74.2 KB
Newer Older
Phodal Huang 已提交
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
# [1.1.0]( (2020-11-01)

### Bug Fixes

* add is scully for use intro for server side ([e355245](
* add width for process table && fixed [#198]( ([d884227](
* change arrow func to default ([6d1625d](
* change path to devops to table && fixed [#170]( ([119685e](
* fix code styles issue ([4d0d88c](
* fix compile webpack import warning ([82a7db9](
* fix contetntt issue ([d31f8e7](
* fix data empty issue ([264dc73](
* fix default routing issue for checklist ([9a3f35b](
* fix default value issue ([38af640](
* fix encode not replace all issue ([2f0660e](
* fix encoding issue && fixed [#200]( ([7d89204](
* fix guide not display issue ([e5bd9b2](
* fix height issue for checklist && fixed [#207]( ([091a21a](
* fix import issue ([b0dfe78](
* fix lint ([bbf34cd](
* fix lost elements ([3004f5a](
* fix maturity height issue ([f27d6cb](
* fix route bug && fxied [#209]( ([7517be7](
* fix testing for maturity ([4028397](
* fix think tank link issue ([a5edfae](
* fix translation issue ([53cf7bf](
* fix typo ([17c2fc2](
* 补充书名号 ([6650d6a](
* **render:** add more langs ([57bde61](
* **render:** fix highlight issue ([0b6c6c7](
* fix merge error in [#8]( ([1ad3791](, closes [#8af99e6](
* fix testing ([545b2fe](
* fix testing ([c42d909](
* fix testt ([5151889](
* fix tranlsate tion issue ([b6b55d2](
* fix ttesing ([e3636e6](
* fix typo ([97891ee](
* fix typo ([76297e8](
* fix url config issue for scully ([a02f1e5](
* update scully viewport config for [#138]( ([6665258](

### Features

* add backend-skilltree ([a297edb](
* add front-end skilltree ([b9888d0](
* add front-end skilltree ([#208]( ([08c7870](
* add nodejs checklist ([af1d6cb](
* add storage last value for editor ([20778ed](
* init ci practises ([0fb7dcf](
* use CODING DevOps to deploy in China ([5925b1f](, closes [#180](
* **featmat:** change estylese ([757064a](
* **heatmap:** init featmap xaxis yaxis ([dd131ad](
* **heatmap:** make chart styles working ([78719e8](
* **heatmap:** make it works ([a68335b](
* **intro:** add basic intro for ledge && closed [#194]( ([7e137db](
* **intro:** add shepherd for [#194]( ([cf2f2bc](
* **intro:** init guide module for [#194]( ([aa5fb68](
* **maturity:** add option for hidden radar legend ([251630d](
* **maturity:** add style support for radar chart ([aba278f](
* **radar:** add default legend for radar with [#201]( ([5f9c203](
* **render:** add basic layout for maturity ([c6edd69](
* **render:** add config for tree ([276b206](
* **render:** add d3 to ttree for [#83]( ([abc6361](
* **render:** init maturity component ([8efaf05](
* **render:** init maturity rating module ([9660a5b](
* **render:** initt tree component ([20e2b01](
* **render:** make default to no collapse ([5d4b072](
* **render:** make itt works ([8232fee](
* **render:** make maturity works ([e6ff505](
* **translate:** use webpack loader replace http loader for [#123]( ([a476c12](
* **view:** make it works for [#123]( ([0caf33a](
* **view:** move render to view ([adbbbac](
* add edit icon for multiple render for [#184]( ([7d5724a](
* add edit icon for single render for [#184]( ([82c7978](
* **render:** make single pass parameter works ([a2f86b6](
* **render:** support target blank for link ([256942b](

