未验证 提交 1a6c3cd6 编写于 作者: S Shlomi Noach 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #1373 from binwiederhier/enforce-semi-sync-replica-count

EnforceSemiSyncReplicas & RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster - actively enable/disable semi-sync replicas to match master's wait count
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"DataCenterPattern": "",
"DetectDataCenterQuery": "select substring_index(substring_index(@@hostname, '-',3), '-', -1) as dc",
"PhysicalEnvironmentPattern": "",
"DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery": ""
......@@ -60,3 +61,75 @@ You will configure data center awareness in one of two methods:
### Cluster domain
To a lesser importance, and mostly for visibility, `DetectClusterDomainQuery` should return the VIP or CNAME or otherwise the address of the cluster's master
### Semi-sync topology
In some environments, it is important to control the not only the number of semi-sync replicas, but also if a replica is a semi-sync or an async replica.
`orchestrator` can detect an undesired semi-sync configuration and toggle the semi-sync flags
`rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled` and `rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled` to correct the situation.
#### Semi-sync master (`rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled`)
`orchestrator` enables the semi-sync master flag during a master failover (e.g. `DeadMaster`) if `DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery` returns a value > 0
for the new master. `orchestrator` does not trigger any recoveries if the master flag is otherwise changed or incorrectly set.
A semi-sync master can enter two failure scenarios: [`LockedSemiSyncMaster`](failure-detection.md#lockedsemisyncmaster) and
[`MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas`](failure-detection.md#masterwithtoomanysemisyncreplicas). `orchestrator` disables the
semi-sync master flag on semi-sync replicas during a recovery of either of these two conditions.
#### Semi-sync replicas (`rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled`)
`orchestrator` can detect if there is an incorrect number of semi-sync replicas in the topology ([`LockedSemiSyncMaster`](failure-detection.md#lockedsemisyncmaster) and
[`MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas`](failure-detection.md#masterwithtoomanysemisyncreplicas)), and can then correct the situation by enabling/disabling
the semi-sync replica flags accordingly.
This behavior can be controlled by the following options:
- `DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery`: query that returns the semi-sync priority (zero means async replica; higher number means higher priority)
- `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas`: flag that decides whether to enforce a _strict_ semi-sync replica topology. If enabled, the recovery of `LockedSemiSyncMaster`
and `MasterWithTooManyReplicas` will enable _and disable_ semi-sync on the replicas to match the desired topology exactly based on the priority order.
- `RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster`: flag that decides whether to recover from a `LockedSemiSyncMaster` scenario. If enabled, the recovery of `LockedSemiSyncMaster`
will enable _(but never disable)_ semi-sync on the replicas in the priority order to match the master wait count. This option has no effect if
`EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` is set. It is only useful if you'd like to only handle a situation which which there are too few semi-sync replicas,
but not if there are too many.
- `ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds`: number of seconds after which the `LockedSemiSyncMaster` condition is triggered; if not set, falls back to `ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds`
The priority order is defined by `DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery` (zero means async replica; higher number is higher priority), the promotion rule (`DetectPromotionRuleQuery`)
and the hostname (fallback).
**Example 1**: Enforcing a strict semi-sync replica topology with two replicas and `rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_for_slave_count=1`:
"DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery": "select priority from meta.semi_sync where cluster_member = @@hostname",
"EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas": true
Assuming this topology:
,- replica1 (priority = 10, rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 1)
`- replica2 (priority = 20, rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 1)
`orchestrator` would detect a [`MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas`](failure-detection.md#masterwithtoomanysemisyncreplicas) scenario
and disable semi-sync on replica2.
**Example 2**: Enforcing a weak semi-sync replica toplogy with two replicas and `rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_for_slave_count=1`:
"DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery": "select 2586",
"DetectPromotionRuleQuery": "select promotion_rule from meta.promotion_rules where cluster_member = @@hostname",
"RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster": true
Assuming this topology:
,- replica1 (priority = 2586, promotion rule = prefer, rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 0)
`- replica2 (priority = 2586, promotion rule = neutral, rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 0)
`orchestrator` would detect a [`LockedSemiSyncMaster`](failure-detection.md#lockedsemisyncmaster) scenario
and enable semi-sync on replica1.
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Observe the following list of potential failures:
* UnreachableMasterWithLaggingReplicas
* UnreachableMaster
* LockedSemiSyncMaster
* MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas
* AllMasterReplicasNotReplicating
* AllMasterReplicasNotReplicatingOrDead
* DeadCoMaster
......@@ -96,15 +97,43 @@ This scenario can happen when the master is overloaded. Clients would see a "Too
`orchestrator` responds to this scenario by restarting replication on all of master's immediate replicas. This will close the old client connections on those replicas and attempt to initiate new ones. These may now fail to connect, leading to a complete replication failure on all replicas. This will next lead `orchestrator` to analyze a `DeadMaster`.
### LockedSemiSyncMaster
#### `LockedSemiSyncMaster`
1. Master is running with semi-sync enabled
1. Master is running with semi-sync enabled (`rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled=1`)
2. Number of connected semi-sync replicas falls short of expected `rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_for_slave_count`
3. `rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout` is high enough such that master locks writes and does not fall back to asynchronous replication
Remediation can be to disable semi-sync on the master, or to bring up (or enable) sufficient semi-sync replicas.
