created using the
                <codeph><xref href="#topic1/part_by" format="dita">PARTITION BY</xref></codeph>
            clause. </pd>
          <pd>If the same column name exists in more than one parent table, an error is reported
            unless the data types of the columns match in each of the parent tables. If there is no
            conflict, then the duplicate columns are merged to form a single column in the new
            table. If the column name list of the new table contains a column name that is also
            inherited, the data type must likewise match the inherited column(s), and the column
262 263 264 265 266
            definitions are merged into one. If the new table explicitly specifies a default value
            for the column, this default overrides any defaults from inherited declarations of the
            column. Otherwise, any parents that specify default values for the column must all
            specify the same default, or an error will be reported. </pd>
          <pd><codeph>CHECK</codeph> constraints are merged in essentially the same way as columns:
Daniel Gustafsson 已提交
            if multiple parent tables or the new table definition contain identically-named
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              <codeph>constraints</codeph>, these constraints must all have the same check
            expression, or an error will be reported. Constraints having the same name and
            expression will be merged into one copy. Notice that an unnamed <codeph>CHECK</codeph>
            constraint in the new table will never be merged, since a unique name will always be
            chosen for it.</pd>
273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337
          <pt>LIKE <varname>other_table</varname> [{INCLUDING | EXCLUDING} {DEFAULTS |
          <pd>The <codeph>LIKE</codeph> clause specifies a table from which the new table
            automatically copies all column names, data types, not-null constraints, and
            distribution policy. Storage properties like append-optimized or partition structure are
            not copied. Unlike <codeph>INHERITS</codeph>, the new table and original table are
            completely decoupled after creation is complete.</pd>
          <pd>Default expressions for the copied column definitions will only be copied if
              <codeph>INCLUDING DEFAULTS</codeph> is specified. The default behavior is to exclude
            default expressions, resulting in the copied columns in the new table having null
            defaults. </pd>
          <pd>Not-null constraints are always copied to the new table. <codeph>CHECK</codeph>
            constraints will only be copied if <codeph>INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS</codeph> is specified;
            other types of constraints will <varname>never</varname> be copied. Also, no distinction
            is made between column constraints and table constraints — when constraints are
            requested, all check constraints are copied. </pd>
          <pd>Note also that unlike <codeph>INHERITS</codeph>, copied columns and constraints are
            not merged with similarly named columns and constraints. If the same name is specified
            explicitly or in another <codeph>LIKE</codeph> clause an error is signalled. </pd>
          <pt>CONSTRAINT <varname>constraint_name</varname></pt>
          <pd>An optional name for a column or table constraint. If the constraint is violated, the
            constraint name is present in error messages, so constraint names like <varname>column
              must be positive</varname> can be used to communicate helpful constraint information
            to client applications. (Double-quotes are needed to specify constraint names that
            contain spaces.) If a constraint name is not specified, the system generates a
              name.<note type="note">The specified <varname>constraint_name</varname> is used for
              the constraint, but a system-generated unique name is used for the index name. In some
              prior releases, the provided name was used for both the constraint name and the index
              name. </note></pd>
          <pt>NULL | NOT NULL </pt>
          <pd>Specifies if the column is or is not allowed to contain null values.
              <codeph>NULL</codeph> is the default.</pd>
          <pt>UNIQUE ( <varname>column constraint</varname> )</pt>
          <pt>UNIQUE ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] ) ( <varname>table
              constraint</varname> )</pt>
          <pd>The <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph> constraint specifies that a group of one or more columns
            of a table may contain only unique values. The behavior of the unique table constraint
            is the same as that for column constraints, with the additional capability to span
            multiple columns. For the purpose of a unique constraint, null values are not considered
            equal. The column(s) that are unique must contain all the columns of the Greenplum
            distribution key. In addition, the <codeph>&lt;key&gt;</codeph> must contain all the
            columns in the partition key if the table is partitioned. Note that a
              <codeph>&lt;key&gt;</codeph> constraint in a partitioned table is not the same as a
            simple <codeph>UNIQUE INDEX</codeph>.</pd>
          <pd>For information about unique constraint management and limitations, see <xref
              href="#topic1/section5" format="dita"/>.</pd>
          <pt>PRIMARY KEY ( <varname>column constraint</varname> )</pt>
          <pt>PRIMARY KEY ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] ) ( <varname>table
              constraint</varname> )</pt>
          <pd>The primary key constraint specifies that a column or columns of a table may contain
            only unique (non-duplicate), non-null values. Technically, <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph>
            is merely a combination of <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph> and <codeph>NOT NULL</codeph>, but
            identifying a set of columns as primary key also provides metadata about the design of
            the schema, as a primary key implies that other tables may rely on this set of columns
            as a unique identifier for rows. For a table to have a primary key, it must be hash
338 339
            distributed (not randomly distributed), and the primary key, the column(s) that are
            unique, must contain all the columns of the Greenplum distribution key. In addition, the
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400
              <codeph>&lt;key&gt;</codeph> must contain all the columns in the partition key if the
            table is partitioned. Note that a <codeph>&lt;key&gt;</codeph> constraint in a
            partitioned table is not the same as a simple <codeph>UNIQUE INDEX</codeph>.</pd>
          <pd>For information about primary key management and limitations, see <xref
              href="#topic1/section5" format="dita"/>.</pd>
          <pt>CHECK ( <varname>expression</varname> )</pt>
          <pd>The <codeph>CHECK</codeph> clause specifies an expression producing a Boolean result
            which new or updated rows must satisfy for an insert or update operation to succeed.
