user.sgml 2.4 KB
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<!-- user.sgml
- Postgres User's Manual.
- Derived from postgres.sgml.
- thomas 1998-02-24
- -->
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<Book Id="user">
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<!-- Title information -->

<Title>PostgreSQL User's Guide</Title>
    <ReleaseInfo>Covering v6.3 for general release</ReleaseInfo>
      <CorpAuthor>The PostgreSQL Development Team</CorpAuthor>
<!-- editor in authorgroup is not supported

    <Date>(last updated 1998-02-23)</Date>

<ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is copyright (C) 1998 by the Postgres Global Development Group.


<TOC> </TOC>
<LOT> </LOT>

Your name here...


 developed originally in the UC Berkeley Computer Science Department,
 pioneered many of the object-relational concepts
 now becoming available in some commercial databases.
It provides SQL92/SQL3 language support,
 transaction integrity, and type extensibility.
 <ProductName>PostgreSQL</ProductName> is a public-domain, open source descendant
 of this original Berkeley code.

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