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# 任务一:GitCode平台基础操作
## 1. 2022/10/31 任务完成名单公布(103人)
## 1. 2022/11/01 任务完成名单公布(126人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | Aaron_King | https://gitcode.net/Aaron_King/JavaBooks |
| 2 | B9AB9AD | https://gitcode.net/B9AB9AD/fucking-algorithm |
| 3 | BarryAllensJAVA | https://gitcode.net/BarryAllensJAVA/JavaBooks |
| 4 | CHSXS | https://gitcode.net/CHSXS/datax |
| 5 | Hiking_Tsang | https://gitcode.net/Hiking_Tsang/JavaBooks |
| 6 | JXDR836 | https://gitcode.net/JXDR836/uni-app |
| 7 | Lao_gan_ma | https://gitcode.net/Lao_gan_ma/Python-100-Days |
| 8 | Main_FJ | https://gitcode.net/Main_FJ/uni-app |
| 9 | Mr_Chenn | https://gitcode.net/Mr_Chenn/JavaBooks |
| 10 | Old_Soldier | https://gitcode.net/Old_Soldier/echarts |
| 11 | S_X007 | https://gitcode.net/S_X007/fucking-algorithm |
| 12 | Tomsidi | https://gitcode.net/Tomsidi/mall |
| 13 | UUZcarlin | https://gitcode.net/UUZcarlin/Python-100-Days |
| 14 | WHTGS | https://gitcode.net/WHTGS/white-jotter |
| 15 | Yelo_Vint | https://gitcode.net/Yelo_Vint/free-programming-books |
| 16 | Yhen1 | https://gitcode.net/Yhen1/Python-100-Days |
| 17 | a15005784320 | https://gitcode.net/a15005784320/free-programming-books |
| 18 | aa2835 | https://gitcode.net/aa2835/Paddle |
| 19 | acc8226 | https://gitcode.net/acc8226/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 20 | acdor | https://gitcode.net/acdor/JavaBooks |
| 21 | aolitianya | https://gitcode.net/aolitianya/Python-100-Days |
| 22 | eternity_zzy | https://gitcode.net/eternity_zzy/sentinel |
| 23 | fendoudedayan | https://gitcode.net/fendoudedayan/echarts |
| 24 | flower_48237 | https://gitcode.net/flower_48237/free-programming-books |
| 25 | franklint | https://gitcode.net/franklint/free-programming-books |
| 26 | fx_yzjy101 | https://gitcode.net/fx_yzjy101/JavaBooks |
| 27 | iCSDNX | https://gitcode.net/iCSDNX/fucking-algorithm |
| 28 | insider_ | https://gitcode.net/insider_/SheepASheep |
| 29 | k21325 | https://gitcode.net/k21325/free-programming-books |
| 30 | lawfay | https://gitcode.net/lawfay/fucking-algorithm |
| 31 | legender5431 | https://gitcode.net/legender5431/free-programming-books |
| 32 | linjian19811027 | https://gitcode.net/linjian19811027/JavaGuide |
| 33 | longnansanye | https://gitcode.net/longnansanye/fucking-algorithm |
| 34 | louka43 | https://gitcode.net/louka43/JavaBooks |
| 35 | ly666888555 | https://gitcode.net/ly666888555/free-programming-books |
| 36 | m0_37172770 | https://gitcode.net/m0_37172770/fucking-algorithm |
| 37 | m0_37958342 | https://gitcode.net/m0_37958342/canal |
| 38 | m0_50645799 | https://gitcode.net/m0_50645799/white-jotter |
| 39 | m0_51480797 | https://gitcode.net/m0_51480797/fucking-algorithm |
| 40 | m0_54008662 | https://gitcode.net/m0_54008662/Paddle |
| 41 | m0_59792745 | https://gitcode.net/m0_59792745/SheepASheep |
| 42 | m0_62541343 | https://gitcode.net/m0_62541343/white-jotter |
| 43 | m0_72933248 | https://gitcode.net/m0_72933248/skill_tree |
| 44 | m0_73982027 | https://gitcode.net/m0_73982027/free-programming-books |
| 45 | mainmailbox | https://gitcode.net/mainmailbox/JavaBooks |
| 46 | newfish_cmyk | https://gitcode.net/newfish_cmyk/free-programming-books |
| 47 | piaocoder | https://gitcode.net/piaocoder/fucking-algorithm |
| 48 | pocean2012 | https://gitcode.net/pocean2012/echarts |
| 49 | qilei2010 | https://gitcode.net/qilei2010/free-programming-books |
| 50 | qq_15502821 | https://gitcode.net/qq_15502821/Python-100-Days |
| 51 | qq_16190685 | https://gitcode.net/qq_16190685/uni-starter |
| 52 | qq_16430177 | https://gitcode.net/qq_16430177/echarts |
| 53 | qq_20448485 | https://gitcode.net/qq_20448485/otter |
| 54 | qq_23177609 | https://gitcode.net/qq_23177609/SheepASheep |
| 55 | qq_24349139 | https://gitcode.net/qq_24349139/JavaBooks |
| 56 | qq_24973845 | https://gitcode.net/qq_24973845/sentinel |
| 57 | qq_26881073 | https://gitcode.net/qq_26881073/white-jotter |