### Reverts

* Revert "refactor: refactor think tank" ([cb0ffc5](

Phodal Huang 已提交
86 87 88

# [1.0.0]( (2020-05-05)

Phodal Huang 已提交

Phodal Huang 已提交
90 91
### Bug Fixes

Phodal Huang 已提交
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
* **ledge-pipeline:** ledge-pipeline default configuration ([0ca5e91](, closes [#58](
* **ledge-pipeline:** ledge-pipeline default configuration ([f8c1f30](, closes [#58](
* comment code for testing ([41daeca](
* delete old file && fixed [#164]( ([27f3c9a](
* distinguish two different devops docs ([4f884b5](
* error words ([f5943c1](
* fix attr issue for d3 ([04ef77a](
* fix checklist warining issue ([74884b0](
* fix compile warning ([ef85bcd](
* fix data issue for testing ([7bde871](
* fix helper import order issue ([3baa736](
* fix markdown letter spacing ([5405e23](
* fix maturiy item issue ([770643c](
* fix menu hidden issue ([bc00704](
* fix menu issue for [#139]( ([01ed7b9](
* fix min height for [#84]( ([474b7bf](
* fix radar resize issue ([ec9bdcd](
* fix render fdesc issue ([3fa8408](
* fix render import module issue ([9df6938](
* fix reset issue for [#84]( ([4a2cc42](
* fix return issue ([e0e216e](
* fix teesting ([1456f68](
* fix test ([4aef4bf](
* fix test for markdown render' ([881decd](
* fix testing ([ee1d509](
* fix testing ([42b3606](
* fix testing duplicate issued ([bad62b7](
* fix testing issue ([f5de453](
* fix testing issue ([b28bba1](
* fix toc for tool page ([88be219](
* fix typo ([4595a64](
* fix typo ([750d5ad](
* fix typo ([6b37e50](
* fix typo ([74a5a8d](
* fix value issue ([3984b74](
* fix view config issue ([1d7f840](
* fixed issue [#117]( ([423216a](
* import issue ([192eb31](
* remove unused item styles ([358e3a2](
* **seo:** fix title issues for checklists ([250fdd0](
* fxi build ([9d6ab6d](
* job loading spinner ([3725700](
* set default value for maturity && fixed [#144]( ([7757301](

Phodal Huang 已提交
136 137 138

### Features

Phodal Huang 已提交
139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
* **fishbone:** add config for height & width ([fa95d63](
* **fishbone:** make defs works ([cdf7c4d](
* **fishbone:** make it works ([a48e3db](
* **fishbone:** use reallyy data ([c4e7586](
* **job:** create job with github api ([f7a7113](
* **ledge-pipeline:** add pipeline chart ([9f1a013](, closes [#58](
* add cloudbase content ([9cff62e](
* add cloudbase into resource ([30fc578](
* add link to job ([6729fc3](
* add symbol to render ([e2bde7e](
* add virtual scroll for [#114]( ([38da6bd](
* add zoom for skilltree for [#168]( ([6469d44](
* fix fishbone issue ([2492d64](
* init fish bone module for [#22]( ([6b2b897](
* init fishbone ([bf80ce4](
* init skill-tree ([bee32b2](
* init sunburrts ([cd82969](
* make basic works ([bd7a2d3](
* make drag works for [#84]( ([5ffc2db](
* make scroll content sync menu works ([6e5c954](
* support api-security checklist ([ef7503a](
* try to render fish bone ([a41ae4d](
* update checklist route for [#168]( ([8f80055](
* update sames ([011a5ac](
* **component:ledge-mermaid:** add support mermaid ([5f611c6](
* **job:** add work year required ([b1653a6](
* **job:** init module & page for future design ([6ba65a0](
* **jobpage:** get job info from issue comments ([af4c9d8](
* **ledge-render:** open all links in new windows ([a5bf51e](
* **render:** add new line support for ledge pyramid ([cc90dfb](
* **render:** make scroll enable ([66d6ffd](
* **render:** make virtual scroller works for [#114]( ([6848e76](
* **render:** support for checked && fixed [#145]( ([0b4c364](

Phodal Huang 已提交
173 174 175

### Reverts

Phodal Huang 已提交
176 177 178 179
* Revert "chore: test no ssg performance" ([e0125cf](
* Revert "refactor: remove unused mermaid styles" ([b5d6569](