This condition only triggers after `ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds` has passed. If `ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds` is not set,
it trigger after `ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds`.
At this time `orchestrator` does not invoke processes for this type of analysis.
Remediation of this condition can be to disable semi-sync on the master, or to bring up (or enable) sufficient semi-sync replicas.
If `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` is enabled, `orchestrator` will determine the desired semi-sync topology and enable/disable semi-sync on the replicas to match it.
The desired topology is defined by the priority order (see below) and the master wait count.
If `RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster` is enabled, `orchestrator` will enable (but never disable) semi-sync on the replicas in priority order until
the number of semi-sync replicas matches the master wait count. Please note that `RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster` has no effect if `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` is set.
The priority order is defined by `DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery` (higher number is higher priority), the promotion rule (`DetectPromotionRuleQuery`) and the hostname (fallback).
If `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` and `RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster` are both disabled (default), `orchestrator` does not invoke any recovery processes for this type of analysis.
Please also consult the [semi-sync topology](configuration-discovery-classifying.md#semi-sync-topology) documentation for more details.
#### `MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas`
1. Master is running with semi-sync enabled (`rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled=1`)
2. Number of connected semi-sync replicas is higher than the expected `rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_for_slave_count`
3. `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` is enabled (this analysis is not triggered if this flag is not enabled)
If `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` is enabled, `orchestrator` will determine the desired semi-sync topology and enable/disable semi-sync on the replicas to match it.
The desired topology is defined by the priority order and the master wait count.
The priority order is defined by `DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery` (higher number is higher priority), the promotion rule (`DetectPromotionRuleQuery`) and the hostname (fallback).
If `EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas` is disabled (default), `orchestrator` does not invoke any recovery processes for this type of analysis.
Please also consult the [semi-sync topology](configuration-discovery-classifying.md#semi-sync-topology) documentation for more details.
### Failures of no interest
......@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ type Configuration struct {
GraphitePollSeconds int // Graphite writes interval. 0 disables.
URLPrefix string // URL prefix to run orchestrator on non-root web path, e.g. /orchestrator to put it behind nginx.
DiscoveryIgnoreReplicaHostnameFilters []string // Regexp filters to apply to prevent auto-discovering new replicas. Usage: unreachable servers due to firewalls, applications which trigger binlog dumps
DiscoveryIgnoreMasterHostnameFilters []string // Regexp filters to apply to prevent auto-discovering a master. Usage: pointing your master temporarily to replicate seom data from external host
DiscoveryIgnoreMasterHostnameFilters []string // Regexp filters to apply to prevent auto-discovering a master. Usage: pointing your master temporarily to replicate some data from external host
DiscoveryIgnoreHostnameFilters []string // Regexp filters to apply to prevent discovering instances of any kind
ConsulAddress string // Address where Consul HTTP api is found. Example:
ConsulScheme string // Scheme (http or https) for Consul
......@@ -275,6 +275,9 @@ type Configuration struct {
KVClusterMasterPrefix string // Prefix to use for clusters' masters entries in KV stores (internal, consul, ZK), default: "mysql/master"
WebMessage string // If provided, will be shown on all web pages below the title bar
MaxConcurrentReplicaOperations int // Maximum number of concurrent operations on replicas
EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas bool // If true, semi-sync replicas will be enabled/disabled to match the wait count in the desired priority order; this applies to LockedSemiSyncMaster and MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas
RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster bool // If true, orchestrator will recover from a LockedSemiSync state by enabling semi-sync on replicas to match the wait count; this behavior can be overridden by EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas
ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds uint // Time to evaluate the LockedSemiSyncHypothesis before triggering the LockedSemiSync analysis; falls back to ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds if not set
// ToJSONString will marshal this configuration as JSON
......@@ -446,6 +449,9 @@ func newConfiguration() *Configuration {
KVClusterMasterPrefix: "mysql/master",
WebMessage: "",
MaxConcurrentReplicaOperations: 5,
EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas: false,
RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster: false,
ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds: 0,
......@@ -608,6 +614,9 @@ func (this *Configuration) postReadAdjustments() error {
} else if this.ConsulMaxKVsPerTransaction > ConsulMaxTransactionOps {
this.ConsulMaxKVsPerTransaction = ConsulMaxTransactionOps
if this.ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds == 0 {
this.ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds = uint(this.ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds)
return nil
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ const (
AllMasterReplicasNotReplicatingOrDead = "AllMasterReplicasNotReplicatingOrDead"
LockedSemiSyncMasterHypothesis = "LockedSemiSyncMasterHypothesis"
LockedSemiSyncMaster = "LockedSemiSyncMaster"
MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas = "MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas"
MasterWithoutReplicas = "MasterWithoutReplicas"
DeadCoMaster = "DeadCoMaster"
DeadCoMasterAndSomeReplicas = "DeadCoMasterAndSomeReplicas"
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func initializeAnalysisDaoPostConfiguration() {
func GetReplicationAnalysis(clusterName string, hints *ReplicationAnalysisHints) ([]ReplicationAnalysis, error) {
result := []ReplicationAnalysis{}
args := sqlutils.Args(config.Config.ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds, ValidSecondsFromSeenToLastAttemptedCheck(), config.Config.ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds, clusterName)