            Expressions evaluating to <codeph>TRUE</codeph> or <codeph>UNKNOWN</codeph> succeed.
            Should any row of an insert or update operation produce a <codeph>FALSE</codeph> result
            an error exception is raised and the insert or update does not alter the database. A
            check constraint specified as a column constraint should reference that column's value
            only, while an expression appearing in a table constraint may reference multiple
            columns. <codeph>CHECK</codeph> expressions cannot contain subqueries nor refer to
            variables other than columns of the current row.</pd>
          <pt>REFERENCES <varname>table_name</varname> [ ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] )
          <pt>[<varname> key_match_type </varname>] [ <varname>key_action</varname> ]</pt>
          <pt>FOREIGN KEY ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ... ] )</pt>
          <pt>   REFERENCES <varname>table_name</varname> [ ( <varname>column_name</varname> [, ...
            ] )</pt>
          <pt> [<varname> key_match_type </varname>] [ <varname>key_action</varname> [
              <varname>key_checking_mode</varname> ]</pt>
          <pd>The <codeph>REFERENCES</codeph> and <codeph>FOREIGN KEY</codeph> clauses specify
            referential integrity constraints (foreign key constraints). Greenplum accepts
            referential integrity constraints as specified in PostgreSQL syntax but does not enforce
            them. See the PostgreSQL documentation for information about referential integrity
        <plentry id="with_storage">
          <pt>WITH ( <varname>storage_option=value</varname> )</pt>
          <pd>The <codeph>WITH</codeph> clause can be used to set storage options for the table or
            its indexes. Note that you can also set storage parameters on a particular partition or
            subpartition by declaring the <codeph>WITH</codeph> clause in the partition
            specification. The lowest-level settings have priority.</pd>
          <pd>The defaults for some of the table storage options can be specified with the server
            configuration parameter <codeph>gp_default_storage_options</codeph>. For information
            about setting default storage options, see <xref href="#topic1/section5" format="dita"
            />. </pd>
          <pd>The following storage options are available:</pd>
          <pd><b>APPENDONLY</b> — Set to <codeph>TRUE</codeph> to create the table as an
            append-optimized table. If <codeph>FALSE</codeph> or not declared, the table will be
            created as a regular heap-storage table.</pd>
          <pd><b>BLOCKSIZE</b> — Set to the size, in bytes for each block in a table. The
              <codeph>BLOCKSIZE</codeph> must be between 8192 and 2097152 bytes, and be a multiple
            of 8192. The default is 32768.</pd>
          <pd><b>ORIENTATION</b> — Set to <codeph>column</codeph> for column-oriented storage, or
              <codeph>row</codeph> (the default) for row-oriented storage. This option is only valid
            if <codeph>APPENDONLY=TRUE</codeph>. Heap-storage tables can only be row-oriented.</pd>
          <pd><b>CHECKSUM</b> — This option is valid only for append-optimized tables
              (<codeph>APPENDONLY=TRUE</codeph>). The value <codeph>TRUE</codeph> is the default and
            enables CRC checksum validation for append-optimized tables. The checksum is calculated
            during block creation and is stored on disk. Checksum validation is performed during
            block reads. If the checksum calculated during the read does not match the stored
            checksum, the transaction is aborted. If you set the value to <codeph>FALSE</codeph> to
            disable checksum validation, checking the table data for on-disk corruption will not be
          <pd><b>COMPRESSTYPE</b> — Set to <codeph>ZLIB</codeph> (the default), <codeph>ZSTD</codeph>,
              <codeph>RLE_TYPE</codeph>, or <codeph>QUICKLZ</codeph><sup>1</sup> to specify the type
403 404 405 406
              of compression used. The value <codeph>NONE</codeph> disables compression. Zstd provides
	      for both speed or a good compression ratio, tunable with the <codeph>COMPRESSLEVEL</codeph> option.
