memutils.h 9.1 KB
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 * memutils.h--
 *    this file contains general memory alignment, allocation
 *    and manipulation stuff that used to be spread out
 *    between the following files:
 *	align.h				alignment macros
 *	aset.h				memory allocation set stuff
 *	oset.h				  (used by aset.h)
 *	(bit.h				bit array type / extern)
 *	clib.h				mem routines
 *	limit.h				max bits/byte, etc.
 * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
Bruce Momjian 已提交
 * $Id: memutils.h,v 1.8 1997/08/20 14:54:35 momjian Exp $
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
 *    some of the information in this file will be moved to
 *    other files, (like MaxHeapTupleSize and MaxAttributeSize).
#ifndef MEMUTILS_H
#define MEMUTILS_H

Bruce Momjian 已提交
#ifdef NOT_USED
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
 *	align.h		- alignment macros                                   *
 [TRH] Let the compiler decide what alignment it uses instead of  
   we know better.
   GCC (at least v2.5.8 and up) has an __alignof__ keyword.
   However, we cannot use it here since on some architectures it reports
   just a _recommended_ alignment instead of the actual alignment used in
   padding structures (or at least, this is how I understand gcc's  
   So define a macro that gives us the _actual_ alignment inside a struct.
   {{note: assumes that alignment size is always a power of 2.}}
#define _ALIGNSIZE(TYPE)	offsetof(struct { char __c; TYPE __t;}, __t)
#define _ALIGN(TYPE, LEN) \
	(((long)(LEN) + (_ALIGNSIZE(TYPE) - 1)) & ~(_ALIGNSIZE(TYPE) - 1))
#define SHORTALIGN(LEN)		_ALIGN(short, (LEN))
#define INTALIGN(LEN)		_ALIGN(int, (LEN))
#define LONGALIGN(LEN)		_ALIGN(long, (LEN))
#define DOUBLEALIGN(LEN)	_ALIGN(double, (LEN))
#define MAXALIGN(LEN)		_ALIGN(double, (LEN))

#endif /* 0 */

 *	SHORTALIGN(LEN)	- length (or address) aligned for shorts
	(((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (short) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (short) - 1))

#define INTALIGN(LEN)\
	(((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (int) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (int) -1))

 *	LONGALIGN(LEN)	- length (or address) aligned for longs
#if defined(sun) && ! defined(sparc)
70 71 72 73 74 75
#elif defined (alpha) || defined(linuxalpha)
     /* even though "long alignment" should really be on 8-byte boundaries
      * for linuxalpha, we want the strictest alignment to be on 4-byte (int) 
      * boundaries, because otherwise things break when they try to use the
      * FormData_pg_* structures.  --djm 12/12/96
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266
	(((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (int) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (int) -1))
	(((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (long) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (long) -1))

	(((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (double) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (double) -1))

#define MAXALIGN(LEN)\
	(((long)(LEN) + (sizeof (double) - 1)) & ~(sizeof (double) -1))

 *    oset.h -- 	Fixed format ordered set definitions.                *
/* Note:
 *	Fixed format ordered sets are <EXPLAIN>.
 *	XXX This is a preliminary version.  Work is needed to explain
 *	XXX semantics of the external definitions.  Otherwise, the
 *	XXX functional interface should not change.

typedef struct OrderedElemData OrderedElemData;
typedef OrderedElemData* OrderedElem;

typedef struct OrderedSetData OrderedSetData;
typedef OrderedSetData* OrderedSet;

struct OrderedElemData {
    OrderedElem	next;	/* Next elem or &this->set->dummy	*/
    OrderedElem	prev;	/* Previous elem or &this->set->head	*/
    OrderedSet	set;	/* Parent set				*/

struct OrderedSetData {
    OrderedElem	head;	/* First elem or &this->dummy		*/
    OrderedElem	dummy;	/* (hack) Terminator == NULL		*/
    OrderedElem	tail;	/* Last elem or &this->head		*/
    Offset	offset;	/* Offset from struct base to elem	*/
    /* this could be signed short int! */

extern void OrderedSetInit(OrderedSet set, Offset offset);
extern bool OrderedSetContains(OrderedSet set, OrderedElem elem);
extern Pointer OrderedSetGetHead(OrderedSet set);
extern Pointer OrderedElemGetPredecessor(OrderedElem elem);
extern Pointer OrderedElemGetSuccessor(OrderedElem elem);
extern void  OrderedElemPop(OrderedElem elem);
extern void OrderedElemPushInto(OrderedElem elem, OrderedSet Set);

