提交 2507852e 编写于 作者: P Phil Dibowitz

update tests

上级 194be2ae
......@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ func showGist(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
gh := github.NewClient(host.Host)
id := args.GetParam(0)
ui.Println("id is %s", id)
filename := ""
if args.ParamsSize() > 1 {
filename = args.GetParam(1)
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Feature: hub gist
When I successfully run `hub gist myhash`
When I successfully run `hub gist show myhash`
Then the output should contain exactly:
my content is here
......@@ -40,17 +40,10 @@ Feature: hub gist
When I successfully run `hub gist myhash`
When I successfully run `hub gist show myhash --json`
Then the output should contain exactly:
GIST: my gist (myhash)
==== BEGIN hub_gist1.txt ====>
my content is here
<=== END hub_gist1.txt =======
==== BEGIN hub_gist2.txt ====>
more content is here
<=== END hub_gist2.txt =======
{"hub_gist1.txt":{"content":"my content is here","raw_url":""},"hub_gist2.txt":{"content":"more content is here","raw_url":""}}
Scenario: Fetch a gist with many files while specifying a single one
......@@ -71,38 +64,33 @@ more content is here
When I successfully run `hub gist myhash hub_gist1.txt`
When I successfully run `hub gist show myhash hub_gist1.txt`
Then the output should contain exactly:
my content is here
Scenario: Fetch a gist with many files without heders
Scenario: Creates a gist
Given the GitHub API server:
get('/gists/myhash') {
post('/gists') {
status 201
:files => {
'hub_gist1.txt' => {
'content' => "my content is here"
'hub_gist2.txt' => {
'content' => "more content is here"
:description => "my gist",
:id => "myhash",
:html_url => 'http://gists.github.com/somehash',
When I successfully run `hub gist myhash --no-headers`
Given a file named "testfile.txt" with:
this is a test file
When I successfully run `hub gist create testfile.txt`
Then the output should contain exactly:
my content is here
more content is here
Scenario: Creates a gist
Scenario: Creates a gist with multiple files
Given the GitHub API server:
post('/gists') {
......@@ -116,7 +104,11 @@ more content is here
this is a test file
When I successfully run `hub gist --file testfile.txt`
Given a file named "testfile2.txt" with:
this is another test file
When I successfully run `hub gist create testfile.txt testfile2.txt`
Then the output should contain exactly:
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