	      QuickLZ and zlib are provided for backwards-compatibility. Zstd outperforms these
              compression types on usual workloads. The <codeph>COMPRESSTYPE</codeph> option
Lisa Owen 已提交
407 408 409 410 411
            is only valid if <codeph>APPENDONLY=TRUE</codeph>.<p>
              <note type="note"><sup>1</sup>QuickLZ compression is available only in the commercial
                release of Pivotal Greenplum Database.</note>
            </p><p>The value <codeph>RLE_TYPE</codeph> is supported only if
                <codeph>ORIENTATION</codeph> =<codeph>column</codeph> is specified, Greenplum
412 413 414 415 416
              Database uses the run-length encoding (RLE) compression algorithm. RLE compresses data
              better than the zlib or QuickLZ compression algorithm when the same data value occurs
              in many consecutive rows.</p><p>For columns of type <codeph>BIGINT</codeph>,
                <codeph>INTEGER</codeph>, <codeph>DATE</codeph>, <codeph>TIME</codeph>, or
                <codeph>TIMESTAMP</codeph>, delta compression is also applied if the
                <codeph>COMPRESSTYPE</codeph> option is set to <codeph>RLE_TYPE</codeph>
418 419 420 421 422
              compression. The delta compression algorithm is based on the delta between column
              values in consecutive rows and is designed to improve compression when data is loaded
              in sorted order or the compression is applied to column data that is in sorted
              order.</p><p>For information about using table compression, see "Choosing the Table
              Storage Model" in the <cite>Greenplum Database Administrator Guide</cite>.</p></pd>
              <pd><b>COMPRESSLEVEL</b> — For Zstd compression of append-optimized tables, set to an
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	      integer value from 1 (fastest compression) to 19 (highest compression ratio).
	      For zlib compression, the valid range is from 1 to 9. QuickLZ
            compression level can only be set to 1. If not declared, the default is 1. For
              <codeph>RLE_TYPE</codeph>, the compression level can be set an integer value from 1
            (fastest compression) to 4 (highest compression ratio). </pd>
          <pd>The <codeph>COMPRESSLEVEL</codeph> option is valid only if <codeph>APPENDONLY=TRUE</codeph>.</pd>
430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468
          <pd><b>FILLFACTOR</b> — See <codeph><xref href="CREATE_INDEX.xml#topic1" type="topic"
                format="dita"/></codeph> for more information about this index storage parameter. </pd>
          <pd><b>OIDS</b> — Set to <codeph>OIDS=FALSE</codeph> (the default) so that rows do not
            have object identifiers assigned to them. Greenplum strongly recommends that you do not
            enable OIDS when creating a table. On large tables, such as those in a typical Greenplum
            Database system, using OIDs for table rows can cause wrap-around of the 32-bit OID
            counter. Once the counter wraps around, OIDs can no longer be assumed to be unique,
            which not only makes them useless to user applications, but can also cause problems in
            the Greenplum Database system catalog tables. In addition, excluding OIDs from a table
            reduces the space required to store the table on disk by 4 bytes per row, slightly
            improving performance. OIDS are not allowed on partitioned tables or append-optimized
            column-oriented tables.</pd>
          <pt>ON COMMIT</pt>
          <pd>The behavior of temporary tables at the end of a transaction block can be controlled
            using <codeph>ON COMMIT</codeph>. The three options are: </pd>
          <pd><b>PRESERVE ROWS</b> - No special action is taken at the ends of transactions for
            temporary tables. This is the default behavior. </pd>
          <pd><b>DELETE ROWS</b> - All rows in the temporary table will be deleted at the end of
            each transaction block. Essentially, an automatic <codeph>TRUNCATE</codeph> is done at
            each commit. </pd>
          <pd><b>DROP</b> - The temporary table will be dropped at the end of the current
            transaction block. </pd>
          <pt>TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname></pt>
          <pd>The name of the tablespace in which the new table is to be created. If not specified,
            the database's default tablespace is used.</pd>
          <pt>USING INDEX TABLESPACE <varname>tablespace</varname></pt>
          <pd>This clause allows selection of the tablespace in which the index associated with a
              <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph> or <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph> constraint will be created. If
            not specified, the database's default tablespace is used. </pd>
          <pt>DISTRIBUTED BY (<varname>column</varname>, [ ... ] )</pt>
          <pt>DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY</pt>
          <pd>Used to declare the Greenplum Database distribution policy for the table.
