提交 2f937806 编写于 作者: V Varuna Jayasiri

📚 knn-lm train

上级 9e110f53
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ contains implementations for
[relative multi-headed attention](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/transformers/relative_mha.html).
* [kNN-LM: Generalization through Memorization](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/transformers/knn)
#### ✨ [Recurrent Highway Networks](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/recurrent_highway_networks)
#### ✨ [LSTM](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/lstm)
# Transformers
## Transformer Building Blocks
* [Multi-head attention](mha.html)
* [Relative multi-head attention](relative_mha.html)
* [Transformer models](models.html)
* [Fixed positional encoding](positional_encoding.html)
## [kNN-LM](knn)
This is an implementation of the paper
[Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.00172).
from .configs import TransformerConfigs
# $k$NN-LM
This is an implementation of the paper
[Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models](https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.00172).
It uses k-nearest neighbors to improve perplexity of autoregressive transformer models.
An autoregressive language model estimates $p(w_t, \color{yellowgreen}{c_t})$,
where $w_t$ is the token at step $t$
and $c_t$ is the context, $\color{yellowgreen}{c_t} = (w_1, w_2, ..., w_{t-1})$.
This paper, improves $p(w_t, c_t)$ using a k-nearest neighbor search
on key-value pairs $\big(f(c_i), w_i\big)$, with search key $f(\color{yellowgreen}{c_t})$.
Here $f(\color{yellowgreen}{c_t})$ is an embedding of the context $c_t$.
The paper (and this implementation) uses the *input* to the feed-forward layer of the
final layer of the transformer as $f(\color{yellowgreen}{c_t})$.
So to run $k$NN-LM we need to:
* [Train a transformer model](train_model.html)
* [Build an index](build_index.html) of $\big(f(c_i), w_i\big)$
* [Evaluate kNN-ML](eval_knn.html) using $k$NN seach on $\big(f(c_i), w_i\big)$
with $f(c_t)$
# Train Autoregressive Transformer
This trains a simple [transformer](../../) model for auto-regression.
from typing import Callable
import torch
......@@ -18,31 +24,53 @@ from labml_nn.transformers.utils import subsequent_mask
class AutoregressiveModel(Module):
## Auto regressive model
def __init__(self, src_embed: Module, encoder: Encoder, generator: Generator, *,
is_save_ff_input: bool = False):
self.src_mask = None
# Token embedding module
self.src_embed = src_embed
# Transformer based encoder
self.encoder = encoder
# Whether the last layer of the encoder should
# save the input to the feed-forward layer.
# This is out $f(c_t)$, the embedding of the context.
self.encoder.layers[-1].is_save_ff_input = is_save_ff_input
# Next token generation layer;
# this give logits of the the next token
self.generator = generator
# This will be initialized on the first call
self.src_mask = None
def ff_input(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Retrieve saved $f(c_t)$
return self.encoder.layers[-1].ff_input
def __call__(self, src: torch.Tensor):
# Create subsequent mask, so that the transformer can only pay attention to past tokens.
if self.src_mask is None or self.src_mask.size(0) != len(src):
device = src.device
mask = subsequent_mask(len(src)).to(device)
self.src_mask = mask
self.src_mask = subsequent_mask(len(src)).to(src.device)
# Embed the tokens (`src`) and run it through the the transformer
res = self.encoder(self.src_embed(src), self.src_mask)
# Generate logits of the next token
return self.generator(res)
class Configs(TrainValidConfigs):
## Configurations
The default configs can and will be over-ridden when we start the experiment
transformer: TransformerConfigs
model: AutoregressiveModel = 'custom_model'
model: AutoregressiveModel
device: torch.device = DeviceConfigs()
text: TextDataset
batch_size: int = 20
......@@ -51,8 +79,8 @@ class Configs(TrainValidConfigs):
tokenizer: Callable = 'character'
is_save_models = True
prompt: str = 'early on'
prompt_separator: str = ''
prompt: str
prompt_separator: str
is_save_ff_input = False
optimizer: torch.optim.Adam = 'transformer_optimizer'
......@@ -60,49 +88,67 @@ class Configs(TrainValidConfigs):
batch_step = 'auto_regression_batch_step'
def sample(self):
Sampling function to generate samples periodically while training
prompt = self.prompt
log = [(prompt, Text.subtle)]
# Sample 25 tokens
for i in monit.iterate('Sample', 25):
# Tokenize the prompt
data = self.text.text_to_i(prompt).unsqueeze(-1)
data = data.to(self.device)
# Get the model output
output = self.model(data)
if isinstance(output, tuple):
output = output[0]
# Get the model prediction (greedy)
output = output.argmax(dim=-1).squeeze()
# Add the prediction to prompt
prompt += self.prompt_separator + self.text.itos[output[-1]]
# Add the prediction for logging
log += [(self.prompt_separator + self.text.itos[output[-1]], Text.value)]
class AutoRegressionBatchStep(BatchStep):
def process(self, batch: any, state: any):
device = self.model.device
data, target = batch
data, target = data.to(device), target.to(device)
stats = {
'samples': data.shape[0] * data.shape[1]
This batch step class gets called by the trainer and validator
def process(self, batch: any, state: any):
This method is called for each batch
# Get data and target labels
data, target = batch[0].to(self.model.device), batch[1].to(self.model.device)
