提交 11e81b00 编写于 作者: M Matthew L Daniel 提交者: Mislav Marohnić

Honor X-Ratelimit headers for hub api

Previously, calling `hub api --paginate` with any substantial list of results would exhaust the Ratelimit allocation, since `hub api` did not pause before requesting the next page. With this change, `hub api` will check the rate limit headers and sleep until "Reset" if calling for the next page would exceed the limit.
上级 2ea650b5
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
......@@ -86,6 +87,15 @@ var cmdApi = &Command{
requests as well. Just make sure to not use '--cache' for any GraphQL
If the next '--paginate' request would exceed the rate limit allocation
as specified by the server, then print a message to standard error and
sleep until the time given in the rate limit reset header.
Without this flag, '--paginate' will continue to issue requests without
regard to the number of remaining rate limit slots, potentially
resulting in only partial pagination results.
The GitHub API endpoint to send the HTTP request to (default: "/").
......@@ -136,7 +146,7 @@ func init() {
func apiCommand(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
func apiCommand(_ *Command, args *Args) {
path := ""
if !args.IsParamsEmpty() {
path = args.GetParam(0)
......@@ -228,6 +238,8 @@ func apiCommand(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
body = params
rateLimit := args.Flag.Bool("--rate-limit")
gh := github.NewClient(host)
out := ui.Stdout
......@@ -292,13 +304,38 @@ func apiCommand(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
if requestLoop && !parseJSON {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
if requestLoop && rateLimit {
var rateLimitLeft = -1
var rateLimitResetMs = -1
var atoiErr error
if xRateLimitLeft := response.Header.Get(rateLimitRemainingHeader); len(xRateLimitLeft) != 0 {
if rateLimitLeft, atoiErr = strconv.Atoi(xRateLimitLeft); atoiErr != nil {
ui.Errorf("Unable to parse header \"%s\": \"%s\" as an int", rateLimitRemainingHeader, xRateLimitLeft)
rateLimitLeft = -1
if xRateLimitReset := response.Header.Get(rateLimitResetHeader); len(xRateLimitReset) != 0 {
if rateLimitResetMs, atoiErr = strconv.Atoi(xRateLimitReset); atoiErr != nil {
ui.Errorf("Unable to parse header \"%s\": \"%s\" as an int", rateLimitResetHeader, xRateLimitReset)
rateLimitResetMs = -1
if rateLimitResetMs != -1 && rateLimitLeft == 0 {
rollover := time.Unix(int64(rateLimitResetMs)+1, 0)
ui.Errorf("Pausing until %v for Rate Limit Reset ...\n", rollover)
const (
trueVal = "true"
falseVal = "false"
nilVal = "null"
trueVal = "true"
falseVal = "false"
nilVal = "null"
rateLimitRemainingHeader = "X-Ratelimit-Remaining"
rateLimitResetHeader = "X-Ratelimit-Reset"
func magicValue(value string) interface{} {
......@@ -421,3 +421,76 @@ Feature: hub api
Given I am "octocat" on github.com with OAuth token "TOKEN2"
When I run `hub api -t count --cache 5`
Then it should pass with ".count 2"
Scenario: Honor rate limit by sleeping
Given the GitHub API server:
get('/hello') {
page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
response.headers['X-Ratelimit-Remaining'] = '0'
# it doesn't matter, cucumber blanks the .sleep anyway
response.headers['X-Ratelimit-Reset'] = '1'
response.headers['Link'] = %(</hello?page=2>; rel="next") if page < 2
json [{}]
When I run `hub api --rate-limit --paginate hello`
Then the stderr should contain "Pausing until "
Given the GitHub API server:
get('/hello') {
page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
response.headers['X-Ratelimit-Remaining'] = '0'
# it doesn't matter, cucumber blanks the .sleep anyway
response.headers['X-Ratelimit-Reset'] = '9999999999'
response.headers['Link'] = %(</hello2>; rel="next")
json [{}]
get('/hello2') {
status 403
When I run `hub api --paginate hello`
Then the exit status should be 22
And the stderr should contain exactly ""
Given the GitHub API server:
get('/hello') {
page = (params[:page] || 1).to_i
response.headers['X-Ratelimit-Remaining'] = 'hello world'
response.headers['X-Ratelimit-Reset'] = 'yankee doodle'
response.headers['Link'] = %(</hello2>; rel="next")
json [{:page => 1}]
get('/hello2') {
json [{:page => 2}]
When I run `hub api --rate-limit --paginate hello`
Then the stdout should contain exactly:
And the stderr should contain "Unable to parse"
Given the GitHub API server:
get('/hello') {
response.headers['Link'] = %(</hello2>; rel="next")
json [{:page => 1}]
get('/hello2') {
json [{:page => 2}]
# rate-limit should behave rationally even when missing the headers
When I run `hub api --rate-limit --paginate hello`
Then the stdout should contain exactly:
And the stderr should contain exactly ""
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