提交 adcfd980 编写于 作者: M Mislav Marohnić

Avoid re-requesting reviewers in case of CODEOWNERS

Requesting a review via `hub pull-request -r foo` would print a
misleading error message that `foo` couldn't be requested for review in
case `foo` was already requested per CODEOWNERS.

Fixes #1840
上级 b3ef319b
......@@ -400,16 +400,21 @@ of text is the title and the rest is the description.`, fullBase, fullHead))
teamReviewers := []string{}
for _, reviewer := range flagPullRequestReviewers {
if strings.Contains(reviewer, "/") {
teamReviewers = append(teamReviewers, strings.SplitN(reviewer, "/", 2)[1])
} else {
teamName := strings.SplitN(reviewer, "/", 2)[1]
if !pr.HasRequestedTeam(teamName) {
teamReviewers = append(teamReviewers, teamName)
} else if !pr.HasRequestedReviewer(reviewer) {
userReviewers = append(userReviewers, reviewer)
err = client.RequestReview(baseProject, pr.Number, map[string]interface{}{
"reviewers": userReviewers,
"team_reviewers": teamReviewers,
if len(userReviewers) > 0 || len(teamReviewers) > 0 {
err = client.RequestReview(baseProject, pr.Number, map[string]interface{}{
"reviewers": userReviewers,
"team_reviewers": teamReviewers,
......@@ -865,6 +865,43 @@ Feature: hub pull-request
When I successfully run `hub pull-request -m hereyougo -r mislav,josh -rgithub/robots -rpcorpet -r github/js`
Then the output should contain exactly "the://url\n"
Scenario: Pull request with reviewers from CODEOWNERS
Given I am on the "feature" branch with upstream "origin/feature"
Given the GitHub API server:
post('/repos/mislav/coral/pulls') {
assert :head => "mislav:feature"
status 201
json :html_url => "the://url", :number => 1234,
:requested_reviewers => [{ :login => "josh" }],
:requested_teams => [{ :name => "robots" }]
post('/repos/mislav/coral/pulls/1234/requested_reviewers') {
halt 415 unless request.accept?('application/vnd.github.thor-preview+json')
assert :reviewers => ["mislav", "pcorpet"]
assert :team_reviewers => ["js"]
status 201
json :html_url => "the://url"
When I successfully run `hub pull-request -m hereyougo -r mislav,josh -rgithub/robots -rpcorpet -r github/js`
Then the output should contain exactly "the://url\n"
Scenario: Pull request avoids re-requesting reviewers
Given I am on the "feature" branch with upstream "origin/feature"
Given the GitHub API server:
post('/repos/mislav/coral/pulls') {
assert :head => "mislav:feature"
status 201
json :html_url => "the://url", :number => 1234,
:requested_reviewers => [{ :login => "josh" }, { :login => "mislav" }],
:requested_teams => [{ :name => "robots" }]
When I successfully run `hub pull-request -m hereyougo -r mislav,josh -rgithub/robots`
Then the output should contain exactly "the://url\n"
Scenario: Requesting reviewers failed
Given I am on the "feature" branch with upstream "origin/feature"
Given the GitHub API server:
......@@ -551,6 +551,9 @@ type Issue struct {
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
RequestedReviewers []User `json:"requested_reviewers"`
RequestedTeams []Team `json:"requested_teams"`
ApiUrl string `json:"url"`
HtmlUrl string `json:"html_url"`
......@@ -570,6 +573,24 @@ func (pr *PullRequest) IsSameRepo() bool {
pr.Head.Repo.Owner.Login == pr.Base.Repo.Owner.Login
func (pr *PullRequest) HasRequestedReviewer(name string) bool {
for _, user := range pr.RequestedReviewers {
if strings.EqualFold(user.Login, name) {
return true
return false
func (pr *PullRequest) HasRequestedTeam(name string) bool {
for _, team := range pr.RequestedTeams {
if strings.EqualFold(team.Name, name) {
return true
return false
type IssueLabel struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Color string `json:"color"`
......@@ -579,6 +600,10 @@ type User struct {
Login string `json:"login"`
type Team struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type Milestone struct {
Number int `json:"number"`
Title string `json:"title"`
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