args := sqlutils.Args(config.Config.ReasonableLockedSemiSyncMasterSeconds, ValidSecondsFromSeenToLastAttemptedCheck(), config.Config.ReasonableReplicationLagSeconds, clusterName)
analysisQueryReductionClause := ``
if config.Config.ReduceReplicationAnalysisCount {
......@@ -531,6 +531,10 @@ func GetReplicationAnalysis(clusterName string, hints *ReplicationAnalysisHints)
a.Description = "Semi sync master seems to be locked, more samplings needed to validate"
} else if config.Config.EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas && a.IsMaster && a.SemiSyncMasterEnabled && a.SemiSyncMasterStatus && a.SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount > 0 && a.SemiSyncMasterClients > a.SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount {
a.Analysis = MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas
a.Description = "Semi sync master has more semi sync replicas than configured"
} else if a.IsMaster && a.LastCheckValid && a.IsReadOnly && a.CountValidReplicatingReplicas > 0 && config.Config.RecoverNonWriteableMaster {
a.Analysis = NoWriteableMasterStructureWarning
a.Description = "Master with replicas is read_only"
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ type Instance struct {
HasReplicationCredentials bool
ReplicationCredentialsAvailable bool
SemiSyncAvailable bool // when both semi sync plugins (master & replica) are loaded
SemiSyncEnforced bool
SemiSyncPriority uint // higher value means higher priority, zero means async replica
SemiSyncMasterEnabled bool
SemiSyncReplicaEnabled bool
SemiSyncMasterTimeout uint64
......@@ -204,6 +204,20 @@ func ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey *InstanceKey) (*Instance, error) {
return ReadTopologyInstanceBufferable(instanceKey, false, nil)
// ReadTopologyInstances is a convenience method that calls ReadTopologyInstance
// for all the instance keys and returns a slice of Instance.
func ReadTopologyInstances(instanceKeys []InstanceKey) ([]*Instance, error) {
instances := make([]*Instance, 0)
for _, instanceKey := range instanceKeys {
instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(&instanceKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
instances = append(instances, instance)
return instances, nil
func RetryInstanceFunction(f func() (*Instance, error)) (instance *Instance, err error) {
for i := 0; i < retryInstanceFunctionCount; i++ {
if instance, err = f(); err == nil {
......@@ -776,7 +790,7 @@ func ReadTopologyInstanceBufferable(instanceKey *InstanceKey, bufferWrites bool,
go func() {
defer waitGroup.Done()
err := db.QueryRow(config.Config.DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery).Scan(&instance.SemiSyncEnforced)
err := db.QueryRow(config.Config.DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery).Scan(&instance.SemiSyncPriority)
logReadTopologyInstanceError(instanceKey, "DetectSemiSyncEnforcedQuery", err)
......@@ -1209,7 +1223,7 @@ func readInstanceRow(m sqlutils.RowMap) *Instance {
instance.DataCenter = m.GetString("data_center")
instance.Region = m.GetString("region")
instance.PhysicalEnvironment = m.GetString("physical_environment")
instance.SemiSyncEnforced = m.GetBool("semi_sync_enforced")
instance.SemiSyncPriority = m.GetUint("semi_sync_enforced")
instance.SemiSyncAvailable = m.GetBool("semi_sync_available")
instance.SemiSyncMasterEnabled = m.GetBool("semi_sync_master_enabled")
instance.SemiSyncMasterTimeout = m.GetUint64("semi_sync_master_timeout")
......@@ -2610,7 +2624,7 @@ func mkInsertOdkuForInstances(instances []*Instance, instanceWasActuallyFound bo
args = append(args, instance.ReplicationCredentialsAvailable)
args = append(args, instance.HasReplicationCredentials)
args = append(args, instance.AllowTLS)
args = append(args, instance.SemiSyncEnforced)
args = append(args, instance.SemiSyncPriority)
args = append(args, instance.SemiSyncAvailable)
args = append(args, instance.SemiSyncMasterEnabled)
args = append(args, instance.SemiSyncMasterTimeout)
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ func TestMkInsertOdkuSingle(t *testing.T) {
a1 := `i710, 3306, 0, 710, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT,
FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0,
false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 10, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0, `
false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 10, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0, `
sql1, args1, err := mkInsertOdkuForInstances(instances[:1], false, true)
......@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ func TestMkInsertOdkuThree(t *testing.T) {
instance_alias=VALUES(instance_alias), last_discovery_latency=VALUES(last_discovery_latency), replication_group_name=VALUES(replication_group_name), replication_group_is_single_primary_mode=VALUES(replication_group_is_single_primary_mode), replication_group_member_state=VALUES(replication_group_member_state), replication_group_member_role=VALUES(replication_group_member_role), replication_group_members=VALUES(replication_group_members), replication_group_primary_host=VALUES(replication_group_primary_host), replication_group_primary_port=VALUES(replication_group_primary_port), last_seen=VALUES(last_seen)
a3 := `
i710, 3306, 0, 710, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT, FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 10, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0,
i720, 3306, 0, 720, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT, FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 20, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0,
i730, 3306, 0, 730, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT, FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 30, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0,
i710, 3306, 0, 710, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT, FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 10, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0,
i720, 3306, 0, 720, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT, FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 20, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0,
i730, 3306, 0, 730, , 5.6.7, 5.6, MySQL, false, false, STATEMENT, FULL, false, false, , 0, , 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, false, , , , , , , false, false, , 0, mysql.000007, 30, , 0, , , {0 false}, {0 false}, 0, 0, [], , , , , , 0, false, false, false, false, 0, false, false, 0, 0, false, false, 0, false, , 0, , false, , , [], , 0,
sql3, args3, err := mkInsertOdkuForInstances(instances[:3], true, true)
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
......@@ -446,18 +447,19 @@ func StartReplication(instanceKey *InstanceKey) (*Instance, error) {
return instance, fmt.Errorf("instance is not a replica: %+v", instanceKey)
instance, err = MaybeDisableSemiSyncMaster(instance)
if err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
// If async fallback is disallowed, we'd better make sure to enable replicas to
// send ACKs before START SLAVE. Replica ACKing is off at mysqld startup because
// some replicas (those that must never be promoted) should never ACK.
