feat: add logic fot set content name list

上级 215d9451
......@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ impl Grammar {
) -> Option<StackElement> {
let _line_length = line_text.len();
let mut _stop = false;
let anchor_position = -1;
let mut anchor_position = -1;
if check_while_conditions {
// todo: add realy logic
// todo: add really logic
......@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ impl Grammar {
let line_pos = origin_line_pos.clone();
let is_first_line = origin_is_first.clone();
let mut line_pos = origin_line_pos.clone();
let mut is_first_line = origin_is_first.clone();
while !_stop {
let r = self.match_rule(
......@@ -237,10 +237,21 @@ impl Grammar {
match rule.get_rule_instance() {
RuleEnum::BeginEndRule(begin_rule) => {
let push_rule = begin_rule.clone();
Grammar::handle_captures(self, line_text.clone(), is_first_line, &mut new_stack, line_tokens.clone(), begin_rule.begin_captures, capture_indices.clone());
_stop = true;
return None;
line_tokens.produce(stack, capture_indices[0].end.clone() as i32);
anchor_position = capture_indices[0].end.clone() as i32;
let content_name = push_rule.get_name(Some(line_text.clone()), Some(capture_indices.clone()));
let content_name_scopes_list = name_scopes_list.push(self, content_name);
// todo: not used
// let temp_stack = &mut stack.set_content_name_scopes_list(content_name_scopes_list);
// if push_rule.endHasBackReferences {
// }
// if (!hasAdvanced && beforePush.hasSameRuleAs(stack)) {
// _stop = true;
// return None;
RuleEnum::BeginWhileRule(while_rule) => {
_stop = true;
......@@ -252,11 +263,11 @@ impl Grammar {
// if capture_indices[0].end > line_pos as usize {
// line_pos = capture_indices[0].end as i32;
// is_first_line = false;
// }
if capture_indices[0].end > line_pos as usize {
line_pos = capture_indices[0].end as i32;
is_first_line = false;
......@@ -83,4 +83,13 @@ impl StackElement {
pub fn set_content_name_scopes_list(self, content_name_scopes_list: ScopeListElement) -> StackElement {
if self.content_name_scopes_list == content_name_scopes_list {
return self
println!("todo: set_content_name_scopes_list");
return self
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