Phodal Huang 已提交
180 181 182

## [0.9.10]( (2020-04-20)

Phodal Huang 已提交

Phodal Huang 已提交
184 185
### Bug Fixes

Phodal Huang 已提交
186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
* add something about Gitea,GitHub,Git,Jenkins,Travis CI and JUnit. ([91d8a81](
* change menu a to menu botton for [#116]( ([dd58c14](
* fix [#120]( ([b973b81](
* fix design design ops height issue ([cee0a2f](
* fix example color issue ([e483df7](
* fix home container issue ([3367266](
* fix home styles issue ([06e6afe](
* fix home ui issue ([2b9cd74](
* fix homepage height issue ([c6f420a](
* fix homepage height issue ([aa6537d](
* fix homepage table i18n issue ([806099e](
* fix html element issue ([678d639](
* fix maturity layout isseu ([54069e0](
* fix ngmodel duplicated issue ([8bfd9eb](
* fix routing typo ([b8e9e67](
* fix styles issue ([4cd0567](
* fix tech radar chart issue ([e54f9b9](
* fix testing ([eecc2f0](
* fix toolbar lost shawdow issue && fixed [#110]( ([587e68c](
* rename language menu tag && fixed [#116]( ([8543c38](
* set default lange to root module for [#115]( ([d0c3a4a](

Phodal Huang 已提交
208 209 210

### Features

Phodal Huang 已提交
211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
* **view:** init module ([d3d74bf](
* support for multiple think tank ([f6ccb2f](
* **tool:helper:** support markdown code style ([6fe1082](, closes [#112](
* add basic reponsive for menu ([c18441d](
* init ledge-checklist ([c3855e3](
* init mobile ([5229f67](
* **seo:** update title for study ([7c10267](
* add books support for periodic table ([1792ecb](
* add hover support for tech radar ([8438336](
* init partners module ([c44798e](
* intergration agile checklists ([437246c](
* make checklists enable move to tab ([5ee459e](
* make first relase for future log change ([9998507](