// Note: We assume that replicas use 'skip-slave-start' so they won't
// START SLAVE on their own upon restart.
if instance.SemiSyncEnforced {
// Send ACK only from promotable instances.
sendACK := instance.PromotionRule != MustNotPromoteRule
// Always disable master setting, in case we're converting a former master.
if err := EnableSemiSync(instanceKey, false, sendACK); err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
instance, err = MaybeEnableSemiSyncReplica(instance)
if err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
_, err = ExecInstance(instanceKey, `start slave`)
......@@ -529,7 +531,7 @@ func WaitForExecBinlogCoordinatesToReach(instanceKey *InstanceKey, coordinates *
// StartReplicationUntilMasterCoordinates issuesa START SLAVE UNTIL... statement on given instance
// StartReplicationUntilMasterCoordinates issues a START SLAVE UNTIL... statement on given instance
func StartReplicationUntilMasterCoordinates(instanceKey *InstanceKey, masterCoordinates *BinlogCoordinates) (*Instance, error) {
instance, err := ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
if err != nil {
......@@ -545,13 +547,13 @@ func StartReplicationUntilMasterCoordinates(instanceKey *InstanceKey, masterCoor
log.Infof("Will start replication on %+v until coordinates: %+v", instanceKey, masterCoordinates)
if instance.SemiSyncEnforced {
// Send ACK only from promotable instances.
sendACK := instance.PromotionRule != MustNotPromoteRule
// Always disable master setting, in case we're converting a former master.
if err := EnableSemiSync(instanceKey, false, sendACK); err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
instance, err = MaybeDisableSemiSyncMaster(instance)
if err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
instance, err = MaybeEnableSemiSyncReplica(instance)
if err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
// MariaDB has a bug: a CHANGE MASTER TO statement does not work properly with prepared statement... :P
......@@ -579,14 +581,194 @@ func StartReplicationUntilMasterCoordinates(instanceKey *InstanceKey, masterCoor
return instance, err
// EnableSemiSync sets the rpl_semi_sync_(master|replica)_enabled variables
// on a given instance.
func EnableSemiSync(instanceKey *InstanceKey, master, replica bool) error {
log.Infof("instance %+v rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled: %t, rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled: %t", instanceKey, master, replica)
_, err := ExecInstance(instanceKey,
`set global rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = ?, global rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = ?`,
master, replica)
return err
// MaybeDisableSemiSyncMaster always disables the semi-sync master (rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled) if the semi-sync priority is > 0. This is
// a little odd but in line with the legacy behavior and we really should disable the semi-sync master flag for replicas when starting replication.
func MaybeDisableSemiSyncMaster(replicaInstance *Instance) (*Instance, error) {
if replicaInstance.SemiSyncPriority > 0 && replicaInstance.SemiSyncMasterEnabled {
log.Infof("semi-sync: %s: setting rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled: %t", &replicaInstance.Key, false)
replicaInstance, err := SetSemiSyncMaster(&replicaInstance.Key, false)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("semi-sync: %s: cannot disable rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled; that's not that bad though", &replicaInstance.Key)
return replicaInstance, err
return replicaInstance, nil
// MaybeEnableSemiSyncReplica sets the semi-sync replica variable (rpl_semi_sync_replica_enabled) on a given instance based on the config and
// state of the world. If EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas or RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster are enabled, the semi-sync replica variable is enabled
// only if the given instance is supposed to be enabled according to the semi-sync priority order and the number of desired semi-sync replicas.
