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"Copyright 2020 The Microsoft DeepSpeed Team.
Licensed under the MIT license.

from dataclasses import dataclass
import functools
import collections
from collections import OrderedDict, UserDict
from typing import Deque, Dict, Iterable, Set, Tuple
import torch
from torch.cuda import Event, Stream
from torch.nn import Module, Parameter

from deepspeed.utils.logging import logger
from import *
from import *
from deepspeed.runtime.swap_tensor.partitioned_param_swapper import PartitionedParamStatus
from deepspeed.utils.debug import debug_module2name_id, debug_param2name_id
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

def debug_rank0(message: str) -> None:
    if dist.get_rank() == 0:

def get_all_parameters(sub_module, recurse=False):
    return itertools.chain(sub_module.named_parameters(recurse=recurse),

def iter_params(module: Module, recurse=False) -> Iterable[Parameter]:
    return map(lambda pair: pair[1], get_all_parameters(module, recurse))

class ZeRoTraceMode(Enum):
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
    # Record trace of the network during a single forward+backward (for training) or forward (for inference)
    RECORD = 1
    # Use recorded network trace to optimize current forward+backward or forward
    COMPLETE = 2
    # Recorded trace does not match current forward+backward or forward pass.
    INVALID = 3

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
class PartitionedParameterCoordinator:
    """Handles partitioning and gathering of parameters."""
    class __InflightParamRegistry(UserDict):
        """registry for parameters in flight"""
        def __setitem__(self,
                        param: Parameter,
                        handle: AllGatherCoalescedHandle) -> None:
            if param in
                raise RuntimeError(f"{param.ds_summary()} already in registry")
            if param.ds_status != ZeroParamStatus.INFLIGHT:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"attempted to add non-inflight parameter to registry {param.ds_summary()}"
  [param] = handle

    class __ParamInTrace:
        param: Parameter
        step_id_last_used_at: int

    def __init__(
        prefetch_bucket_sz: int,
        max_reuse_distance_in_numel: int,
        max_available_parameters_in_numel: int,
        allgather_stream: Stream,
        prefetch_nvme: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        # mapping of param -> handle for each param that is currently in flight
        self.__inflight_param_registry = __class__.__InflightParamRegistry()
        # keeps track of the number of submodules invoked so far.
        self.__step_id: int = 0
        # network tracing mode
        self.__trace_mode: ZeRoTraceMode = ZeRoTraceMode.RECORD
80 81 82 83 84
        # sequence of submodules/parameters in forward pass + backward pass
        self.__submodule_order: Iterable[Module] = []
        self.__param_order: Iterable[__class__.__ParamInTrace] = []
        self.__most_recent_step_id_param_fetched_for = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: int(-1e10))
85 86
        self.__step_id_module_fetched_for = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: collections.deque())
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
        # number of available params, and max number of available params
        self.__n_available_params: int = 0
        self.__max_n_available_params: int = max_available_parameters_in_numel
        # max distance between two use of the module beyond which module is released
        self.__max_reuse_dist_in_numel: int = max_reuse_distance_in_numel
        # queue for parameters to fetch. parameters will be popped off the left
        # side of the dequeue as they are fetched
        self.__param_queue: Deque[__class__.__ParamInTrace] = None
        self.__prefetch_bucket_sz: int = prefetch_bucket_sz
        self.__prefetch_nvme: bool = prefetch_nvme
        self.hierarchy: int = 0

        # stream that will be used for allgather operations
        self.__allgather_stream: Stream = allgather_stream

        # limit the number of fetch events that can be queued at once
        # otherwise, what happens is memory is allocated by the host thread at the
        # time of the call, but not used until later by the asynchronous cuda stream.
        # allowing an infinite number of these to queue up causes a lot of memory
        # pressure that then becomes detrimental to performance.
        # this is a much less elegant way of fixing this vs something like using
        # cudaMallocAsync/cudaFreeAsync. Choosing to not expose this to the user now
        # because ideally in the future its replaced by an async allocation
        # mechanism which doesn't require any configuration by the user.
        self.__ongoing_fetch_events: Deque[Event] = collections.deque()
        # TODO. make this configurable via JSON
        self.__max_ongoing_fetch_events: int = 2