226 227 228

## [0.9.9]( (2020-04-15)

Phodal Huang 已提交

230 231
### Bug Fixes

Phodal Huang 已提交
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
* add link to home module ([ae76903](
* adjust height for [#83]( ([7b59c1f](
* change height for notoc && fixed [#77]( ([2388ac3](
* chart issue for [#94]( ([98cce26](
* disable pie animate && fixed [#94]( ([e545d3c](
* disable service worker ([eb99ac6](
* fix checklist json issue ([2072d40](
* fix checkstyles issue ([9628fb4](
* fix click issue for tech radar for [#109]( ([cbeab6d](
* fix column empty issue ([abf663b](
* fix data issue ([bc7a1d3](
* fix default routing issue ([134d9c9](
* fix header issue for [#71]( ([a6fe7ee](
* fix home items issues ([01c5dda](
* fix home module test ([8e7635a](
* fix home typoe ([93f5645](
* fix i18n logic not save issue ([376d63f](
* fix import issue ([d51b449](
* fix layout issue for [#101]( && fixed [#71]( ([9224412](
* fix mindmap toolbox issue ([08f49b3](
* fix quote issue in table for [#94]( ([bc607cc](
* fix radar change issue ([59458ef](
* fix radar node click issue ([7b86a2b](
* fix rename issue ([6ca5166](
* fix render nex line issue ([c802336](
* fix routing issue ([c4a5db2](
* fix some translate issue ([91d7fe2](
* fix table step arrow left issue && fixed [#105]( ([40165cc](
* fix tech radar size more than 4 issue for [#109]( ([dbeeb81](
* fix test ([167bd23](
* fix test issue ([4eb3ead](
* fix typo ([4e7c56c](
* fix typo ([a234b54](
* hidden label line for [#67]( ([42881e5](
* make arrow to center && fixed [#88]( ([3db59ec](
* make menu item in one line [#82]( ([e25a496](
* modifier color for tech radar && fixed [#109]( ([9d562f4](
* remove old images ([9ea684c](
* remove virtual scroll for helper ([a69ddff](
* replace symbol for encode issue && fxied [#103]( ([38526ad](
* table-step style ([31cca96](
* test property 'children' of null ([24d9b52](
* update colors for circle ([650ceb1](
* **ledge-table-step:** hide final card arrow ([630712c](
* [#32]( add basic ol fixed ([77ac644](
* add checkbox support && fixed space issue ([5be577b](
* add colors for list-style for [#60]( ([caaf30e](
* disable deploy for temp ([9cd8927](
* disable quad node click for [#60]( && fixed [#60]( ([92dfacc](
* disable scale for mindmap && for [#17]( ([435f5d9](
* fix array zip issue ([8213952](
* fix arrow issue for process step && fixed [#37]( ([614e7e4](
* fix build ([cfcf73d](
* fix build ([10721c9](
* fix ci lost config issue ([f1a6c66](
* fix color issue for periodic table && fixed [#72]( ([5133dd1](
* fix config issue ([347858a](
* fix content null issue ([f6bf94f](
* fix deploy dir issue ([e4ffd4a](
* fix for new line issue ([ebea8f9](
* fix for radar chart lost title issue ([90ec98b](
* fix height issue for case study ([0606559](
* fix mindmap max width issue ([fcb8a82](
* fix nav issue && fixed [#87]( ([f024908](
* fix ol ul issue ([5583a4e](
* fix pie chart data issue ([4606ee3](
* fix render index issue ([96c63e8](
* fix render quadrant issue ([cf92900](
* fix scrollbar for editor && fixed [#45]( ([0b0896d](
* fix scrollbar for editor && fixed [#45]( ([f373896](
* fix scrollbar no clear issue for [#22]( ([104470c](
* fix scrollbar no clear issue for [#22]( ([e16825f](
* fix some lint issue ([6472749](
* fix styles issue ([f4ebe98](
* fix target issue ([02ad725](
* fix text not inline issue ([cf8e5d5](
* fix title issue ([ef9a428](