// If the flags are both turned off, the legacy behavior kicks in: If SemiSyncPriority > 0 and the instance is promotable (not "must_not"),
// semi-sync is enabled.
func MaybeEnableSemiSyncReplica(replicaInstance *Instance) (*Instance, error) {
// Backwards compatible logic: Enable semi-sync if SemiSyncPriority > 0 (formerly SemiSyncEnforced)
// Note that this logic NEVER enables semi-sync if the promotion rule is "must_not".
if !config.Config.EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas && !config.Config.RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster {
return maybeEnableSemiSyncReplicaLegacy(replicaInstance)
// New logic: If EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas or RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster are set, we enable semi-sync only if the
// given replica instance is in the list of replicas to have semi-sync enabled (according to the priority).
_, _, actions, err := AnalyzeSemiSyncReplicaTopology(&replicaInstance.MasterKey, &replicaInstance.Key, config.Config.EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas)
if err != nil {
return replicaInstance, log.Errorf("semi-sync: %s", err.Error())
for replica, enable := range actions {
if replica.Key.Equals(&replicaInstance.Key) {
log.Infof("semi-sync: %s: setting rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled=%t, restarting slave_io thread", replica.Key.String(), enable)
if _, err := SetSemiSyncReplica(&replica.Key, enable); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot enable semi sync on replica %+v", replica.Key)
return replicaInstance, nil
// We are not taking any action for anything but replicaInstance, so if we detect that another replica has to be enabled,
// we won't act here and leave it to a future MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas or LockedSemiSyncMaster event to correct.
log.Infof("semi-sync: %+v: no action taken; this may lead to future recoveries", &replicaInstance.Key)
return replicaInstance, nil
// maybeEnableSemiSyncReplicaLegacy enable semi-sync if SemiSyncPriority > 0 (formerly SemiSyncEnforced). This is a backwards
// compatible logic that NEVER enables semi-sync if the promotion rule is "must_not".
func maybeEnableSemiSyncReplicaLegacy(replicaInstance *Instance) (*Instance, error) {
if replicaInstance.SemiSyncPriority > 0 {
enable := replicaInstance.PromotionRule != MustNotPromoteRule // Send ACK only from promotable instances
log.Infof("semi-sync: %+v: setting rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = %t (legacy behavior)", &replicaInstance.Key, enable)
return SetSemiSyncReplica(&replicaInstance.Key, enable)
return replicaInstance, nil
// AnalyzeSemiSyncReplicaTopology analyzes the replica topology for the given master and determines actions for the semi-sync replica enabled
// variable. It does not take any action itself.
func AnalyzeSemiSyncReplicaTopology(masterKey *InstanceKey, includeNonReplicatingInstance *InstanceKey, exactReplicaTopology bool) (masterInstance *Instance, replicas []*Instance, actions map[*Instance]bool, err error) {
// Read entire topology of master and its replicas to ensure we have the most up-to-date information
masterInstance, err = ReadTopologyInstance(masterKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
replicas, err = ReadTopologyInstances(masterInstance.Replicas.GetInstanceKeys())
if err != nil {
replicas, err = ReadReplicaInstances(masterKey) // Falling back to just reading from our backend
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
// Classify and prioritize replicas & figure out which replicas need to be acted upon
possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas := classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas, includeNonReplicatingInstance)
actions = determineSemiSyncReplicaActions(masterInstance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, exactReplicaTopology)
logSemiSyncReplicaAnalysis(masterInstance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas, actions)
return masterInstance, replicas, actions, nil
// classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas takes a list of replica instances and classifies them based on their semi-sync priority, excluding replicas
// that are down. The function furthermore prioritizes the possible semi-sync replicas based on SemiSyncPriority, PromotionRule and hostname (fallback).
func classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas []*Instance, includeNonReplicatingInstance *InstanceKey) (possibleSemiSyncReplicas []*Instance, asyncReplicas []*Instance, excludedReplicas []*Instance) {
// Classify based on state and semi-sync priority
possibleSemiSyncReplicas = make([]*Instance, 0)
asyncReplicas = make([]*Instance, 0)
excludedReplicas = make([]*Instance, 0)
for _, replica := range replicas {
isReplicating := replica.Key.Equals(includeNonReplicatingInstance) || replica.ReplicaRunning()
if !replica.IsLastCheckValid || !isReplicating {
excludedReplicas = append(excludedReplicas, replica)
} else if replica.SemiSyncPriority == 0 {
asyncReplicas = append(asyncReplicas, replica)
} else {
possibleSemiSyncReplicas = append(possibleSemiSyncReplicas, replica)
// Sort replicas by priority (higher number means higher priority), promotion rule and name
sort.Slice(possibleSemiSyncReplicas, func(i, j int) bool {
if possibleSemiSyncReplicas[i].SemiSyncPriority != possibleSemiSyncReplicas[j].SemiSyncPriority {
return possibleSemiSyncReplicas[i].SemiSyncPriority > possibleSemiSyncReplicas[j].SemiSyncPriority
if possibleSemiSyncReplicas[i].PromotionRule != possibleSemiSyncReplicas[j].PromotionRule {
return possibleSemiSyncReplicas[i].PromotionRule.BetterThan(possibleSemiSyncReplicas[j].PromotionRule)
return strings.Compare(possibleSemiSyncReplicas[i].Key.String(), possibleSemiSyncReplicas[j].Key.String()) < 0
// determineSemiSyncReplicaActions returns a map of replicas for which to change the semi-sync replica setting.
