alter_table_aocs.sql 12.5 KB
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set optimizer_disable_missing_stats_collection = on;
-- This test case covers ALTER functionality for AOCS relations.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260

-- Switching on these gucs may be helpful in the event of failures.
-- set Debug_appendonly_print_storage_headers=true;
-- set Debug_appendonly_print_datumstream=true;

drop schema if exists aocs_addcol cascade;
create schema aocs_addcol;
set search_path=aocs_addcol,public;

create table addcol1 (a int) with (appendonly=true, orientation = column)
   distributed by (a);
-- create three varblocks
insert into addcol1 select i from generate_series(-10,5)i;
insert into addcol1 select i from generate_series(6,15)i;
insert into addcol1 select i from generate_series(21,30)i;
select count(*) from addcol1;

-- basic scenario with small content vablocks in new as well as existing column.
alter table addcol1
   add column b varchar default 'I am in a small content varblock';

-- verification on master catalog
-- TODO: How to run this on segments, through a TINC test?
-- Moreover, gp_toolkit schema is not populated in regression database
-- select segno,column_num,physical_segno,tupcount,modcount,state
--    from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg(aocs_oid('addcol1')) order by segno,column_num;

-- select after alter
select b from addcol1 where a < 8 and a > 2;

-- update and delete post alter should work
update addcol1 set b = 'new value' where a < 10 and a > 0;
select * from addcol1 where a < 8 and a > 3;
delete from addcol1 where a > 25 or a < -5;
select count(*) from addcol1;
-- vacuum creates a new appendonly segment, leaving the original
-- segment active with eof=0.
vacuum addcol1;
-- alter table with one empty and one non-empty appendonly segment.
alter table addcol1 add column c float default 1.2;
select * from addcol1 where a < 8 and a > 3;

-- insert should result in two appendonly segments, each having eof > 0.
insert into addcol1
   select i, i::text, i*22/7::float
   from generate_series(31,40)i;
-- alter table with more than one non-empty appendonly segments.
alter table addcol1 add column d int default 20;
select a,c,d from addcol1 where a > 9 and a < 15 order by a;

-- try inserting after alter
insert into addcol1 select i, 'abc', 22*i/7, -i from generate_series(1,10)i;

-- add columns with compression (dense and bulk dense content varblocks)
alter table addcol1
   add column e float default 22/7::float encoding (compresstype=RLE_TYPE),
   add column f int default 20 encoding (compresstype=zlib);
select * from addcol1 where a < 2 and a > -4 order by a,c;
select a,f from addcol1 where a > 20 and a < 25 order by a,c;

-- add column with existing compressed column (dense content)
create table addcol2 (a int encoding (compresstype=zlib))
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
   distributed by (a);
insert into addcol2 select i/17 from generate_series(-10000,10000)i;
insert into addcol2 select i from generate_series(10001, 50000)i;

alter table addcol2 add column b varchar
   default 'hope I end up on a magnetic disk some day'
   encoding (compresstype=RLE_TYPE, blocksize=8192);

-- select after add column
select * from addcol2 where a > 9995 and a < 10006 order by a;

-- add column with existing RLE compressed column (bulk dense content)
create table addcol3 (a int encoding (compresstype=RLE_TYPE, compresslevel=2))
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
   distributed by (a);
insert into addcol3 select 10 from generate_series(1, 30000);
insert into addcol3 select -10 from generate_series(1, 20000);
insert into addcol3 select
   case when i < 100000 then 1
   	    when i >= 100000 and i < 500000 then 2
		when i >=500000 and i < 1000000 then 3
   from generate_series(-1000,999999)i;

alter table addcol3 add column b float
   default 22/7::float encoding (compresstype=RLE_TYPE, compresslevel=2);

-- add column with null default
alter table addcol3 add column c varchar default null;

select count(b) from addcol3;
select count(c) from addcol3;

-- verification on master catalog
-- select segno,column_num,physical_segno,tupcount,modcount,state
--    from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg(aocs_oid('addcol3')) order by segno,column_num;

-- insert after add column with null default
insert into addcol3 select i, 22*i/7, 'a non-null value'
   from generate_series(1,100)i;

select count(*) from addcol3;