              <codeph>DISTRIBUTED BY</codeph> uses hash distribution with one or more columns
472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479
            declared as the distribution key. For the most even data distribution, the distribution
            key should be the primary key of the table or a unique column (or set of columns). If
            that is not possible, then you may choose <codeph>DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY</codeph>, which
            will send the data round-robin to the segment instances. </pd>
          <pd>The Greenplum Database server configuration parameter
              <codeph>gp_create_table_random_default_distribution</codeph> controls the default
            table distribution policy if the <cmdname>DISTRIBUTED BY</cmdname> clause is not
            specified when you create a table. Greenplum Database follows these rules to create a
            table if a distribution policy is not specified. <p>If the value of the parameter is
                <codeph>off</codeph> (the default), Greenplum Database chooses the table
482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493
              distribution key based on the command:<ul id="ul_rjb_gty_qfb">
                <li>If a <codeph>LIKE</codeph> or <codeph>INHERITS</codeph> clause is specified,
                  then Greenplum copies the distribution key from the source or parent table.</li>
                <li>If a <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph> or <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph> constraints are
                  specified, then Greenplum chooses the largest subset of all the key columns as the
                  distribution key.</li>
                <li>If neither constraints nor a <codeph>LIKE</codeph> or <codeph>INHERITS</codeph>
                  clause is specified, then Greenplum chooses the first suitable column as the
                  distribution key. (Columns with geometric or user-defined data types are not
                  eligible as Greenplum distribution key columns.)</li>
              </ul></p><p>If the value of the parameter is set to <codeph>on</codeph>, Greenplum
              Database follows these rules:<ul id="ul_tbr_5kq_kq">
494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503
                <li>If <cmdname>PRIMARY KEY</cmdname> or <cmdname>UNIQUE</cmdname> columns are not
                  specified, the distribution of the table is random (<cmdname>DISTRIBUTED
                    RANDOMLY</cmdname>). Table distribution is random even if the table creation
                  command contains the <cmdname>LIKE</cmdname> or <cmdname>INHERITS</cmdname>
                  clause. </li>
                <li>If <cmdname>PRIMARY KEY</cmdname> or <cmdname>UNIQUE</cmdname> columns are
                  specified, a <cmdname>DISTRIBUTED BY</cmdname> clause must also be specified. If a
                    <cmdname>DISTRIBUTED BY</cmdname> clause is not specified as part of the table
                  creation command, the command fails.</li>
504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511
          <pd>For more information about setting the default table distribution policy, see <xref
              type="section" format="dita"
                ><codeph>gp_create_table_random_default_distribution</codeph></xref>. </pd>
          <pd>The <codeph>DISTRIBUTED REPLICATED</codeph> clause replicates the entire table to all
            Greenplum Database segment instances. It can be used when it is necessary to execute
            user-defined functions on segments when the functions require access to all rows in the
            table, or to improve query performance by preventing broadcast motions. </pd>
512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557
        <plentry id="part_by">
          <pt>PARTITION BY</pt>
          <pd>Declares one or more columns by which to partition the table.</pd>
          <pd>When creating a partitioned table, Greenplum Database creates the root partitioned
            table (the root partition) with the specified table name. Greenplum Database also
            creates a hierarchy of tables, child tables, that are the subpartitions based on the
            partitioning options that you specify. The Greenplum Database <i>pg_partition</i>*
            system views contain information about the subpartition tables.</pd>
          <pd>For each partition level (each hierarchy level of tables), a partitioned table can
            have a maximum of 32,767 partitions. </pd>
            <note> Greenplum Database stores partitioned table data in the leaf child tables, the
              lowest-level tables in the hierarchy of child tables for use by the partitioned
                <pd>Declares partition type: <codeph>LIST</codeph> (list of values) or
                    <codeph>RANGE</codeph> (a numeric or date range). </pd>
                <pd>Declares the individual partitions to create. Each partition can be defined
                  individually or, for range partitions, you can use the <codeph>EVERY</codeph>
                  clause (with a <codeph>START</codeph> and optional <codeph>END</codeph> clause) to
                  define an increment pattern to use to create the individual partitions.</pd>
                <pd><b><codeph>DEFAULT PARTITION <varname>name</varname></codeph></b> — Declares a
                  default partition. When data does not match to an existing partition, it is
                  inserted into the default partition. Partition designs that do not have a default
                  partition will reject incoming rows that do not match to an existing
                <pd><b><codeph>PARTITION <varname>name</varname></codeph></b> — Declares a name to
                  use for the partition. Partitions are created using the following naming
                <pd><b><codeph>VALUES</codeph></b> — For list partitions, defines the value(s) that
                  the partition will contain.</pd>
                <pd><b><codeph>START</codeph></b> — For range partitions, defines the starting range
                  value for the partition. By default, start values are <codeph>INCLUSIVE</codeph>.