| 58 | qq_33281850 | https://gitcode.net/qq_33281850/free-programming-books |
| 59 | qq_33541481 | https://gitcode.net/qq_33541481/JavaBooks |
| 60 | qq_34055590 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34055590/SheepASheep |
| 61 | qq_34909297 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34909297/JavaBooks |
| 62 | qq_35787848 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35787848/JavaGuide |
| 63 | qq_36454887 | https://gitcode.net/qq_36454887/Python-100-Days |
| 64 | qq_37429313 | https://gitcode.net/qq_37429313/Paddle |
| 65 | qq_37988022 | https://gitcode.net/qq_37988022/free-programming-books |
| 66 | qq_38516524 | https://gitcode.net/qq_38516524/JavaBooks |
| 67 | qq_38628046 | https://gitcode.net/qq_38628046/JavaGuide |
| 68 | qq_40050134 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40050134/mall |
| 69 | qq_40074229 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40074229/vhr |
| 70 | qq_40472613 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40472613/fucking-algorithm |
| 71 | qq_40549426 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40549426/JavaGuide |
| 72 | qq_41300988 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41300988/Paddle |
| 73 | qq_41419473 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41419473/Python-100-Days |
| 74 | qq_41487506 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41487506/JavaGuide |
| 75 | qq_42533341 | https://gitcode.net/qq_42533341/free-programming-books |
| 76 | qq_43601976 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43601976/fucking-algorithm |
| 77 | qq_45434888 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45434888/fucking-algorithm |
| 78 | qq_45904018 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45904018/echarts |
| 79 | qq_46864949 | https://gitcode.net/qq_46864949/JavaBooks |
| 80 | qq_52277417 | https://gitcode.net/qq_52277417/skill_tree |
| 81 | qq_52451719 | https://gitcode.net/qq_52451719/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 82 | qujingmm | https://gitcode.net/qujingmm/fucking-algorithm |
| 83 | s769460962 | https://gitcode.net/s769460962/SheepASheep |
| 84 | sadren | https://gitcode.net/sadren/free-programming-books |
| 85 | sd1209286540 | https://gitcode.net/sd1209286540/free-programming-books |
| 86 | senlin_6688 | https://gitcode.net/senlin_6688/free-programming-books |
| 87 | smilezzw | https://gitcode.net/smilezzw/JavaGuide |
| 88 | ssmzyf | https://gitcode.net/ssmzyf/free-programming-books |
| 89 | sysuwuhongpeng | https://gitcode.net/sysuwuhongpeng/fucking-algorithm |
| 90 | t1019256391 | https://gitcode.net/t1019256391/Python-100-Days |
| 91 | t876587201 | https://gitcode.net/t876587201/SheepASheep |
| 92 | ta1ent160 | https://gitcode.net/ta1ent160/Python-100-Days |
| 93 | tianss3830983 | https://gitcode.net/tianss3830983/JavaGuide |
| 94 | u010095372 | https://gitcode.net/u010095372/Python-100-Days |
| 95 | u010317382 | https://gitcode.net/anonymous_ufo_group/free-programming |
| 96 | u011590569 | https://gitcode.net/u011590569/otter |
| 97 | u011643463 | https://gitcode.net/u011643463/Python-100-Days |
| 98 | u011729460 | https://gitcode.net/linmo/superset |
| 99 | u014175593 | https://gitcode.net/u014175593/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 100 | u014441159 | https://gitcode.net/u014441159/SheepASheep |
| 101 | vinesbaby | https://gitcode.net/vinesbaby/JavaBooks |
| 102 | weixin_41699710 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_41699710/free-programming-books |
| 103 | weixin_42161111 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42161111/JavaBooks |
| 104 | weixin_42172261 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42172261/JavaGuide |
| 105 | weixin_42375313 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42375313/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 106 | weixin_43233219 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43233219/JavaBooks |
