提交 705360dc 编写于 作者: M Mislav Marohnić

Add a note about GitHub CLI

Avoid literal mention of "GitHub CLI" because hub already ranks too high
for those search terms and we don't want it to rank any higher.

Closes #2458
上级 ec9cb47f
hub is a command line tool that wraps `git` in order to extend it with extra
features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.
For an official, potentially more user-friendly command-line interface to GitHub,
see [cli.github.com](https://cli.github.com) and
[this comparison](https://github.com/cli/cli/blob/trunk/docs/gh-vs-hub.md).
This repository and its issue tracker is **not for reporting problems with
GitHub.com** web interface. If you have a problem with GitHub itself, please
[contact Support](https://github.com/contact).
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