* fix typo ([bb75be8](
* process-card column gap & stylelint error ([a85b0bb](
* readme error ([3814e80](
* remove mindmap background && fixed [#39]( ([e505f05](
* try to add start for ol ([600d4c6](
* try to format code ([3f8520a](
* tslint ([756abb6](
* update sitemap to fix xml urlset issue ([b56dcc8](
* **stylelint:** add configuration for stylelint ([a7b276f](
* **stylelint:** fix stylelint configuration ([3ec9b24](
* **stylelint issue:** fix stylelint issue ([27b80f0](
* add lost elements info ([edc80bf](
* add lost resources links ([616ecab](
* add patch for IE ([46c16a0](
* add simple ie error ([d638afd](
* addd basic scrollbar ([ac73364](
* baidu devops history year fix ([016401c](
* chart render issue ([e9993ba](
* comments related reousrces & move to tools ([29aa810](
* commnet mermaid code for IE ([6b0900d](
* disable data view && fixed [#23]( ([0140a2a](
* fix add isse ([edb3b92](
* fix all tests ([47a21ff](
* fix blockquote paragrph issue ([3996a00](
* fix br issue for [#26]( ([1de59d0](
* fix build issue ([4a6a9d3](
* fix build issue ([dcb2420](
* fix chart issue ([8c9a8b5](
* fix chart not remove issue ([5166007](
* fix chart position issue ([e02fcca](
* fix chart render issue ([a3f74a5](
* fix chart typo ([fc09881](
* fix chart zoom issue ([b9d673b](
* fix color ([05d7a2d](
* fix comma issue ([34ca1a7](
* fix compile issue ([90ecb76](
* fix content error issue ([6ef4398](
* fix data issue ([e6e56a4](
* fix data issue ([49f23cb](
* fix design length issue & disable for length < 0 [#26]( ([cc4fe89](
* fix element inline issue ([dc3115e](
* fix escape issue ([cb008a7](
* fix for encode issue ([30d10ad](
* fix height 0 issue ([ed5a066](
* fix home contributoer color issue ([bbe76ea](
* fix home issue ([c20f704](
* fix id issue ([b010cd3](
* fix index issue ([ed2c76b](
* fix left bar issue ([6a8fa56](
* fix linit ([e27cda7](
* fix lint issue ([ef649b2](
* fix lint issue ([68554f2](
* fix lost scrollbar issue ([bc2cfce](
* fix manual behavior error issue ([b94ce32](
* fix manual link error issue ([b2154bd](
* fix margin issue ([d7f2481](
* fix merge issue ([f4b48f2](
* fix mermaid render issue ([e5c1834](
* fix model item lost issue ([363dc80](
* fix name pos issue ([aa07642](
* fix origin gatt issue for ie 11 ([066c5ec](
* fix p tag error issue ([ec93e71](
* fix position issue ([9fac626](
* fix quard issue ([780d3c9](
* fix scroll issue ([7205352](
* fix scrollbar issue for [#12]( ([4be1f76](
* fix section title error issue ([cefabc8](
* fix styles ([deda080](
* fix styles issue ([30dc7d3](
* fix syntax issue ([c12f6fa](
* fix syntax issue ([1153b27](
* fix table size ([cafc8a3](
* fix tasks error with config issue ([b5f4a05](
* fix test ([59a1da5](
* fix test ([b650d87](
* fix test issue ([2dd2837](
* fix test issue ([4706624](
* fix tests ([08b2481](
* fix tests ([e146e18](
* fix title issue ([cbc632e](
* fix title issue for maturity ([a0a4299](
* fix typo ([44de5b8](
* fix typo ([1d94d9a](
* fix typo ([2f62b1a](
* fix typo ([9590af7](
* fix typo ([2277687](
* fix typo ([f30ea57](
* fix typo ([8ad3e62](
* fix typo ([6623ea3](
* fixed issue [#14]( ([3723d35](
* fixed issue [#14]( ([e46660a](
* modify refactor link with Github icon && fixed [#27]( ([7ca81b8](
* rename typo ([81b0aa2](
* try to fix not render in ie ([f59893c](
* update browser list ([c2a65e4](
* update setimtoue for go to heading ([8f6f994](