| 107 | weixin_43735682 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43735682/Python-100-Days |
| 108 | weixin_43796433 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43796433/Paddle |
| 109 | weixin_44273409 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_44273409/echarts |
| 110 | weixin_45130267 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45130267/superset |
| 111 | weixin_45197243 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45197243/free-programming-books |
| 112 | weixin_45207619 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45207619/JavaBooks |
| 113 | weixin_45645906 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45645906/free-programming-books |
| 114 | weixin_45791545 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45791545/uni-app |
| 115 | weixin_48430685 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_48430685/echarts |
| 116 | whntk | https://gitcode.net/whntk/Python-100-Days |
| 117 | wjt_0167 | https://gitcode.net/wjt_0167/JavaBooks |
| 118 | xyw_1122 | https://gitcode.net/xyw_1122/Python-100-Days |
| 119 | yanjisc | https://gitcode.net/yanjisc/datax |
| 120 | yaya_jn | https://gitcode.net/yaya_jn/Python-100-Days |
| 121 | yqw666 | https://gitcode.net/yqw666/echarts |
| 122 | zf_boris | https://gitcode.net/zf_boris/white-jotter |
| 123 | zk_jy520 | https://gitcode.net/zk_jy520/JavaBooks |
| 124 | zschhh_100 | https://gitcode.net/zschhh_100/JavaBooks |
| 125 | zyh821351004 | https://gitcode.net/zyh821351004/fucking-algorithm |
| 126 weixin_43456169 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43456169/vhr |
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月2日当天会发放完成。
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## 2. 2022/10/31 任务完成名单公布(103人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | aomeng | https://gitcode.net/aomeng/tdengine |
......@@ -111,7 +246,7 @@
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## 2. 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(10人)
## 3. 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(10人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -130,7 +265,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月31日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 3. 2022/10/29 任务完成名单公布(11人)
## 4. 2022/10/29 任务完成名单公布(11人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -150,7 +285,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月30日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 4. 2022/10/28 任务完成名单公布(28人)
## 5. 2022/10/28 任务完成名单公布(28人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -188,7 +323,7 @@
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 5. 2022/10/27 任务完成名单公布(31人)
## 6. 2022/10/27 任务完成名单公布(31人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | lcrpkking | https://gitcode.net/lcrpkking/free-programming-books |
......@@ -227,7 +362,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月28日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 6. 2022/10/26 任务完成名单公布(37人)
## 7. 2022/10/26 任务完成名单公布(37人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | qq_45199172 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45199172/vhr |
......@@ -273,7 +408,7 @@
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 7. 2022/10/25 任务完成名单公布(48人)
## 8. 2022/10/25 任务完成名单公布(48人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | city1993 | https://gitcode.net/city1993/incubator-skywalking |
......@@ -329,7 +464,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月26日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 8. 2022/10/24 任务完成名单公布(共计58人)
## 9. 2022/10/24 任务完成名单公布(共计58人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
......@@ -397,7 +532,7 @@
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 9. 2022/10/23 任务完成名单公布 (共计22人)
## 10. 2022/10/23 任务完成名单公布 (共计22人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
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