                  For example, if you declared a start date of '<codeph>2016-01-01</codeph>', then
                  the partition would contain all dates greater than or equal to
                    '<codeph>2016-01-01</codeph>'. Typically the data type of the
561 562 563 564
                    <codeph>START</codeph> expression is the same type as the partition key column.
                  If that is not the case, then you must explicitly cast to the intended data type. </pd>
                <pd><b><codeph>END</codeph></b> — For range partitions, defines the ending range
                  value for the partition. By default, end values are <codeph>EXCLUSIVE</codeph>.
                  For example, if you declared an end date of '<codeph>2016-02-01</codeph>', then
                  the partition would contain all dates less than but not equal to
                    '<codeph>2016-02-01</codeph>'. Typically the data type of the
568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604
                    <codeph>END</codeph> expression is the same type as the partition key column. If
                  that is not the case, then you must explicitly cast to the intended data
                <pd><b><codeph>EVERY</codeph></b> — For range partitions, defines how to increment
                  the values from <codeph>START</codeph> to <codeph>END</codeph> to create
                  individual partitions. Typically the data type of the <codeph>EVERY</codeph>
                  expression is the same type as the partition key column. If that is not the case,
                  then you must explicitly cast to the intended data type.</pd>
                  </b>— Sets the table storage options for a partition. For example, you may want
                  older partitions to be append-optimized tables and newer partitions to be regular
                  heap tables.</pd>
                <pd><b><codeph>TABLESPACE</codeph></b> — The name of the tablespace in which the
                  partition is to be created. </pd>
          <pt>SUBPARTITION BY</pt>
          <pd>Declares one or more columns by which to subpartition the first-level partitions of
            the table. The format of the subpartition specification is similar to that of a
            partition specification described above. </pd>
          <pt>SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE</pt>
          <pd>Instead of declaring each subpartition definition individually for each partition, you
            can optionally declare a subpartition template to be used to create the subpartitions
            (lower level child tables). This subpartition specification would then apply to all
            parent partitions.</pd>
    <section id="section5">
      <ul id="ul_stf_sl1_tt">
        <li>In Greenplum Database (a Postgres-based system) the data types <codeph>VARCHAR</codeph>
605 606
          or <codeph>TEXT</codeph> handle padding added to the textual data (space characters added
          after the last non-space character) as significant characters; the data type
607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629
            <codeph>CHAR</codeph> does not.<p>In Greenplum Database, values of type
                <codeph>CHAR(<varname>n</varname>)</codeph> are padded with trailing spaces to the
            specified width <varname>n</varname>. The values are stored and displayed with the
            spaces. However, the padding spaces are treated as semantically insignificant. When the
            values are distributed, the trailing spaces are disregarded. The trailing spaces are
            also treated as semantically insignificant when comparing two values of data type
              <codeph>CHAR</codeph>, and the trailing spaces are removed when converting a character
            value to one of the other string types. </p></li>
        <li>Using OIDs in new applications is not recommended: where possible, using a
            <codeph>SERIAL</codeph> or other sequence generator as the table's primary key is
          preferred. However, if your application does make use of OIDs to identify specific rows of
          a table, it is recommended to create a unique constraint on the OID column of that table,
          to ensure that OIDs in the table will indeed uniquely identify rows even after counter
          wrap-around. Avoid assuming that OIDs are unique across tables; if you need a
          database-wide unique identifier, use the combination of table OID and row OID for the
        <li>Greenplum Database has some special conditions for primary key and unique constraints
          with regards to columns that are the <i>distribution key</i> in a Greenplum table. For a
          unique constraint to be enforced in Greenplum Database, the table must be hash-distributed
          (not <codeph>DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY</codeph>), and the constraint columns must be the same
          as (or a superset of) the table's distribution key columns. Also, the distribution key
          must be a left-subset of the constraint columns with the columns in the correct order. For
          example, if the primary key is (a,b,c), the distribution key can be only one of the
630 631 632 633 634 635
          following: (a), (a,b), or (a,b,c).<p>Replicated tables (<codeph>DISTRIBUTED
              REPLICATED</codeph>) can have both <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph> and