// A value of true indicates semi-sync needs to be enabled, false that it needs to be disabled.
func determineSemiSyncReplicaActions(masterInstance *Instance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas []*Instance, asyncReplicas []*Instance, exactReplicaTopology bool) map[*Instance]bool {
if exactReplicaTopology {
return determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology(masterInstance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas)
return determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology(masterInstance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas)
// determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology takes a priority-list of possible semi-sync replicas and always-async replicas and returns a list
// of actions to perform on them. If the current state of a replica's semi-sync flag does not match the desired state, an action is returned for it.
func determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology(masterInstance *Instance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas []*Instance, asyncReplicas []*Instance) map[*Instance]bool {
actions := make(map[*Instance]bool, 0) // true = enable semi-sync, false = disable semi-sync
for i, replica := range possibleSemiSyncReplicas {
isSemiSyncEnabled := replica.SemiSyncReplicaEnabled
shouldSemiSyncBeEnabled := uint(i) < masterInstance.SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount
if shouldSemiSyncBeEnabled && !isSemiSyncEnabled {
actions[replica] = true
} else if !shouldSemiSyncBeEnabled && isSemiSyncEnabled {
actions[replica] = false
for _, replica := range asyncReplicas {
if replica.SemiSyncReplicaEnabled {
actions[replica] = false
return actions
// determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology takes a priority-list of possible semi-sync replicas and returns a list of actions to increase the
// number of semi-sync replicas to the semi-sync master wait count. This function will never return actions to disable a semi-sync replica.
func determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology(masterInstance *Instance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas []*Instance) map[*Instance]bool {
actions := make(map[*Instance]bool, 0) // true = enable semi-sync, false = disable semi-sync
enabled := uint(0)
for _, replica := range possibleSemiSyncReplicas {
if !replica.SemiSyncReplicaEnabled {
actions[replica] = true
if enabled == masterInstance.SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount-masterInstance.SemiSyncMasterClients {
return actions
func logSemiSyncReplicaAnalysis(masterInstance *Instance, possibleSemiSyncReplicas []*Instance, asyncReplicas []*Instance, excludedReplicas []*Instance, actions map[*Instance]bool) {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: analysis results for recovery of cluster %+v:", masterInstance.ClusterName)
log.Debugf("semi-sync: master = %+v, master semi-sync wait count = %d, master semi-sync replica count = %d", masterInstance.Key, masterInstance.SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount, masterInstance.SemiSyncMasterClients)
logSemiSyncReplicaList("possible semi-sync replicas (in priority order)", possibleSemiSyncReplicas)
logSemiSyncReplicaList("always-async replicas", asyncReplicas)
logSemiSyncReplicaList("excluded replicas (defunct)", excludedReplicas)
if len(actions) > 0 {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: suggested actions:")
for replica, enable := range actions {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: - %+v: should set semi-sync enabled = %t", replica.Key, enable)
} else {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: suggested actions: (none)")
func logSemiSyncReplicaList(description string, replicas []*Instance) {
if len(replicas) > 0 {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: %s:", description)
for _, replica := range replicas {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: - %s: semi-sync enabled = %t, priority = %d, promotion rule = %s, last check = %t, replicating = %t", replica.Key.String(), replica.SemiSyncReplicaEnabled, replica.SemiSyncPriority, replica.PromotionRule, replica.IsLastCheckValid, replica.ReplicaRunning())
} else {
log.Debugf("semi-sync: %s: (none)", description)
// DelayReplication set the replication delay given seconds
......@@ -1108,10 +1290,8 @@ func SetReadOnly(instanceKey *InstanceKey, readOnly bool) (*Instance, error) {
// If async fallback is disallowed, we're responsible for flipping the master
// semi-sync switch ON before accepting writes. The setting is off by default.
if instance.SemiSyncEnforced && !readOnly {
// Send ACK only from promotable instances.
sendACK := instance.PromotionRule != MustNotPromoteRule
if err := EnableSemiSync(instanceKey, true, sendACK); err != nil {
if instance.SemiSyncPriority > 0 && !readOnly {
if _, err := SetSemiSyncMaster(instanceKey, true); err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
......@@ -1129,13 +1309,14 @@ func SetReadOnly(instanceKey *InstanceKey, readOnly bool) (*Instance, error) {
instance, err = ReadTopologyInstance(instanceKey)
if err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
// If we just went read-only, it's safe to flip the master semi-sync switch
// OFF, which is the default value so that replicas can make progress.
if instance.SemiSyncEnforced && readOnly {
// Send ACK only from promotable instances.
