提交 4837835d 编写于 作者: M Mislav Marohnić

Refactor how commented sections are added to contents of text editor

Before, the code outside of `editor.go` was responsible for prefixing
lines of the commented section with the comment char. The code to do
this was scattered all over the codebase and was difficult to refactor
re: adding support for `commentchar=auto`.

Now, Editor has a `AddCommentedSection()` method that allows for
declarative adding of a commented section. Furthermore, the caller
doesn't have to query git to determine the comment char.
上级 e3cf4914
......@@ -367,25 +367,24 @@ func createIssue(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
title, body, editor, err = readMsgFromFile(flagIssueFile, flagIssueEdit, "ISSUE", "issue")
} else {
cs := git.CommentChar()
message := strings.Replace(fmt.Sprintf(`
# Creating an issue for %s
# Write a message for this issue. The first block of
# text is the title and the rest is the description.
`, project), "#", cs, -1)
message := ""
helpMessage := fmt.Sprintf(`Creating an issue for %s
Write a message for this issue. The first block of
text is the title and the rest is the description.`, project)
workdir, _ := git.WorkdirName()
if workdir != "" {
template, err := github.ReadTemplate(github.IssueTemplate, workdir)
if template != "" {
message = template + "\n" + message
message = template
editor, err := github.NewEditor("ISSUE", "issue", message)
title, body, err = editor.EditTitleAndBody()
......@@ -234,11 +234,45 @@ func pullRequest(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
headForMessage = head
message, err := createPullRequestMessage(baseTracking, headForMessage, fullBase, fullHead)
message := ""
commitLogs := ""
commits, _ := git.RefList(baseTracking, headForMessage)
if len(commits) == 1 {
message, err = git.Show(commits[0])
} else if len(commits) > 1 {
commitLogs, err = git.Log(baseTracking, headForMessage)
workdir, _ := git.WorkdirName()
if workdir != "" {
template, _ := github.ReadTemplate(github.PullRequestTemplate, workdir)
if template != "" {
if message == "" {
message = "\n\n" + template
} else {
parts := strings.SplitN(message, "\n\n", 2)
message = parts[0] + "\n\n" + template
if len(parts) > 1 && parts[1] != "" {
message = message + "\n\n" + parts[1]
helpMessage := fmt.Sprintf(`Requesting a pull to %s from %s
Write a message for this pull request. The first block
of text is the title and the rest is the description.`, fullBase, fullHead)
if commitLogs != "" {
helpMessage = helpMessage + "\n\nChanges:\n\n" + strings.TrimSpace(commitLogs)
editor, err = github.NewEditor("PULLREQ", "pull request", message)
title, body, err = editor.EditTitleAndBody()
......@@ -349,49 +383,6 @@ func pullRequest(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
printBrowseOrCopy(args, pullRequestURL, flagPullRequestBrowse, flagPullRequestCopy)
func createPullRequestMessage(base, head, fullBase, fullHead string) (string, error) {
var (
defaultMsg string
commitLogs string
err error
commits, _ := git.RefList(base, head)
if len(commits) == 1 {
defaultMsg, err = git.Show(commits[0])
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else if len(commits) > 1 {
commitLogs, err = git.Log(base, head)
if err != nil {
return "", err
workdir, _ := git.WorkdirName()
if workdir != "" {
template, err := github.ReadTemplate(github.PullRequestTemplate, workdir)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else if template != "" {
if defaultMsg == "" {
defaultMsg = "\n\n" + template
} else {
parts := strings.SplitN(defaultMsg, "\n\n", 2)
defaultMsg = parts[0] + "\n\n" + template
if len(parts) > 1 && parts[1] != "" {
defaultMsg = defaultMsg + "\n\n" + parts[1]
cs := git.CommentChar()
return renderPullRequestTpl(defaultMsg, cs, fullBase, fullHead, commitLogs)
func parsePullRequestProject(context *github.Project, s string) (p *github.Project, ref string) {
p = context
ref = s
package commands
import (
const pullRequestTmpl = `{{if .InitMsg}}{{.InitMsg}}
{{.CS}} Requesting a pull to {{.Base}} from {{.Head}}
{{.CS}} Write a message for this pull request. The first block
{{.CS}} of text is the title and the rest is the description.{{if .HasCommitLogs}}
{{.CS}} Changes:
type pullRequestMsg struct {
InitMsg string
CS string
Base string
Head string
CommitLogs string
func (p *pullRequestMsg) HasCommitLogs() bool {
return len(p.CommitLogs) > 0
func (p *pullRequestMsg) FormattedCommitLogs() string {
startRegexp := regexp.MustCompilePOSIX("^")
endRegexp := regexp.MustCompilePOSIX(" +$")
commitLogs := strings.TrimSpace(p.CommitLogs)
commitLogs = startRegexp.ReplaceAllString(commitLogs, fmt.Sprintf("%s ", p.CS))
commitLogs = endRegexp.ReplaceAllString(commitLogs, "")
return commitLogs