    """Tracing and Tracking
    TODO. consider performing trace before initializing PartitionedParameterCoordinator
    and passing trace results into constructor. This way all the code in here can
    just assume that the trace is complete and the results can be entirely

    Bookkeeping operations used to track where we are in the forward/backward pass

124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
    def _clear_trace_structures(self) -> None:
        self.__submodule_order = []
        self.__param_order = []
        self.__most_recent_step_id_param_fetched_for = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: int(-1e10))
        self.__param_queue = None

    def is_complete_trace(self) -> bool:
        return self.__trace_mode == ZeRoTraceMode.COMPLETE
133 134

    def is_invalid_trace(self) -> bool:
        return self.__trace_mode == ZeRoTraceMode.INVALID
136 137

    def is_record_trace(self) -> bool:
        return self.__trace_mode == ZeRoTraceMode.RECORD
139 140 141 142

    def _invalidate_trace(self) -> None:
        if self.is_invalid_trace():
            raise RuntimeError("attempted to invalidate already invalid trace")
        self.__trace_mode = ZeRoTraceMode.INVALID
144 145 146 147 148 149

    def trace_prologue(self, sub_module: Module) -> None:
        if self.is_complete_trace():
            # sub_module must match expectation else invalidate trace cache
            if sub_module != self.__submodule_order[self.__step_id]:
150 151 152 153 154
                expected_module_id = self.__submodule_order[self.__step_id].id
                    f"Invalidate trace cache @ step {self.__step_id}: "
                    f"expected module {expected_module_id}, but got module {}"
155 156 157

    def record_module(self, sub_module: Module) -> None:
        """adds sub module to trace"""
        if not self.is_record_trace():
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"attempted to record trace when status = {self.__trace_mode}")

165 166 167 168 169 170

    def record_parameters(self, sub_module: Module) -> None:
        """adds sub module to trace"""
        if not self.is_record_trace():
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"attempted to record trace when status = {self.__trace_mode}")
171 172

        step_id = self.__step_id_module_fetched_for[].popleft()
173 174 175
        for param in sorted(set(iter_params(sub_module)), key=lambda p: p.ds_id):
176 177 178 179 180 181 182

    def construct_parameter_trace_from_module_trace(self):
        """use module trace to construct parameter trace"""
        self.__param_order = []
        for sub_module in self.__submodule_order:
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

    def reset_step(self) -> None:
        """indicate that we have completed one fwd+bwd for the model"""
        if self.__inflight_param_registry:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"still have inflight params "
                f"{[p.ds_summary for p in self.__inflight_param_registry.keys()]}")

191 192
        if not self.is_complete_trace():  # not self.trace_complete:
            # Make sure that recorded parameter and submodule orders are
193 194 195 196 197 198
            # identical across ranks
            assert_ints_same_as_other_ranks([ for m in self.__submodule_order])
            assert_ints_same_as_other_ranks([p.param.ds_id for p in self.__param_order])
                [p.step_id_last_used_at for p in self.__param_order])

199 200
            if self.is_record_trace():
                # Successfully recorded a trace
202 203
                self.__submodule_order = tuple(self.__submodule_order)  # freeze
                self.__param_order = tuple(self.__param_order)  # freeze
                self.__trace_mode = ZeRoTraceMode.COMPLETE
                    f"completed record trace: {[ for m in self.__submodule_order]}",
207 208 209
                # Enable trace recording for next forward/backward pass
                self.__trace_mode = ZeRoTraceMode.RECORD
211 212 213 214

        self.__param_queue = collections.deque(self.__param_order)  # reset fetch queue
        self.__most_recent_step_id_param_fetched_for = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: int(-1e10))
215 216
        self.__step_id_module_fetched_for = collections.defaultdict(
            lambda: collections.deque())
217 218 219
        self.__step_id = 0
        self.__n_available_params = 0