# Statistics for logging, and updating the global step.
# Number of samples equal to the number of tokens per sequence times the batch size.
stats = {'samples': data.shape[0] * data.shape[1]}
# Run the model
output = self.model(data)
if isinstance(output, tuple):
output = output[0]
# Calculate loss
loss = self.loss_func(output, target)
if self.accuracy_func is not None:
stats['correct'] = self.accuracy_func(output, target)
# Calculate accuracy
stats['correct'] = self.accuracy_func(output, target)
stats['loss'] = loss.detach().item() * stats['samples']
# Log the loss
tracker.add("loss.", loss)
# If we are in training mode, calculate the gradients
if MODE_STATE.is_train:
# Returns stats, (and state if this was a recurrent net)
return stats, None
def auto_regression_batch_step(c: Configs):
AutoRegression batch step initializer for configs
return AutoRegressionBatchStep(model=c.model,
......@@ -110,6 +156,10 @@ def auto_regression_batch_step(c: Configs):
class SimpleAccuracyFunc(Module):
Calculate the accuracy
def __call__(self, output: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> int:
pred = output.argmax(dim=-1)
return pred.eq(target).sum().item()
......@@ -117,11 +167,19 @@ class SimpleAccuracyFunc(Module):
def simple_accuracy():
Initialize accuracy metric for configs
return SimpleAccuracyFunc()
def transformer_optimizer(c: Configs):
Create a configurable optimizer.
Parameters like learning rate can be changed by passing a dictionary when starting the experiment.
optimizer = OptimizerConfigs()
optimizer.parameters = c.model.parameters()
optimizer.d_model = c.transformer.d_model
......@@ -131,6 +189,10 @@ def transformer_optimizer(c: Configs):
class CrossEntropyLoss(Module):
Cross entropy loss
def __init__(self):
self.loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
......@@ -141,25 +203,35 @@ class CrossEntropyLoss(Module):
def _loss_func():
Initialize the loss function
return CrossEntropyLoss()
def _n_tokens(c: Configs):
Set number of token in configs
return c.text.n_tokens
def custom_model(c: Configs):
m = AutoregressiveModel(src_embed=c.transformer.src_embed,
return m.to(c.device)
def basic_english():
Basic english tokenizer
We use character level tokenizer in this experiment.
You can switch by setting,
'tokenizer': 'basic_english',
as the configurations dictionary when starting the experiment.
return get_tokenizer('basic_english')
......@@ -169,20 +241,27 @@ def character_tokenizer(x: str):
def character():
Character level tokenizer
return character_tokenizer
def tiny_shakespeare(c: Configs):
dataset = TextFileDataset(
Initialize/load tiny shakespeare dataset
return TextFileDataset(
lab.get_data_path() / 'tiny_shakespeare.txt', c.tokenizer,
return dataset
def train_loader(c: Configs):
# May be use a DataLoader but didn't show much of a performance gain
Create a sequential data loader for training
return SequentialDataLoader(text=c.text.train,
......@@ -190,15 +269,37 @@ def train_loader(c: Configs):
def train_loader(c: Configs):
def valid_loader(c: Configs):
Create a sequential data loader for validation
return SequentialDataLoader(text=c.text.valid,
def autoregressive_model(c: Configs):
Initialize the auto-regressive model
m = AutoregressiveModel(
# Get the source token embedding layer, encoder and
# final token generator from configurable transformer
# Whether to save $f(c_t)$
return m.to(c.device)
def transformer_c(c: Configs):
Initialize the configurable transformer encoder for our autoregressive model
tc = TransformerConfigs()
tc.n_src_vocab = c.n_tokens
tc.n_tgt_vocab = c.n_tokens
......@@ -207,24 +308,38 @@ def transformer_c(c: Configs):
def main():
conf = Configs()
# Create experiment
experiment.create(name="knn_lm", comment='', writers={'tensorboard', 'sqlite'})
# Create configs
conf = Configs()
# Load configurations
# A dictionary of configurations to override
{'tokenizer': 'character',
'prompt_separator': '',
'prompt': 'It is ',
'text': 'tiny_shakespeare',
'seq_len': 1024,
'epochs': 128,
'batch_size': 6,
'inner_iterations': 10,
# Transformer configurations
'transformer.d_model': 256,
'transformer.d_ff': 1024,
'transformer.n_heads': 8,
'transformer.n_layers': 6}, 'run')
'transformer.n_layers': 6},
# We need to load the function `TrainValidConfigs.run` and
# everything that it's dependent on
# Set models for saving and loading
# Start the experiment
with experiment.start():
# `TrainValidConfigs.run`
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ contains implementations for
[relative multi-headed attention](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/transformers/relative_mha.html).
* [kNN-LM: Generalization through Memorization](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/transformers/knn)
#### ✨ [Recurrent Highway Networks](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/recurrent_highway_networks)
#### ✨ [LSTM](http://lab-ml.com/labml_nn/lstm)
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