sendACK := instance.PromotionRule != MustNotPromoteRule
if err := EnableSemiSync(instanceKey, false, sendACK); err != nil {
if instance.SemiSyncPriority > 0 && readOnly {
if _, err := SetSemiSyncMaster(instanceKey, false); err != nil {
return instance, log.Errore(err)
package inst
import (
test "github.com/openark/golib/tests"
func init() {
config.Config.HostnameResolveMethod = "none"
func newTestReplica(key string, masterKey string, lastCheckValid bool, semiSyncPriority uint, promotionRule CandidatePromotionRule, replicationState ReplicationThreadState) *Instance {
return &Instance{
Key: InstanceKey{Hostname: key, Port: 3306},
MasterKey: InstanceKey{Hostname: masterKey, Port: 3306},
ReadBinlogCoordinates: BinlogCoordinates{LogFile: "mysql.000001", LogPos: 10},
ReplicationSQLThreadState: replicationState,
ReplicationIOThreadState: replicationState,
IsLastCheckValid: lastCheckValid,
SemiSyncPriority: semiSyncPriority,
PromotionRule: promotionRule,
func expectInstancesMatch(t *testing.T, actual []*Instance, expected []*Instance) {
if len(expected) != len(actual) {
t.Fatalf("Actual instance list %+v does not match expected list %+v", actual, expected)
for i := range actual {
if actual[i] != expected[i] {
t.Fatalf("Actual instance %+v does not match expected %+v", actual[i], expected[i])
func TestClassifyAndPrioritizeReplicas_NoPrioritiesSamePromotionRule_NameTiebreaker(t *testing.T) {
replica1 := newTestReplica("replica1", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica2 := newTestReplica("replica2", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica3 := newTestReplica("replica3", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replicas := []*Instance{replica3, replica2, replica1} // inverse order!
possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas := classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas, nil)
expectInstancesMatch(t, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3})
expectInstancesMatch(t, asyncReplicas, []*Instance{})
expectInstancesMatch(t, excludedReplicas, []*Instance{})
func TestClassifyAndPrioritizeReplicas_WithPriorities(t *testing.T) {
replica1 := newTestReplica("replica1", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica2 := newTestReplica("replica2", "master1", true, 3, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica3 := newTestReplica("replica3", "master1", true, 2, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas := classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas, nil)
expectInstancesMatch(t, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, []*Instance{replica2, replica3, replica1})
expectInstancesMatch(t, asyncReplicas, []*Instance{})
expectInstancesMatch(t, excludedReplicas, []*Instance{})
func TestClassifyAndPrioritizeReplicas_WithPrioritiesAndPromotionRules_PriorityTakesPrecedence(t *testing.T) {
replica1 := newTestReplica("replica1", "master1", true, 1, PreferPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica2 := newTestReplica("replica2", "master1", true, 3, MustNotPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica3 := newTestReplica("replica3", "master1", true, 2, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas := classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas, nil)
expectInstancesMatch(t, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, []*Instance{replica2, replica3, replica1})
expectInstancesMatch(t, asyncReplicas, []*Instance{})
expectInstancesMatch(t, excludedReplicas, []*Instance{})
func TestClassifyAndPrioritizeReplicas_LastCheckInvalidAndNotReplication(t *testing.T) {
replica1 := newTestReplica("replica1", "master1", true, 1, MustNotPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica2 := newTestReplica("replica2", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateStopped)
replica3 := newTestReplica("replica3", "master1", false, 1, PreferPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas := classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas, nil)
expectInstancesMatch(t, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, []*Instance{replica1})
expectInstancesMatch(t, asyncReplicas, []*Instance{})
expectInstancesMatch(t, excludedReplicas, []*Instance{replica2, replica3})
func TestClassifyAndPrioritizeReplicas_NonReplicatingReplica(t *testing.T) {
replica1 := newTestReplica("replica1", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica2 := newTestReplica("replica2", "master1", true, 1, NeutralPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateRunning)
replica3 := newTestReplica("replica3", "master1", true, 1, MustNotPromoteRule, ReplicationThreadStateStopped)
replicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas, excludedReplicas := classifyAndPrioritizeReplicas(replicas, &replica3.Key) // Non-replicating instance
expectInstancesMatch(t, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3})
expectInstancesMatch(t, asyncReplicas, []*Instance{})
expectInstancesMatch(t, excludedReplicas, []*Instance{})
func TestDetermineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology_EnableSomeDisableSome(t *testing.T) {
master := &Instance{SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount: 2}
replica1 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
replica2 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: false}
replica3 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
replica4 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: false}
replica5 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3, replica4}
asyncReplicas := []*Instance{replica5}
actions := determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology(master, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas)
test.S(t).ExpectTrue(len(actions) == 3)
func TestDetermineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology_NoActions(t *testing.T) {
master := &Instance{SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount: 1, SemiSyncMasterClients: 1}
replica1 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
replica2 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: false}
replica3 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: false}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
asyncReplicas := []*Instance{}
actions := determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForExactTopology(master, possibleSemiSyncReplicas, asyncReplicas)
test.S(t).ExpectTrue(len(actions) == 0)
func TestDetermineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology_MoreThanWaitCountNoActions(t *testing.T) {
master := &Instance{SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount: 1, SemiSyncMasterClients: 3}
replica1 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
replica2 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