              <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph>column constraints.</p><p>A primary key constraint is simply a
            combination of a unique constraint and a not-null constraint.</p><p>Greenplum Database
            automatically creates a <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph> index for each <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph>
            or <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph> constraint to enforce uniqueness. Thus, it is not
636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644
            necessary to create an index explicitly for primary key columns. <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph>
            and <codeph>PRIMARY KEY</codeph> constraints are not allowed on append-optimized tables
            because the <codeph>UNIQUE</codeph> indexes that are created by the constraints are not
            allowed on append-optimized tables.</p><p>Foreign key constraints are not supported in
            Greenplum Database. </p><p>For inherited tables, unique constraints, primary key
            constraints, indexes and table privileges are <i>not</i> inherited in the current
        <li>For append-optimized tables, <codeph>UPDATE</codeph> and <codeph>DELETE</codeph> are not
          allowed in a serializable transaction and will cause the transaction to abort.
645 646
            <codeph>CLUSTER</codeph>, <codeph>DECLARE...FOR UPDATE</codeph>, and triggers are not
          supported with append-optimized tables.</li>
647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675
        <li>To insert data into a partitioned table, you specify the root partitioned table, the
          table created with the <codeph>CREATE TABLE</codeph> command. You also can specify a leaf
          child table of the partitioned table in an <codeph>INSERT</codeph> command. An error is
          returned if the data is not valid for the specified leaf child table. Specifying a child
          table that is not a leaf child table in the <codeph>INSERT</codeph> command is not
          supported. Execution of other DML commands such as <codeph>UPDATE</codeph> and
            <codeph>DELETE</codeph> on any child table of a partitioned table is not supported.
          These commands must be executed on the root partitioned table, the table created with the
            <codeph>CREATE TABLE</codeph> command.</li>
        <li>The default values for these table storage options can be specified with the server
          configuration parameter <codeph>gp_default_storage_option</codeph>.<ul id="ul_hr1_3m1_tt">
676 677 678 679
          </ul><p>The defaults can be set for the system, a database, or a user. For information about
            setting storage options, see the server configuration parameter <codeph><xref
680 681
      <note type="important">The current Greenplum Database legacy optimizer allows list partitions
        with multi-column (composite) partition keys. GPORCA does not support composite keys, so
        using composite partition keys is not recommended.</note>
684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730
    <section id="section6">
      <p>Create a table named <codeph>rank</codeph> in the schema named <codeph>baby</codeph> and
        distribute the data using the columns <codeph>rank</codeph>, <codeph>gender</codeph>, and
      <codeblock>CREATE TABLE baby.rank (id int, rank int, year smallint, 
gender char(1), count int ) DISTRIBUTED BY (rank, gender, 
      <p>Create table films and table distributors (the primary key will be used as the Greenplum
        distribution key by default): </p>
      <codeblock>CREATE TABLE films (
code        char(5) CONSTRAINT firstkey PRIMARY KEY,
title       varchar(40) NOT NULL,
did         integer NOT NULL,
date_prod   date,
kind        varchar(10),
len         interval hour to minute

CREATE TABLE distributors (
did    integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('serial'),
name   varchar(40) NOT NULL CHECK (name &lt;&gt; '')
      <p>Create a gzip-compressed, append-optimized table:</p>
      <codeblock>CREATE TABLE sales (txn_id int, qty int, date date) 
WITH (appendonly=true, compresslevel=5) 
DISTRIBUTED BY (txn_id);</codeblock>
      <p>Create a three level partitioned table using subpartition templates and default partitions
        at each level:</p>
      <codeblock>CREATE TABLE sales (id int, year int, month int, day int, 
region text)

       START (1) END (13) EVERY (1), 
       DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_months )

       SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'),
       SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'),
       SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'),
       DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions)

( START (2008) END (2016) EVERY (1),
732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794
  DEFAULT PARTITION outlying_years);</codeblock>
    <section id="section7">
      <p><codeph>CREATE TABLE</codeph> command conforms to the SQL standard, with the following
        <li id="cd150267"><b>Temporary Tables</b> — In the SQL standard, temporary tables are
          defined just once and automatically exist (starting with empty contents) in every session
          that needs them. Greenplum Database instead requires each session to issue its own
            <codeph>CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE</codeph> command for each temporary table to be used.
