提交 dac710bc 编写于 作者: V Varuna Jayasiri

model & positional encodings annotations

上级 5b352b64
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# Transformers
* [Multi-head attention](mha.html)
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# Multi-Headed Attention
The implementation is inspired from [Annotated Transformer](https://nlp.seas.harvard.edu/2018/04/03/attention.html)
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ from .positional_encoding import get_positional_encoding
class EmbeddingsWithPositionalEncoding(Module):
## Embed tokenas and add [fixed positional encoding](positional_encoding.html)
def __init__(self, d_model: int, n_vocab: int, max_len: int = 5000):
self.linear = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, d_model)
......@@ -23,6 +26,9 @@ class EmbeddingsWithPositionalEncoding(Module):
class EmbeddingsWithLearnedPositionalEncoding(Module):
## Embed tokenas and add parameterized positional encodings
def __init__(self, d_model: int, n_vocab: int, max_len: int = 5000):
self.linear = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, d_model)
......@@ -35,6 +41,9 @@ class EmbeddingsWithLearnedPositionalEncoding(Module):
class FeedForward(Module):
## Position-wise feed-forward network with hidden layer
def __init__(self, d_model: int, d_ff: int, dropout: float = 0.1):
self.layer1 = nn.Linear(d_model, d_ff)
......@@ -49,6 +58,20 @@ class FeedForward(Module):
class TransformerLayer(Module):
## Transformer Layer
This can act as a encoder layer or a decoder layer.
🗒 Some implementations, including the paper seem to have differences
in where the layer-normalization is done.
Here we do a layer normalization before attention and feed-forward networks,
and add the original residual vectors.
Alternative is to do a layer normalzation after adding the residuals.
But we found this to be less stable when training.
We found a detailed discussion about this in paper
[On Layer Normalization in the Transformer Architecture](https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.04745).
def __init__(self, *,
d_model: int,
self_attn: MultiHeadAttention,
......@@ -71,47 +94,77 @@ class TransformerLayer(Module):
mask: torch.Tensor,
src: torch.Tensor = None,
src_mask: torch.Tensor = None):
# Normalize the vectors before doing self attention
z = self.norm_self_attn(x)
attn_self = self.self_attn(query=z, key=z, value=z, mask=mask)
x = x + self.dropout(attn_self)
# Run through self attention, i.e. keys and values are from self
self_attn = self.self_attn(query=z, key=z, value=z, mask=mask)
# Add the self attention results
x = x + self.dropout(self_attn)
# If a source is provided, get results from attention to source.
# This is when you have a decoder layer that pays attention to
# encoder outputs
if src is not None:
# Normalize vectors
z = self.norm_src_attn(x)
# Attention to source. i.e. keys and values are from source
attn_src = self.src_attn(query=z, key=src, value=src, mask=src_mask)
# Add the source attention results
x = x + self.dropout(attn_src)
# Normalize for feed-forward
z = self.norm_ff(x)
# Pass through the feed-forward network
ff = self.feed_forward(z)
# Add the feed-forward results back
x = x + self.dropout(ff)
return x
class Encoder(Module):
## Transformer Encoder
def __init__(self, layer: TransformerLayer, n_layers: int):
# Make copies of the transformer layer
self.layers = clone_module_list(layer, n_layers)
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm([layer.size])
def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor):
# Run through each transformer layer
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x=x, mask=mask)
# Finally, normalize the vectors
return self.norm(x)
class Decoder(Module):
## Transformer Decoder
def __init__(self, layer: TransformerLayer, n_layers: int):
# Make copies of the transformer layer
self.layers = clone_module_list(layer, n_layers)
self.norm = nn.LayerNorm([layer.size])
def __call__(self, x, memory, src_mask, tgt_mask):
def __call__(self, x: torch.Tensor, memory: torch.Tensor, src_mask: torch.Tensor, tgt_mask: torch.Tensor):
# Run through each transformer layer
for layer in self.layers:
x = layer(x=x, mask=tgt_mask, src=memory, src_mask=src_mask)
# Finally, normalize the vectors
return self.norm(x)
class Generator(Module):
## Generator
This predicts the tokens and gives the lof softmaxes of those.
You don't need this if you are using `nn.CrossEntropyLoss`.
def __init__(self, n_vocab: int, d_model: int):
self.projection = nn.Linear(d_model, n_vocab)
......@@ -121,6 +174,9 @@ class Generator(Module):
class EncoderDecoder(Module):
## Combined Encoder-Decoder
def __init__(self, encoder: Encoder, decoder: Decoder, src_embed: Module, tgt_embed: Module, generator: Module):
self.encoder = encoder
......@@ -135,10 +191,11 @@ class EncoderDecoder(Module):
if p.dim() > 1:
def __call__(self, src: torch.Tensor, tgt: torch.Tensor, src_mask: torch.Tensor,
tgt_mask: torch.Tensor):
return self.decode(self.encode(src, src_mask), src_mask,
tgt, tgt_mask)
def __call__(self, src: torch.Tensor, tgt: torch.Tensor, src_mask: torch.Tensor, tgt_mask: torch.Tensor):
# Runs the source through encoder
enc = self.encode(src, src_mask)
# Run encodings and targets through decoder
return self.decode(enc, src_mask, tgt, tgt_mask)
def encode(self, src: torch.Tensor, src_mask: torch.Tensor):
return self.encoder(self.src_embed(src), src_mask)
# Fixed Positional Encodings
The positional encoding encodes the position along the sequence into
a vector of size `d_model`.
PE_{p,2i} &= sin\Bigg(\frac{p}{10000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}}}\Bigg) \\
PE_{p,2i + 1} &= cos\Bigg(\frac{p}{10000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}}}\Bigg)
Where $1 \leq 2i, 2i + 1 \leq d_{model}$ are the feature indexes in the encoding,
and $p$ is the position.
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
......@@ -23,12 +38,20 @@ class PositionalEncoding(Module):
def get_positional_encoding(d_model: int, max_len: int = 5000):
# Empty encodings vectors
encodings = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model)
# Position indexes
position = torch.arange(0, max_len, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(1)
# $2 * i$
two_i = torch.arange(0, d_model, 2, dtype=torch.float32)
# $10000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}$
div_term = torch.exp(two_i * -(math.log(10000.0) / d_model))
# $PE_{p,2i} = sin\Bigg(\frac{p}{10000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}}}\Bigg)$
encodings[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
# $PE_{p,2i + 1} = cos\Bigg(\frac{p}{10000^{\frac{2i}{d_{model}}}}\Bigg)$
encodings[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
# Add batch dimension
encodings = encodings.unsqueeze(1).requires_grad_(False)
return encodings
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# Relative Multi-head Attention
This is an implementation of
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