406 407 408

### Features

Phodal Huang 已提交
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634
* [#12]( add circle list-style support ([7a8be71](
* [#12]( add simple template for square ([4362eba](
* [#43]( add for two group radar chart compare ([ad45b85](
* [design] make add & remove works ([d0475d1](
* [markdown] add loadign effect ([2b774c6](
* [maturity] storage value to localstroage ([2e34524](
* ad tw-banks exp ([b58f21e](
* add agile fluency ([3fffc76](
* add basic code render ([93c3fc4](
* add basic layout for [#44]( ([7096483](
* add basic left case support ([57c7c3f](
* add basic left toc support ([94e9301](
* add basic markdown support ([7bb266c](
* add basic process step markdown parseR ([417d151](
* add basic pyramid ([75630ce](
* add basic quadrant ([2d415e5](
* add basic split modules support ([8cfdd6e](
* add basic toc generate ([30e4426](
* add bind image support ([63badfd](
* add blog to navbar ([8324bcb](
* add class code support ([2ff8f2d](
* add cmb demo ([235dc00](
* add color to suppor radar chart && fixed [#43]( ([822cbe6](
* add color to suppor radar chart && fixed [#43]( ([5d50399](
* add colors ([e856d2c](
* add content editable support ([6a51778](
* add dao cloud examples ([ed6b147](
* add data ([b3b649f](
* add data ([02df99f](
* add debounce for textarea input ([036d9e5](
* add default pipe line ([3d2e1f1](
* add esp ([dc355c4](
* add first tooling ([c2e2ede](
* add first version data ([31d4b3b](
* add ga ([07c9445](
* add hasic hover support ([51f6397](
* add left styles ([709b9fd](
* add link to avatar ([c84468f](
* add link to checklists for [#59]( ([99b89f1](
* add list support ([34c2efe](
* add loading effect ([129922d](
* add logic for tech radra && fixed [#106]( ([992fde9](
* add lost content ([8213973](
* add lost source ([238645b](
* add markdown chart ([afca0f6](
* add markdown support ([aa7d02b](
* add material design ui ([c968234](
* add md render type : process-card ([6bdc4d8](
* add measuzre ([d685094](
* add meituan demo ([d6e5449](
* add mindmap height & width for [#60]( ([3902663](
* add more content ([8a5152d](
* add more content ([e363273](
* add more content ([7ad28b9](
* add more tools ([d344cd0](
* add name support ([431433b](
* add pie chart && fixed [#85]( ([dd1a738](
* add process ([9fbb29c](
* add process table support ([5c9354c](
* add quard component ([f042caf](
* add radar chart data ([85f5a9f](
* add radar to data chart ([a62e6ff](
* add rating from ([8ed4116](
* add recommend process ([7510170](
* add record last case study ([1d30b18](
* add rezoom color ([1bb7840](
* add save language logic for i18n ([9b96d2a](
* add show value for chart ([ab10501](
* add simple arrow ([71e4213](
* add simple quote ([1dc1050](
* add some content ([de7b1f5](
* add some practise ([9138225](
* add some private cloud ([5029003](
* add stlyes for dev process items ([1d56927](
* add styles for loop ([640231c](
* add support for long items ([1c11513](
* add table examples ([f6c964f](
* add title to pyramid fir [#67]( ([8b73528](
* add tooling ([a8cf9fb](
* add tooltip for solution ([02f2e9e](
* add translate for periodic table ([f04e8c8](
* add url router ([2860dea](
* add virtual scoller for render ([67b0d2a](
* add virtual scroll for render ([f438da1](
* chagne title ([ad779a5](
* change order ([57c10a2](
* change order ([76eb7a4](
* change row cell to column cell ([f1e2f2c](
* commet head ([5b0257d](
* fix bar size issue ([1c857cb](
* fix color issue & add license ([36a2671](
* fix color issues ([da05fb3](
* fix compile issue & add more show toc ([cdbe341](
* fix config issue ([a44b059](
* fix content styles issue ([37885c0](
* fix drag issue ([b4285c7](
* fix oreder issue ([8185b1c](
* fix size issues ([3a6d235](
* fix: fix testing ([70fa67d](
* force show scrollbar ([cd44f58](
* i18n init ([d9632c2](
* import renderhading logic ([ffae659](
* init basic kanban ([6d12099](
* init basic process ([f559f59](
* init charts ([dd66442](
* init component for [#44]( ([54e1e72](
* init i18n ([2e9e226](
* init kanban ([d5a53d5](
* init maturity ([4aee7f6](
* init menu for languages ([9d72b4b](
* init mindmap ([4088e8d](
* init process ([821bc7e](
* init process table ([92d940d](
* init resources ([ab98843](
* init translate for case study ([aca4714](
* init translate for solution ([1987946](
* init url ([00e0740](
* init url ([895a3c2](
* make auto use language ([96dfc22](
* **ledge-table-step:** support dynamic row width ([3774053](