          This allows different sessions to use the same temporary table name for different
          purposes, whereas the standard's approach constrains all instances of a given temporary
          table name to have the same table structure. <p>The standard's distinction between global
            and local temporary tables is not in Greenplum Database. Greenplum Database will accept
            the <codeph>GLOBAL</codeph> and <codeph>LOCAL</codeph> keywords in a temporary table
            declaration, but they have no effect. </p><p>If the <codeph>ON COMMIT</codeph> clause is
            omitted, the SQL standard specifies that the default behavior as <codeph>ON COMMIT
              DELETE ROWS</codeph>. However, the default behavior in Greenplum Database is
              <codeph>ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS</codeph>. The <codeph>ON COMMIT DROP</codeph> option
            does not exist in the SQL standard. </p></li>
        <li id="cd150376"><b>Column Check Constraints</b> — The SQL standard says that
            <codeph>CHECK</codeph> column constraints may only refer to the column they apply to;
          only <codeph>CHECK</codeph> table constraints may refer to multiple columns. Greenplum
          Database does not enforce this restriction; it treats column and table check constraints
          alike. </li>
        <li id="cd150386"><b>NULL Constraint</b> — The <codeph>NULL</codeph> constraint is a
          Greenplum Database extension to the SQL standard that is included for compatibility with
          some other database systems (and for symmetry with the <codeph>NOT NULL</codeph>
          constraint). Since it is the default for any column, its presence is not required.</li>
        <li id="cd150401"><b>Inheritance</b> — Multiple inheritance via the
            <codeph>INHERITS</codeph> clause is a Greenplum Database language extension. SQL:1999
          and later define single inheritance using a different syntax and different semantics.
          SQL:1999-style inheritance is not yet supported by Greenplum Database. </li>
        <li id="cd153512"><b>Partitioning</b> — Table partitioning via the <codeph>PARTITION
            BY</codeph> clause is a Greenplum Database language extension. </li>
        <li id="cd150414"><b>Zero-column tables</b> — Greenplum Database allows a table of no
          columns to be created (for example, <codeph>CREATE TABLE foo();</codeph>). This is an
          extension from the SQL standard, which does not allow zero-column tables. Zero-column
          tables are not in themselves very useful, but disallowing them creates odd special cases
          for <codeph>ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN</codeph>, so Greenplum decided to ignore this spec
          restriction. </li>
        <li id="cd150435"><b>WITH clause</b> — The <codeph>WITH</codeph> clause is a Greenplum
          Database extension; neither storage parameters nor OIDs are in the standard. </li>
        <li id="cd150445"><b>Tablespaces</b> — The Greenplum Database concept of tablespaces is not
          part of the SQL standard. The clauses <codeph>TABLESPACE</codeph> and <codeph>USING INDEX
            TABLESPACE</codeph> are extensions. </li>
        <li id="cd150459"><b>Data Distribution</b> — The Greenplum Database concept of a parallel or
          distributed database is not part of the SQL standard. The <codeph>DISTRIBUTED</codeph>
          clauses are extensions.</li>
    <section id="section8">
      <title>See Also</title>
      <p><codeph><xref href="ALTER_TABLE.xml#topic1" type="topic" format="dita">ALTER
          TABLE</xref></codeph>, <codeph><xref href="./DROP_TABLE.xml#topic1" type="topic"
            format="dita">DROP TABLE</xref></codeph>, <codeph><xref
            href="CREATE_EXTERNAL_TABLE.xml#topic1" type="topic" format="dita">CREATE EXTERNAL
            TABLE</xref></codeph>, <codeph><xref href="./CREATE_TABLE_AS.xml#topic1" type="topic"
            format="dita">CREATE TABLE AS</xref></codeph></p>