220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
    def _dump_params(self, tag, sub_module, params, step_id=None):
        if step_id is None:
            step_id = self.__step_id
        param_names = [debug_param2name_id(p) for p in params]
            f'{tag} step = {step_id} mod = {debug_module2name_id(sub_module)} p_names = {param_names}'

    def _dump_param_ids(self, tag, mod_id, p_ids, step_id=None):
        if step_id is None:
            step_id = self.__step_id
        print(f'{tag} mod = {mod_id}, step = {step_id}, p_ids = {p_ids}')

233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282
    """Fetch and Release
    Fetching, prefetching, and releasing parameters

    def fetch_sub_module(self, current_submodule: Module) -> None:
        """This method does the following (in order):
        1. kick off fetch for parameters in immediately required sub module
        2. kick off fetch for next few parameters we will need later (prefetch)
        3. block on parameters in immediately required sub module
            f"{self.__step_id}: M{}({type(current_submodule).__name__}) P{[p.ds_id for p in iter_params(current_submodule)]} "
            + str({
                "avail": f"{self.__n_available_params:.1e}",
                "queue_sz": f"{len(self.__param_queue or [])}",
                "inflight": [p.ds_id for p in self.__inflight_param_registry],

        params_to_fetch = frozenset(iter_params(current_submodule))

        # kick off all gather for params in the immediately required submodule
        for param in params_to_fetch:
            debug_rank0(f"-fetch: {param.ds_summary()}")

        # wait for parameters in the immediately needed submodule to become available
        for param in params_to_fetch:
            debug_rank0(f"-wait: {param.ds_summary()}")
            if param in self.__inflight_param_registry:
                    while self.__ongoing_fetch_events and self.__ongoing_fetch_events[
                    if len(self.__ongoing_fetch_events
                           ) > self.__max_ongoing_fetch_events:


                    event = Event()

            assert param.ds_status == ZeroParamStatus.AVAILABLE, param.ds_summary()

        # kick off parameter prefetches for upcoming modules
283 284
        # don't prefetch if we dont have a completed model trace
        if self.is_complete_trace():
285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300
            # go through the parameters we need for the current module and pop them
            # off the fetch queue so that they aren't prefetched later.
            # if params have already been popped off the fetch queue by earlier
            # prefetches we won't look for them here
            discarded_from_prefetch_queue = set()
            params_not_already_fetched = set(
                    lambda p: self.__most_recent_step_id_param_fetched_for[p] < self.
            while self.__param_queue and len(discarded_from_prefetch_queue) < len(
                param_in_trace = self.__param_queue.popleft()
                    param_in_trace.param] = param_in_trace.step_id_last_used_at

302 303 304 305 306
            if discarded_from_prefetch_queue != params_not_already_fetched:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"tracing error at step {self.__step_id}: \n"
                    f"module id: {}, training: {}\n"
                    f"expected the next {len(params_not_already_fetched)} parameters in the "
307 308
                    f"parameter fetch queue to be {tuple(p.ds_summary(use_debug_name=True) for p in params_not_already_fetched)} \n"
                    f"but got \n {tuple(p.ds_summary(use_debug_name=True) for p in discarded_from_prefetch_queue)}."
309 310

311 312 313 314 315 316 317
            def _is_currently_on_nvme(param):
                if param.nvme_swapper is None:
                    return False

                return param.ds_tensor.final_location == OFFLOAD_NVME_DEVICE \
                    and param.ds_tensor.status == PartitionedParamStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE

            # kick off all gather for params in the next few submodules (prefetch)
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327
            if self.__prefetch_bucket_sz > 0:
                max_params_to_prefetch = min(
                    self.__max_n_available_params - self.__n_available_params,
                params_to_prefetch = set()
                numel_prefetching = 0
                while self.__param_queue and numel_prefetching < max_params_to_prefetch:
                    param_in_trace: __class__.__ParamInTrace = self.__param_queue.popleft(
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343

                    if _is_currently_on_nvme(param_in_trace.param):
                        # nvme prefetch is handled elsewhere. Need to break here to preserve fetch order

                    do_prefetch = param_in_trace.param.ds_status == ZeroParamStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE
                    if param_in_trace.param in params_to_prefetch:
                        # Avoid duplicates
                        do_prefetch = False

                    self.__most_recent_step_id_param_fetched_for[param_in_trace.param] = \

                    if do_prefetch:
344 345
                        numel_prefetching += param_in_trace.param.ds_numel

347 348 349 350 351 352
                for param in params_to_prefetch:
                    debug_rank0(f"-prefetch: {param.ds_summary()}")

                if self.__prefetch_nvme:
353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362

        self.__step_id += 1

    def release_sub_module(self, submodule: Module) -> None:
        """release the parameters of a sub module, assuming they meet conditions to
        be released."""
        params_to_release = (self.__params_to_release(submodule,
                             if self.is_complete_trace() else set(
364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
                                 p.ds_id for p in iter_params(submodule)))
        for param in iter_params(submodule):
            if param.ds_id in params_to_release and not param.is_external_param:

    def release_and_reset_all(self, module: Module) -> None:
        """release all module parameters"""
        for param in iter_params(module, recurse=True):
            if param in self.__inflight_param_registry:
                raise RuntimeError(f"param {param.ds_summary()} still in flight")

            # TODO. make this throw if if there are still active submodules. currently
            # there's a hook execution issue

        for param in iter_params(module, recurse=True):
            if param.ds_status != ZeroParamStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE:
                raise RuntimeError(f"{param.ds_summary()} expected to be released")

    def __all_gather_params(self, params: Set[Parameter]) -> None:
        """for each partitioned parameter, kick off an async allgather and store
        the work handle for the in flight parameters."""
        partitioned_params = []
        for param in params:
            if param.ds_status == ZeroParamStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE:
                self.__n_available_params += param.ds_numel

        if partitioned_params:
                handle = partitioned_params[0].all_gather_coalesced(partitioned_params)

            for param in partitioned_params:
                assert param.ds_status == ZeroParamStatus.INFLIGHT, param.ds_summary()
                self.__inflight_param_registry[param] = handle

    def __release_param(self, param: Parameter) -> None:
        if param.ds_status == ZeroParamStatus.AVAILABLE and not param.ds_active_sub_modules:
            debug_rank0(f"-release: {param.ds_summary()}")
            self.__n_available_params -= param.ds_numel

    def __params_to_release(self,
                            submodule_to_release: Module,
                            step_id: int) -> Set[int]:
        if not self.is_complete_trace():
418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440
            raise RuntimeError("expected trace to be complete")

        params_to_release = set(p.ds_id for p in iter_params(submodule_to_release)
                                if not p.ds_persist)

        # examine all modules within `max_reuse_dist_in_numel` of the current step,
        # if we see any of the candidate parameters to be released reoccur while
        # doing this, remove them from the set of parameters to release.
        params_traversed = 0
        for module in self.__submodule_order[step_id:]:
            if params_traversed > self.__max_reuse_dist_in_numel:
            for param in iter_params(module):
                params_traversed += param.ds_numel

        return params_to_release

    def __prefetch_nvme_param_partitions(self) -> None:
        """swap in parameter partitions from nvme for those parameters that will be used
        after the ones that are already being prefetched into full parameters
        if not self.is_complete_trace():
442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460

        numel_in_flight = sum(param.ds_numel for param in self.__inflight_param_registry)

        numel_considered = 0
        swap_in_params = []
        for param_in_trace in self.__param_queue:
            param = param_in_trace.param
            if param.nvme_swapper is None:
            if (numel_considered > 2 * numel_in_flight or len(swap_in_params) >=
            if param.ds_tensor.status == PartitionedParamStatus.NOT_AVAILABLE:
            numel_considered += param.ds_numel

        if swap_in_params:
            swap_in_params[0].nvme_swapper.swap_in(swap_in_params, async_op=True)