提交 0a755b3d 编写于 作者: M Mislav Marohnić

[pr show] Fix implementation for triangular workflow scenario

上级 928b40de
......@@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ pr show [-uc] [-h <HEAD>]
Display only the first <LIMIT> issues.
-u, --url
Print the URL instead of opening it.
Print the pull request URL instead of opening it.
-c, --copy
Put the URL in clipboard instead of opening it.
Put the pull request URL to clipboard instead of opening it.
## See also:
......@@ -280,52 +280,38 @@ func showPr(command *Command, args *Args) {
localRepo, err := github.LocalRepo()
project, err := localRepo.MainProject()
baseProject, err := localRepo.MainProject()
gh := github.NewClient(project.Host)
filterParams := make(map[string]interface{})
filterParams["state"] = "open"
host, err := github.CurrentConfig().PromptForHost(baseProject.Host)
gh := github.NewClientWithHost(host)
var owner, branch string
filterParams := map[string]interface{}{
"state": "open",
headWithOwner := ""
if args.Flag.HasReceived("--head") {
head := args.Flag.Value("--head")
if strings.Contains(head, ":") {
s := strings.Split(head, ":")
owner, branch = s[0], s[1]
// chagne the project in case of pull request from fork
repo, err := gh.Repository(project)
parent := repo.Parent
if parent == nil {
utils.Check(fmt.Errorf("Aborting due to repository not having a parent"))
project, err = github.NewProjectFromRepo(parent)
} else {
owner, branch = project.Owner, head
headWithOwner = args.Flag.Value("--head")
if !strings.Contains(headWithOwner, ":") {
headWithOwner = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", baseProject.Owner, headWithOwner)
} else {
if r, _ := localRepo.MainRemote(); r.Name == github.OriginNamesInLookupOrder[0] {
// look for origin's project owner
r, err := localRepo.RemoteByName("origin")
p, err := r.Project()
owner = p.Owner
trackedBranch, headProject, err := localRepo.RemoteBranchAndProject(host.User, false)
if err == nil && trackedBranch != nil && headProject != nil {
headWithOwner = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", headProject.Owner, trackedBranch.ShortName())
} else {
owner = project.Owner
currentBranch, err := localRepo.CurrentBranch()
headWithOwner = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", baseProject.Owner, currentBranch.ShortName())
cb, err := localRepo.CurrentBranch()
branch = cb.ShortName()
filterParams["head"] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", owner, branch)
pulls, err := gh.FetchPullRequests(project, filterParams, 1, nil)
filterParams["head"] = headWithOwner
pulls, err := gh.FetchPullRequests(baseProject, filterParams, 1, nil)
if len(pulls) == 1 {
pr := pulls[0]
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Feature: hub pr show
Scenario: Current branch in fork
Given the "upstream" remote has url "git@github.com:github/hub.git"
And I am on the "topic" branch
And I am on the "topic" branch pushed to "origin/topic"
Given the GitHub API server:
Markdown is supported
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