* **ledge-table-step:** support dynamic row width & config column ([8d13019](
* init pie chart syntax & component for [#85]( ([18d9171](
* init simple radar chart from ([034319d](
* init todo & checklist from for [#59]( ([bcbe21d](
* make basic checklists working ([1c89d8d](
* make basic flow ([b011c91](
* make basic view ([c3f08fe](
* make config pass success ([b5ff121](
* make config works ([f6f623a](
* make css works ([adb714e](
* make data works ([558fefb](
* make input works ([a166b62](
* make it change works ([31aeada](
* make left sticky ([8c410a0](
* make logic works for kanban for [#54]( ([9a39a3b](
* make options ([853b2d9](
* make primard works ([b8883ee](
* make process table works ([1428b46](
* make process works ([256e57c](
* make quard works ([3ec981d](
* make reporter works ([8555ac4](
* make styles works ([33091fe](
* make sync menu basic works ([79c792b](
* make toc works ([d4a12ef](
* move data to origin ([409d006](
* remove unused layout ([c00b296](
* revert tooling ([8f690d5](
* split tech radar ([52645b4](
* **render:** [#12]( add basic list parser ([4af00e0](
* **render:** [#12]( add echarts render ([3640b76](
* **render:** [#12]( add graphviz render ([25de5c0](
* **render:** [#12]( add hr ([de1f8b3](
* **render:** [#12]( add html to element ([8418bdf](
* **render:** [#12]( add link in heading support" ([5e880c1](
* **render:** [#12]( add pure render ([ece0b1a](
* **render:** [#12]( make toc works ([db2774b](
* **seo:** update title for case-study ([4e82458](
* [#12]( <render> add code highlight supporT ([f279532](
* [#12]( <render> add mindmap for ledge render ([5659605](
* [#12]( <render> add process step syntax ([bf76757](
* [#12]( <render> add process table ([6975385](
* [#12]( <render> add pyarmid ([82c6afd](
* [#12]( <render> add quadrant support && closed [#35]( ([fbf35ac](
* [#12]( <render> add radar chart ([7c2ef2a](
* [#12]( render add toolset ([1c8de29](
* [#6]( add resources to atom ([f801150](
* <design> add reset button for [#26]( ([8e8fe12](
* <toolset> make slide works ([ca6b673](
* add back to top ([2cc4376](
* add basic graphviz render ([2321d8d](
* add basic support for double scrollbar md ([fffe259](
* add default avatar ([ffb2b48](
* add dialog for homeclick && fixed [#6]( ([6532c52](
* add editor to more tools ([4ee7084](
* add footer ([8fd0baf](
* add git-cz for build project ([65ef4f6](
* add git-cz for commit lint ([13bd9e4](
* add heading render to markdown ([4ac358f](
* add highlight support foe docs ([8b76b96](
* add inline support for paragraph with [#12](  && fixed [#24]( ([1e9875c](
* add menu sync ([0e9b98c](
* add mermaid ([301960b](
* add more languages support ([86f08d1](
* add simple code charts render ([35c00c6](
* add sync into menu ([f8ea8c3](
* add table support for reporter render ([e149f83](
* add title to contributors ([2a7e0ab](
* add title to contributors ([b414fc5](
* add webcomponent loading support" ([f2d9412](
* change chart to origin ([ffc1e2b](
* change color to d3 domain ([75bceae](
* change service to map to support multiple instancE ([8cbc134](
* design toolset model ([868db58](
* disable zoom ([89c3ce1](
* handle list for converter ([f76ad7f](
* home init contributors ([1fc8e10](
* init chart ([de9fba2](
* init solution for community ([87686dc](
* set open link in new target ([0658872](
* **#12:** <render> init radar chart ([a91cb4e](, closes [#12](
* enabel live edit ([e1065f9](
* fix font size issue ([56d46ce](
* init first slide for toolset ([bd2ce8c](
* init pyarmid chart component ([b520531](
* make basic loading for toolset ([dd7575c](
* make charts resizeable ([dc293ff](
* reporter add code examples ([0681186](
* thinkingg in echart renderr ([69d7c8b](
* try direct loading markdown for content render ([295d691](
* try to add services worker ([61a0b65](
* **table-step:** add table-step render component ([2d27d6a](
* support radar chart ([2c61052](
* thinking in content ([1cc2556](
* thinking in manual ([9dc593f](
* try move menu to homepagge ([bf5bbab](
* try to add graph ([291ab21](
* try to add loop ([c0f13f6](
* try to add support for sizE ([6faa41b](
* try to add toc ([550e889](
* try to fix mindmap size ([beb21b6](
* update basic layout ([0cca48b](
* update content ([032a928](
* update contributors styles ([22f06ab](
* use conditional comment for ie ([333ae8e](
* use webcomponent replace to markdown ([de38dac](

635 636 637

### Reverts

Phodal Huang 已提交
638 639 640 641
* revert tooset ([5d08af2](