func renderPullRequestTpl(initMsg, cs, base, head string, commitLogs string) (string, error) {
t, err := template.New("pullRequestTmpl").Parse(pullRequestTmpl)
if err != nil {
return "", err
msg := &pullRequestMsg{
InitMsg: initMsg,
CS: cs,
Base: base,
Head: head,
CommitLogs: commitLogs,
var b bytes.Buffer
err = t.Execute(&b, msg)
return b.String(), err
package commands
import (
func TestRenderPullRequestTpl(t *testing.T) {
msg, err := renderPullRequestTpl("init", "#", "base", "head", "one\ntwo")
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
expMsg := `init
# Requesting a pull to base from head
# Write a message for this pull request. The first block
# of text is the title and the rest is the description.
# Changes:
# one
# two`
assert.Equal(t, expMsg, msg)
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
......@@ -307,12 +306,15 @@ func createRelease(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
title, body, editor, err = readMsgFromFile(flagReleaseFile, flagReleaseEdit, "RELEASE", "release")
} else {
cs := git.CommentChar()
message, err := renderReleaseTpl("Creating", cs, tagName, project.String(), flagReleaseCommitish)
message := ""
helpMessage := fmt.Sprintf(`Creating release %s for %s
Write a message for this release. The first block of
text is the title and the rest is the description.`, tagName, project.String())
editor, err := github.NewEditor("RELEASE", "release", message)
title, body, err = editor.EditTitleAndBody()
......@@ -369,11 +371,9 @@ func editRelease(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
params := map[string]interface{}{}
commitish := release.TargetCommitish
if cmd.FlagPassed("commitish") {
params["target_commitish"] = flagReleaseCommitish
commitish = flagReleaseCommitish
if cmd.FlagPassed("draft") {
......@@ -398,13 +398,15 @@ func editRelease(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
utils.Check(fmt.Errorf("Aborting editing due to empty release title"))
} else {
cs := git.CommentChar()
message, err := renderReleaseTpl("Editing", cs, tagName, project.String(), commitish)
message := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s", release.Name, release.Body)
helpMessage := fmt.Sprintf(`Editing release %s for %s
Write a message for this release. The first block of
text is the title and the rest is the description.`, tagName, project.String())
message = fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%s\n%s", release.Name, release.Body, message)
editor, err := github.NewEditor("RELEASE", "release", message)
title, body, err = editor.EditTitleAndBody()
package commands
import (
const releaseTmpl = `
{{.CS}} {{.Operation}} release {{.TagName}} for {{.ProjectName}}{{if .BranchName}} from {{.BranchName}}{{end}}
{{.CS}} Write a message for this release. The first block of
{{.CS}} text is the title and the rest is the description.`
type releaseMsg struct {
Operation string
CS string
TagName string
ProjectName string
BranchName string
func renderReleaseTpl(operation, cs, tagName, projectName, branchName string) (string, error) {
t, err := template.New("releaseTmpl").Parse(releaseTmpl)
if err != nil {
return "", err
msg := &releaseMsg{
Operation: operation,
CS: cs,
TagName: tagName,
ProjectName: projectName,
BranchName: branchName,
var b bytes.Buffer
err = t.Execute(&b, msg)
return b.String(), err
package commands
import (
func TestRenderReleaseTpl(t *testing.T) {
msg, err := renderReleaseTpl("Creating", "#", "1.0", "github/hub", "master")
assert.Equal(t, nil, err)
expMsg := `
# Creating release 1.0 for github/hub from master
# Write a message for this release. The first block of
# text is the title and the rest is the description.`
assert.Equal(t, expMsg, msg)
......@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ func (r *Range) IsAncestor() bool {
return cmd.Success()
func CommentChar() string {
func CommentChar(text string) (string, error) {
char, err := Config("core.commentchar")
if err != nil {
char = "#"
return char
return char, nil
func Show(sha string) (string, error) {
......@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ func NewEditor(filePrefix, topic, message string) (editor *Editor, err error) {
cs := git.CommentChar()
cs, err := git.CommentChar(message)
if err != nil {
editor = &Editor{
Program: program,
......@@ -49,6 +52,14 @@ type Editor struct {
openEditor func(program, file string) error
func (e *Editor) AddCommentedSection(text string) {
startRegexp := regexp.MustCompilePOSIX("^")
endRegexp := regexp.MustCompilePOSIX(" +$")
commentedText := startRegexp.ReplaceAllString(text, e.CS+" ")
commentedText = endRegexp.ReplaceAllString(commentedText, "")
e.Message = e.Message + "\n" + commentedText
func (e *Editor) DeleteFile() error {
return os.Remove(e.File)
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