scrcpy (v1.10)

    This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB (or over TCP/IP). It does not require any root access. It works on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS.


    It focuses on:

    • lightness (native, displays only the device screen)
    • performance (30~60fps)
    • quality (1920×1080 or above)
    • low latency (35~70ms)
    • low startup time (~1 second to display the first image)
    • non-intrusiveness (nothing is left installed on the device)


    The Android device requires at least API 21 (Android 5.0).

    Make sure you enabled adb debugging on your device(s).

    On some devices, you also need to enable an additional option to control it using keyboard and mouse.

    Get the app


    On Linux, you typically need to build the app manually. Don't worry, it's not that hard.

    A Snap package is available: scrcpy.

    For Arch Linux, an AUR package is available: scrcpy.

    For Gentoo, an Ebuild is available: scrcpy/.


    For Windows, for simplicity, prebuilt archives with all the dependencies (including adb) are available:

    You can also build the app manually.


    The application is available in Homebrew. Just install it:

    brew install scrcpy

    You need adb, accessible from your PATH. If you don't have it yet:

    brew cask install android-platform-tools

    You can also build the app manually.


    Plug an Android device, and execute:


    It accepts command-line arguments, listed by:

    scrcpy --help


    Reduce size

    Sometimes, it is useful to mirror an Android device at a lower definition to increase performance.

    To limit both the width and height to some value (e.g. 1024):

    scrcpy --max-size 1024
    scrcpy -m 1024  # short version

    The other dimension is computed to that the device aspect ratio is preserved. That way, a device in 1920×1080 will be mirrored at 1024×576.

    Change bit-rate

    The default bit-rate is 8 Mbps. To change the video bitrate (e.g. to 2 Mbps):

    scrcpy --bit-rate 2M
    scrcpy -b 2M  # short version


    The device screen may be cropped to mirror only part of the screen.

    This is useful for example to mirror only one eye of the Oculus Go:

    scrcpy --crop 1224:1440:0:0   # 1224x1440 at offset (0,0)
    scrcpy -c 1224:1440:0:0       # short version

    If --max-size is also specified, resizing is applied after cropping.


    Scrcpy uses adb to communicate with the device, and adb can connect to a device over TCP/IP:

    1. Connect the device to the same Wi-Fi as your computer.
    2. Get your device IP address (in Settings → About phone → Status).
    3. Enable adb over TCP/IP on your device: adb tcpip 5555.
    4. Unplug your device.
    5. Connect to your device: adb connect DEVICE_IP:5555 (replace DEVICE_IP).
    6. Run scrcpy as usual.

    It may be useful to decrease the bit-rate and the definition:

    scrcpy --bit-rate 2M --max-size 800
    scrcpy -b2M -m800  # short version

    Record screen

    It is possible to record the screen while mirroring:

    scrcpy --record file.mp4
    scrcpy -r file.mkv

    To disable mirroring while recording:

    scrcpy --no-display --record file.mp4
    scrcpy -Nr file.mkv
    # interrupt recording with Ctrl+C
    # Ctrl+C does not terminate properly on Windows, so disconnect the device

    "Skipped frames" are recorded, even if they are not displayed in real time (for performance reasons). Frames are timestamped on the device, so packet delay variation does not impact the recorded file.


    If several devices are listed in adb devices, you must specify the serial:

    scrcpy --serial 0123456789abcdef
    scrcpy -s 0123456789abcdef  # short version

    You can start several instances of scrcpy for several devices.


    The app may be started directly in fullscreen:

    scrcpy --fullscreen
    scrcpy -f  # short version

    Fullscreen can then be toggled dynamically with Ctrl+f.

    Always on top

    The window of app can always be above others by:

    scrcpy --always-on-top
    scrcpy -T  # short version

    Show touches

    For presentations, it may be useful to show physical touches (on the physical device).

    Android provides this feature in Developers options.

    Scrcpy provides an option to enable this feature on start and disable on exit:

    scrcpy --show-touches
    scrcpy -t

    Note that it only shows physical touches (with the finger on the device).

    Install APK

    To install an APK, drag & drop an APK file (ending with .apk) to the scrcpy window.

    There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.

    Push file to device

    To push a file to /sdcard/ on the device, drag & drop a (non-APK) file to the scrcpy window.

    There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console.

    The target directory can be changed on start:

    scrcpy --push-target /sdcard/foo/bar/


    To disable controls (everything which can interact with the device: input keys, mouse events, drag&drop files):

    scrcpy --no-control
    scrcpy -n

    Turn screen off

    It is possible to turn the device screen off while mirroring on start with a command-line option:

    scrcpy --turn-screen-off
    scrcpy -S

    Or by pressing Ctrl+o at any time.

    To turn it back on, press POWER (or Ctrl+p).

    Render expired frames

    By default, to minimize latency, scrcpy always renders the last decoded frame available, and drops any previous one.

    To force the rendering of all frames (at a cost of a possible increased latency), use:

    scrcpy --render-expired-frames

    Custom window title

    By default, the window title is the device model. It can be changed:

    scrcpy --window-title 'My device'

    Forward audio

    Audio is not forwarded by scrcpy. Use USBaudio (Linux-only).

    Also see issue #14.


    Action Shortcut Shortcut (macOS)
    Switch fullscreen mode Ctrl+f Cmd+f
    Resize window to 1:1 (pixel-perfect) Ctrl+g Cmd+g
    Resize window to remove black borders Ctrl+x | Double-click¹ Cmd+x | Double-click¹
    Click on HOME Ctrl+h | Middle-click Ctrl+h | Middle-click
    Click on BACK Ctrl+b | Right-click² Cmd+b | Right-click²
    Click on APP_SWITCH Ctrl+s Cmd+s
    Click on MENU Ctrl+m Ctrl+m
    Click on VOLUME_UP Ctrl+ (up) Cmd+ (up)
    Click on VOLUME_DOWN Ctrl+ (down) Cmd+ (down)
    Click on POWER Ctrl+p Cmd+p
    Power on Right-click² Right-click²
    Turn device screen off (keep mirroring) Ctrl+o Cmd+o
    Expand notification panel Ctrl+n Cmd+n
    Collapse notification panel Ctrl+Shift+n Cmd+Shift+n
    Copy device clipboard to computer Ctrl+c Cmd+c
    Paste computer clipboard to device Ctrl+v Cmd+v
    Copy computer clipboard to device Ctrl+Shift+v Cmd+Shift+v
    Enable/disable FPS counter (on stdout) Ctrl+i Cmd+i

    ¹Double-click on black borders to remove them.
    ²Right-click turns the screen on if it was off, presses BACK otherwise.

    Custom paths

    To use a specific adb binary, configure its path in the environment variable ADB:

    ADB=/path/to/adb scrcpy

    To override the path of the scrcpy-server file, configure its path in SCRCPY_SERVER_PATH.

    Why scrcpy?

    A colleague challenged me to find a name as unpronounceable as gnirehtet.

    strcpy copies a string; scrcpy copies a screen.

    How to build?

    See BUILD.

    Common issues

    See the FAQ.


    Read the developers page.


    Copyright (C) 2018 Genymobile
    Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Romain Vimont
    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at
    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.



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    • Makefile 1.4 %