-- verification on master catalog
-- select segno,column_num,physical_segno,tupcount,modcount,state
--    from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg(aocs_oid('addcol3')) order by segno,column_num;

-- start with a new table, with two varblocks
create table addcol4 (a int, b float)
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
   distributed by (a);
insert into addcol4 select i, 31/i from generate_series(1, 20)i;
insert into addcol4 select -i, 37/i from generate_series(1, 20)i;
select count(*) from addcol4;

-- multiple alter subcommands (add column, drop column)
alter table addcol4
   add column c varchar default null encoding (compresstype=zlib),
   drop column b,
   add column d date default date('2014-05-01')
      encoding (compresstype=RLE_TYPE, compresslevel=2);

select * from addcol4 where a > 5 and a < 10 order by a;

-- verification on master catalog
-- select segno, column_num, physical_segno, tupcount, modcount, state
--    from gp_toolkit.__gp_aocsseg(aocs_oid('addcol4')) order by segno,column_num;

-- TODO: multiple subcommands (add column, add constraint, alter type)

-- block directory
create index i4a on addcol4 (a);

alter table addcol4
   add column e varchar default 'wow' encoding (compresstype=zlib);

-- enforce index scan so that block directory is used
set enable_seqscan=off;

-- index scan after adding new column
select * from addcol4 where a > 5 and a < 10 order by a;

create table addcol5 (a int, b float)
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column)
   distributed by (a);
create index i5a on addcol5(a);
insert into addcol5
   select i, 22*i/7 from generate_series(-10,10)i;
insert into addcol5
   select i, 22*i/7 from generate_series(11,20)i;
insert into addcol5
   select i, 22*i/7 from generate_series(21,30)i;

alter table addcol5 add column c int default 1;

-- insert after adding new column
insert into addcol5
   select i, 22*i/7, 311/i from generate_series(31,35)i;

-- index scan after adding new column
set enable_seqscan=off;
select * from addcol5 where a > 25 order by a,b;

-- firstRowNum of the first block starts with a value greater than 1
-- (first insert was aborted).

create table addcol6 (a int, b int)
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (a);

insert into addcol6 select i,i from generate_series(1,10)i;
-- abort the first insert, so as to advance gp_fastsequence for this
-- relation.

insert into addcol6 select i,i/2 from generate_series(1,20)i;
alter table addcol6 add column c float default 1.2;
select a,c from addcol6 where b > 5 order by a;

-- add column with default value as sequence
alter table addcol6 add column d serial;

-- select, insert, update after 'add column'
select c,d from addcol6 where d > 15 order by d;
insert into addcol6 select i, i, 71/i from generate_series(21,30)i;
select count(*) from addcol6;
update addcol6 set b = 0, c = 0 where d > 15;
select count(*) from addcol6 where b = 0 and c = 0;

-- partitioned table tests
create table addcol7 (
   timest character varying(6),
   user_id numeric(16,0) not null,
   tag1 smallint,
   tag2 varchar(2))
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=5, oids=false)
   distributed by (user_id)
   partition by list(timest) (
      partition part201202 values('201202')
         with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=5),
      partition part201203 values('201203')
         with (appendonly=true, orientation=column, compresslevel=5));

insert into addcol7 select '201202', 100*i, i, 'a'
   from generate_series(1,10)i;
insert into addcol7 select '201203', 101*i, i, 'b'
   from generate_series(11,20)i;

alter table addcol7 add column new1 float default 1.2;

-- select, insert post alter
select * from addcol7 where tag1 > 7 and tag1 < 13 order by tag1;
insert into addcol7 select '201202', 100*i, i, i::text, 22*i/7
   from generate_series(21,30)i;
insert into addcol7 select '201203', 101*i, i, (i+2)::text, 22*i/7
   from generate_series(31,40)i;

-- add new partition and a new column in the same alter table command
alter table addcol7
   add partition part201204 values('201204')
      with (appendonly=true, compresslevel=5),
   add column new2 varchar default 'abc';

