<pclass="highlight_red">If return false, zTree will not execute ajax, and will not trigger the 'onAsyncSuccess / onAsyncError' callback.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">If the function returns false, zTree will not send the ajax request, and will not trigger the 'onAsyncSuccess / onAsyncError' callback.</p>
<h3>Examples of setting & function</h3>
<h4>1. If the parent node's attribute 'id' is 1, zTree will not execute ajax.</h4>
<p>Used to capture the dblclick event before the 'onDblClick' callback, zTree based on return value to determine whether to trigger the 'onDblClick' callback.</p>
<p>Specify callback function, executed before the 'onDblClick' callback, The return value controls the 'onDblClick' callback.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, easy for users to control.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">If return false, ztree will not trigger the 'onDblClick' callback, no effect on other operations.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">This callback function does not affect the dblclick the parent node to auto expand, please refer to setting.view.dblClickExpand properties.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">This callback function does not affect the auto expand of the parent node , please refer to setting.view.dblClickExpand properties.</p>
<h3>Examples of setting & function</h3>
<h4>1. disable to trigger the 'onDblClick' callback</h4>
<pclass="highlight_red">If return false, zTree will stop drag, and will not trigger the 'onDrag / beforeDrop / onDrop' callback.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">If return false, zTree will abort the drag and drop, and will not trigger the 'onDrag / beforeDrop / onDrop' sequence of callbacks.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event when drag node to collapsed parent node, zTree based on return value to determine whether to auto expand parent node.</p>
<p>Callback executed before drag node to collapsed parent node, The return value controls the auto expand behaviour of the parent node.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, the tree is what the treeNode(parent node) is belong to, easy for users to control.</p>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, the tree is what the treeNode(parent node) is belong to.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event before drag-drop node, zTree based on return value to determine whether to allow drag-drop node.</p>
<p>Specify callback function to be called before drag-drop of a node, The return value controls the execution of drag-drop callback.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">When drop the nodes, if the dragged nodes is not in a valid location, this callback will not triggered, and will restore the original position.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">When a node is dropped, if the drop is not in a valid location, this callback will not be triggered, and will revert to the original position.</p>
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, the tree is what the targetNode is belong to, easy for users to control.</p>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, the id of the containing tree.</p>
<p>Used to capture the mousedown event before the 'onMouseDown' callback, zTree based on return value to determine whether to trigger the 'onMouseDown' callback.</p>
<p>Specify callback function, executed before the 'onMouseDown' callback, The return value controls the 'onMouseDown' callback.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, easy for users to control.</p>
<p>Used to capture the mouseup event before the 'onMouseUp' callback, zTree based on return value to determine whether to trigger the 'onMouseUp' callback.</p>
<p>Specify callback function, executed before the 'onMouseUp' callback, The return value controls the 'onMouseUp' callback.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, easy for users to control.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event before rename(when input DOM blur or press Enter Key), zTree based on return value to determine whether to allow to rename node.</p>
<p>Specify callback function to be called before rename(when input DOM blur or press Enter Key), The return value controls the allow to rename node.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">When node is editing name, press the ESC key to restore the original name and stop edit name.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">From v3.5.13, zTree will trigger this callback when user cancel edit name. please see 'isCancel' parameter.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, easy for users to control.</p>
<p>Used to capture the right click event before the 'onRightClick' callback, zTree based on return value to determine whether to trigger the 'onRightClick' callback.</p>
<p>Used to capture the right click event before the 'onRightClick' callback, The return value controls the 'onRightClick' callback.</p>
<p>Default: null</p>
<h3>Function Parameter Descriptions</h3>
<p>zTree unique identifier: <bclass="highlight_red">treeId</b>, easy for users to control.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event when collapse node.</p>
<p>Callback for collapse node.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">If you set 'setting.callback.beforeCollapse',and return false, zTree will not collapse node, and will not trigger the 'onCollapse' callback.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event when expand node.</p>
<p>Callback for expand node.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">If you set 'setting.callback.beforeExpand',and return false, zTree will not expand node, and will not trigger the 'onExpand' callback.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event when node's DOM is created.</p>
<p>Callback for node's DOM is created.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">Because v3.x uses lazy loading technology, so the nodes which doesn't create DOM when initialized will not trigger this callback, until its parent node is expanded.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">Large amount of data to load, please note: do not set onNodeCreated, can improve performance as when initialized.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event when remove node.</p>
<p>Callback for remove node.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">If you set 'setting.callback.beforeRemove',and return false, zTree will not remove node, and will not trigger the 'onRemove' callback.</p>
<p>Used to capture the event when remove node.</p>
<p>Callback for remove node.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">1. If you set 'setting.callback.beforeRename',and return false, zTree will keep the editing name, and will not trigger the 'onRename' callback.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">2. If you modity treeNode data, and use 'updateNode' function, zTree will not trigger the 'onRename' callback.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">2. If you modify treeNode data, and use 'updateNode' function, zTree will not trigger the 'onRename' callback.</p>
<pclass="highlight_red">3. From v3.5.13, zTree will trigger this callback when user cancel edit name. please see 'isCancel' parameter.</p>