Commits (5)
    https://gitcode.net/github/gitignore/-/commit/53f9e7ecea6f4f1fe7048295d2b6365d2945cb7c Create Syncthing.gitignore 2021-09-29T17:52:57+08:00 xgdgsc xgdgsc@users.noreply.github.com https://gitcode.net/github/gitignore/-/commit/ea772bee1aaf1d377462bca003aeb25baac6e342 Update Syncthing.gitignore 2021-09-29T17:57:09+08:00 xgdgsc xgdgsc@users.noreply.github.com https://gitcode.net/github/gitignore/-/commit/d1d0806206cf747e6d1633b0052088b385b8f4d4 doc(readme): master branch is now main 2021-12-06T05:34:02-03:00 Hugo Sena Ribeiro hugosenari@gmail.com https://gitcode.net/github/gitignore/-/commit/f35ddb564c3f44dcbbedd2cde44adc531f7e343f Merge pull request #3906 from cruel-intentions/rename-master-to-main 2021-12-06T09:09:11-08:00 Brian Douglas bdougie@users.noreply.github.com doc(readme): master branch is now main https://gitcode.net/github/gitignore/-/commit/c3c7af5d0dec0caca47379aa1459950c83121580 Merge pull request #3841 from xgdgsc/patch-1 2021-12-06T09:10:40-08:00 Brian Douglas bdougie@users.noreply.github.com Create Syncthing.gitignore
# Syncthing caches
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Here’s how we suggest you go about proposing a change to this project:
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