replica3 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
actions := determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology(master, possibleSemiSyncReplicas)
test.S(t).ExpectTrue(len(actions) == 0)
func TestDetermineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology_LessThanWaitCountEnableOne(t *testing.T) {
master := &Instance{SemiSyncMasterWaitForReplicaCount: 2, SemiSyncMasterClients: 1}
replica1 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: false}
replica2 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: true}
replica3 := &Instance{SemiSyncReplicaEnabled: false}
possibleSemiSyncReplicas := []*Instance{replica1, replica2, replica3}
actions := determineSemiSyncReplicaActionsForEnoughTopology(master, possibleSemiSyncReplicas)
test.S(t).ExpectTrue(len(actions) == 1)
......@@ -1482,14 +1482,72 @@ func checkAndRecoverNonWriteableMaster(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, c
// checkAndRecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster
func checkAndRecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, candidateInstanceKey *inst.InstanceKey, forceInstanceRecovery bool, skipProcesses bool) (recoveryAttempted bool, topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery, err error) {
topologyRecovery, err = AttemptRecoveryRegistration(&analysisEntry, true, true)
if topologyRecovery == nil {
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("found an active or recent recovery on %+v. Will not issue another RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster.", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey))
return false, nil, err
if config.Config.EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas {
return recoverSemiSyncReplicas(topologyRecovery, analysisEntry, true)
if config.Config.RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster {
return recoverSemiSyncReplicas(topologyRecovery, analysisEntry, false)
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("no action taken to recover locked semi sync master on %+v. Enable RecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster or EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas change this behavior.", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey))
return false, nil, err
return false, nil, nil
// checkAndRecoverMasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas registers and performs a recovery for MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas
func checkAndRecoverMasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas(analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, candidateInstanceKey *inst.InstanceKey, forceInstanceRecovery bool, skipProcesses bool) (recoveryAttempted bool, topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery, err error) {
topologyRecovery, err = AttemptRecoveryRegistration(&analysisEntry, true, true)
if topologyRecovery == nil {
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("found an active or recent recovery on %+v. Will not issue another RecoverMasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas.", analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey))
return false, nil, err
return recoverSemiSyncReplicas(topologyRecovery, analysisEntry, true)
// recoverSemiSyncReplicas analyzes the replica topology for the given master and applies to repair it. If exactReplicaTopology is set, it will enable/disable the semi-sync enabled
// variable (rpl_semi_sync_replica_enabled) of the replicas depending on their semi-sync priority and promotion rule. If exactReplicaTopology is not set, the function will only ever
// enable semi-sync on replicas and never disable it. This variable typically corresponds to the EnforceExactSemiSyncReplicas config variable.
func recoverSemiSyncReplicas(topologyRecovery *TopologyRecovery, analysisEntry inst.ReplicationAnalysis, exactReplicaTopology bool) (recoveryAttempted bool, topologyRecoveryOut *TopologyRecovery, err error) {
masterInstance, replicas, actions, err := inst.AnalyzeSemiSyncReplicaTopology(&analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey, nil, exactReplicaTopology)
if err != nil {
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("semi-sync: %s", err.Error()))
return true, topologyRecovery, log.Errorf("semi-sync: %s", err.Error())
} else if len(actions) == 0 {
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("semi-sync: cannot determine actions based on possible semi-sync replicas; cannot recover on %+v", &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey))
return true, topologyRecovery, log.Errorf("cannot determine actions based on possible semi-sync replicas; cannot recover on %+v", &analysisEntry.AnalyzedInstanceKey)
// Disable semi-sync master on all replicas; this is to avoid semi-sync failures on the replicas (rpl_semi_sync_master_no_tx)
// and to make it consistent with the logic in SetReadOnly
for _, replica := range replicas {
inst.MaybeDisableSemiSyncMaster(replica) // it's okay if this fails
// Take action: we first enable and then disable (two loops) in order to avoid "locked master" scenarios
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, "semi-sync: taking actions:")
for replica, enable := range actions {
if enable {
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("semi-sync: - %s: setting rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled=%t, restarting slave_io thread", replica.Key.String(), enable))
if _, err := inst.SetSemiSyncReplica(&replica.Key, enable); err != nil {
return true, topologyRecovery, log.Errorf("cannot enable semi sync on replica %+v", replica.Key)
for replica, enable := range actions {
if !enable {
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("semi-sync: - %s: setting rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled=%t, restarting slave_io thread", replica.Key.String(), enable))
if _, err := inst.SetSemiSyncReplica(&replica.Key, enable); err != nil {
return true, topologyRecovery, fmt.Errorf("cannot disable semi sync on replica %+v", replica.Key)
resolveRecovery(topologyRecovery, masterInstance)
AuditTopologyRecovery(topologyRecovery, fmt.Sprintf("semi-sync: recovery complete; success = %t", topologyRecovery.IsSuccessful))
return true, topologyRecovery, nil
// checkAndRecoverGenericProblem is a general-purpose recovery function
......@@ -1662,6 +1720,8 @@ func getCheckAndRecoverFunction(analysisCode inst.AnalysisCode, analyzedInstance
} else {
return checkAndRecoverLockedSemiSyncMaster, true
case inst.MasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas:
return checkAndRecoverMasterWithTooManySemiSyncReplicas, true
// intermediate master
case inst.DeadIntermediateMaster:
return checkAndRecoverDeadIntermediateMaster, true
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