-- insert, select, update, delete and vacuum post alter
insert into addcol7 values
   ('201202', 101, 1, 'p1', 3/5::float, 'newcol2'),
   ('201202', 102, 2, 'p1', 1/6::float, 'newcol2'),
   ('201202', 103, 3, 'p1', 22/7::float, 'newcol2'),
   ('201203', 201, 4, 'p2', 1/3::float, 'newcol2'),
   ('201203', 202, 5, 'p2', null, null),
   ('201203', 203, 6, 'p2', null, null),
   ('201204', 301, 7, 'p3', 22/7::float, 'newcol2'),
   ('201204', 301, 8, 'p3', null, null),
   ('201204', 301, 9, 'p3', null, null);
select * from addcol7 where tag2 like 'p%' order by user_id;
update addcol7 set new1 = 0, tag1 = -1 where tag2 like 'p%';
delete from addcol7 where new2 is null;
vacuum addcol7;
select * from addcol7 where tag2 like 'p%' order by user_id;

create table addcol8 (a int, b varchar(10), c int, d int)
   with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (a);
insert into addcol8 select i, 'abc'||i, i, i from generate_series(1,10)i;
alter table addcol8
   alter column b type varchar(20),
   add column e float default 1,
   drop column c;
select * from addcol8 order by a;
\d addcol8

261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314
-- try renaming table and see if stuff still works
alter table addcol1 rename to addcol1_renamed;
alter table addcol1_renamed add column new_column int default 10;
alter table addcol1_renamed alter column new_column set not null;
alter table addcol1_renamed add column new_column2 int not null; -- should fail
select count(*) from addcol1_renamed;
alter table addcol1_renamed drop column new_column;
alter table addcol1_renamed rename to addcol1;

-- try renaming columns and see if stuff still works
alter table addcol1 rename column f to f_renamed;
alter table addcol1 alter column f_renamed set default 10;
insert into addcol1 values (999);
select a, f_renamed from addcol1 where a = 999;

-- try dropping and adding back the column
alter table addcol1 drop column f_renamed;
alter table addcol1 add column f_renamed int default 20;
select a, f_renamed from addcol1 where a = 999;

-- try altering statistics of a column
alter table addcol1 alter column f_renamed set statistics 1000;
select attstattarget from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'aocs_addcol.addcol1'::regclass and attname = 'f_renamed';
set client_min_messages to error;
alter table addcol1 alter column f_renamed set statistics 1001; -- should limit to 1000 and give warning
set client_min_messages to notice;
select attstattarget from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'aocs_addcol.addcol1'::regclass and attname = 'f_renamed';

-- test alter distribution policy
alter table addcol1 set distributed randomly;
alter table addcol1 set distributed by (a);

-- test some constraints (unique indexes do not work for unique and pkey)
alter table addcol1 add constraint tunique unique(a);
alter table addcol1 add constraint tpkey primary key(a);
alter table addcol1 add constraint tcheck check (a is not null);

-- test some aocs partition table altering
create table alter_aocs_part_table (a int, b int) with (appendonly=true, orientation=column) distributed by (a)
    partition by range(b) (start (1) end (5) exclusive every (1), default partition foo);
insert into alter_aocs_part_table values (generate_series(1,10), generate_series(1,10));
alter table alter_aocs_part_table drop partition for (rank(1));
alter table alter_aocs_part_table split default partition start(6) inclusive end(7) exclusive;
alter table alter_aocs_part_table split default partition start(6) inclusive end(8) exclusive;
alter table alter_aocs_part_table split default partition start(7) inclusive end(8) exclusive;
select partitionrangestart, partitionstartinclusive, partitionrangeend, partitionendinclusive, partitionisdefault
    from pg_partitions where tablename = 'alter_aocs_part_table';
create table alter_aocs_ao_table (a int, b int) with (appendonly=true) distributed by (a);
insert into alter_aocs_ao_table values (2,2);
alter table alter_aocs_part_table exchange partition for (rank(1)) with table alter_aocs_ao_table;
create table alter_aocs_heap_table (a int, b int) distributed by (a);
insert into alter_aocs_heap_table values (3,3);
alter table alter_aocs_part_table exchange partition for (rank(2)) with table alter_aocs_heap_table;

315 316 317
-- cleanup so as not to affect other installcheck tests
-- (e.g. column_compression).
drop schema aocs_addcol cascade;