 *    aset.h --		Allocation set definitions.                          *
 * Description:
 *	An allocation set is a set containing allocated elements.  When
 *	an allocation is requested for a set, memory is allocated and a
 *	pointer is returned.  Subsequently, this memory may be freed or
 *	reallocated.  In addition, an allocation set may be reset which
 *	will cause all allocated memory to be freed.
 *	Allocations may occur in four different modes.  The mode of
 *	allocation does not affect the behavior of allocations except in
 *	terms of performance.  The allocation mode is set at the time of
 *	set initialization.  Once the mode is chosen, it cannot be changed
 *	unless the set is reinitialized.
 *	"Dynamic" mode forces all allocations to occur in a heap.  This
 *	is a good mode to use when small memory segments are allocated
 *	and freed very frequently.  This is a good choice when allocation
 *	characteristics are unknown.  This is the default mode.
 *	"Static" mode attemts to allocate space as efficiently as possible
 *	without regard to freeing memory.  This mode should be chosen only
 *	when it is known that many allocations will occur but that very
 *	little of the allocated memory will be explicitly freed.
 *	"Tunable" mode is a hybrid of dynamic and static modes.  The
 *	tunable mode will use static mode allocation except when the
 *	allocation request exceeds a size limit supplied at the time of set
 *	initialization.  "Big" objects are allocated using dynamic mode.
 *	"Bounded" mode attempts to allocate space efficiently given a limit
 *	on space consumed by the allocation set.  This restriction can be
 *	considered a "soft" restriction, because memory segments will
 *	continue to be returned after the limit is exceeded.  The limit is
 *	specified at the time of set initialization like for tunable mode.
 * Note:
 *	Allocation sets are not automatically reset on a system reset.
 *	Higher level code is responsible for cleaning up.
 *	There may other modes in the future.

 * AllocPointer --
 *	Aligned pointer which may be a member of an allocation set.
typedef Pointer AllocPointer;

 * AllocMode --
 *	Mode of allocation for an allocation set.
 * Note:
 *	See above for a description of the various nodes.
typedef enum AllocMode {
    DynamicAllocMode,	/* always dynamically allocate */
    StaticAllocMode,	/* always "statically" allocate */
    TunableAllocMode,	/* allocations are "tuned" */
    BoundedAllocMode	/* allocations bounded to fixed usage */
} AllocMode;

#define DefaultAllocMode	DynamicAllocMode

 * AllocSet --
 *	Allocation set.
typedef struct AllocSetData {
    OrderedSetData	setData;
	/* Note: this will change in the future to support other modes */
} AllocSetData;

typedef AllocSetData *AllocSet;

 * AllocPointerIsValid --
 *	True iff pointer is valid allocation pointer.
#define AllocPointerIsValid(pointer) PointerIsValid(pointer)

 * AllocSetIsValid --
 *	True iff set is valid allocation set.
#define AllocSetIsValid(set) PointerIsValid(set)    

extern void AllocSetInit(AllocSet set, AllocMode mode, Size limit);

extern void AllocSetReset(AllocSet set);

extern bool AllocSetContains(AllocSet set, AllocPointer pointer);
extern AllocPointer AllocSetAlloc(AllocSet set, Size size);
extern void AllocSetFree(AllocSet set, AllocPointer pointer);
extern AllocPointer AllocSetRealloc(AllocSet set, AllocPointer pointer, 
				    Size size);

extern void AllocSetDump(AllocSet set);

 *    clib.h --		Standard C library definitions                       *
 * Note:
 *	This file is OPERATING SYSTEM dependent!!!

 *	LibCCopyLength is only used within this file. -cim 6/12/90
typedef int	LibCCopyLength;

 * MemoryCopy --
 *	Copies fixed length block of memory to another.
#define MemoryCopy(toBuffer, fromBuffer, length)\
    memcpy(toBuffer, fromBuffer, length)

 *    limit.h --	POSTGRES limit definitions.                          *

#define MaxBitsPerByte	8

typedef uint32	AttributeSize;	/* XXX should be defined elsewhere */

#define MaxHeapTupleSize	0x7fffffff
#define MaxAttributeSize	0x7fffffff

#define MaxIndexAttributeNumber	7

#endif /* MEMUTILS_H */