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# 任务一:GitCode平台基础操作 # 任务一:GitCode平台基础操作
## 1. 2022/11/03 任务完成名单公布(208人) ## 1. 2022/11/04 任务完成名单公布(161人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | qq_69469062 | https://gitcode.net/qq_69469062/mcm-icm |
| 2 | leilecoffee | https://gitcode.net/leilecoffee/JavaBooks |
| 3 | weixin_44280663 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_44280663/white-jotter |
| 4 | TestKingD | https://gitcode.net/TestKingD/Python-100-Days |
| 5 | cyliu_test | https://gitcode.net/cyliu_test/Python-100-Days |
| 6 | qq_37141887 | https://gitcode.net/qq_37141887/fucking-algorithm |
| 7 | m0_51642996 | https://gitcode.net/m0_51642996/skill_tree |
| 8 | a448984863 | https://gitcode.net/a448984863/JavaBooks |
| 9 | copy2011 | https://gitcode.net/copy2011/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 10 | weixin_51688461 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_51688461/JavaBooks |
| 11 | swika | https://gitcode.net/swika/Python-100-Days |
| 12 | daqiang163 | https://gitcode.net/daqiang163/tdengine |
| 13 | fjl123 | https://gitcode.net/fjl123/white-jotter |
| 14 | weixin_53517947 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_53517947/fucking-algorithm |
| 15 | fancanny | https://gitcode.net/fancanny/Python-100-Days |
| 16 | qq_40897286 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40897286/Python-100-Days |
| 17 | qq_25262697 | https://gitcode.net/qq_25262697/echarts |
| 18 | qq504960027 | https://gitcode.net/qq504960027/SheepASheep |
| 19 | kaiwinwangwang | https://gitcode.net/kaiwinwangwang/Python-100-Days |
| 20 | weixin_52116519 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_52116519/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 21 | weixin_42901574 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42901574/oceanbase |
| 22 | weixin_43621315 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43621315/dubbo |
| 23 | qq_40957035 | https://gitcode.net/qq_40957035/Python-100-Days |
| 24 | jkloving | https://gitcode.net/jkloving/Python-100-Days |
| 25 | weixin_56650035 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_56650035/echarts |
| 26 | u012431412 | https://gitcode.net/u012431412/JavaBooks |
| 27 | qq_39225637 | https://gitcode.net/qq_39225637/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 28 | Derek706 | https://gitcode.net/Derek706/mcm-icm |
| 29 | qq_34820887 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34820887/Python-100-Days |
| 30 | michaellions | https://gitcode.net/michaellions/uni-app |
| 31 | Phillip_xian | https://gitcode.net/Phillip_xian/datax |
| 32 | qq_34836035 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34836035/free-programming-books |
| 33 | weixin_54149163 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_54149163/vhr |
| 34 | weixin_51029435 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_51029435/Python-100-Days |
| 35 | u010512264 | https://gitcode.net/u010512264/free-programming-books |
| 36 | weixin_50196074 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_50196074/fucking-algorithm |
| 37 | m0_57696140 | https://gitcode.net/m0_57696140/SheepASheep |
| 38 | Mcnnnn | https://gitcode.net/Mcnnnn/JavaBooks |
| 39 | qq_43786541 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43786541/easyexcel |
| 40 | m0_64759098 | https://gitcode.net/m0_64759098/free-programming-books |
| 41 | CNprober | https://gitcode.net/CNprober/Python-100-Days |
| 42 | zhouqx979 | https://gitcode.net/zhouqx979/JavaBooks |
| 43 | u013996701 | https://gitcode.net/u013996701/white-jotter |
| 44 | weixin_42288222 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42288222/Python-100-Days |
| 45 | qq_31201781 | https://gitcode.net/qq_31201781/white-jotter |
| 46 | superxxiao | https://gitcode.net/superxxiao/white-jotter |
| 47 | weixin_69553582 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_69553582/Python-100-Days |
| 48 | Z62552946 | https://gitcode.net/Z62552946/JavaGuide |
| 49 | weixin_63088467 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_63088467/JavaBooks |
| 50 | feiyingwang | https://gitcode.net/feiyingwang/sentinel |
| 51 | qq_26849743 | https://gitcode.net/qq_26849743/easyexcel |
| 52 | weixin_62119085 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_62119085/free-programming-books |
| 53 | groovy2007 | https://gitcode.net/groovy2007/free-programming-books |
| 54 | m0_59112188 | https://gitcode.net/m0_59112188/Python-100-Days |
| 55 | qq_41007594 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41007594/canal |
| 56 | qq_22885233 | https://gitcode.net/qq_22885233/Paddle |
| 57 | qq_51953750 | https://gitcode.net/qq_51953750/JavaGuide |
| 58 | ymtianyu | https://gitcode.net/ymtianyu/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 59 | qq_42978142 | https://gitcode.net/qq_42978142/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 60 | qq_43249198 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43249198/fucking-algorithm |
| 61 | dfy1814366463 | https://gitcode.net/dfy1814366463/oceanbase |
| 62 | fantasy_zzzz | https://gitcode.net/fantasy_zzzz/SheepASheep |
| 63 | qq_41187906 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41187906/Python-100-Days |
| 64 | Hms106 | https://gitcode.net/Hms106/white-jotter |
| 65 | cprgzn | https://gitcode.net/cprgzn/JavaBooks |
| 66 | m0_47418965 | https://gitcode.net/m0_47418965/Python-100-Days |
| 67 | m0_59777100 | https://gitcode.net/m0_59777100/white-jotter |
| 68 | weixin_44808330 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_44808330/JavaGuide |
| 69 | Q_3603 | https://gitcode.net/Q_3603/uni-app |
| 70 | ripplebb | https://gitcode.net/ripplebb/echarts |
| 71 | weixin_43428014 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43428014/Python-100-Days |
| 72 | licy12306 | https://gitcode.net/licy12306/sentinel |
| 73 | clt_77 | https://gitcode.net/clt_77/Python-100-Days |
| 74 | gao_grace | https://gitcode.net/gao_grace/JavaBooks |
| 75 | oppotunityq | https://gitcode.net/oppotunityq/Python-100-Days |
| 76 | oLiangChaoWei | https://gitcode.net/oLiangChaoWei/datax |
| 77 | nanosss | https://gitcode.net/nanosss/JavaGuide |
| 78 | qq_29500875 | https://gitcode.net/qq_29500875/JavaBooks |
| 79 | cyl2225882771 | https://gitcode.net/cyl2225882771/Python-100-Days |
| 80 | zanqi9339 | https://gitcode.net/zanqi9339/fucking-algorithm |
| 81 | weixin_49177739 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_49177739/Python-100-Days |
| 82 | weixin_44616217 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_44616217/Python-100-Days |
| 83 | qq_38966563 | https://gitcode.net/qq_38966563/Python-100-Days |
| 84 | qq_34168237 | https://gitcode.net/qq_34168237/JavaGuide |
| 85 | qq379377944 | https://gitcode.net/qq379377944/superset |
| 86 | qq_44441233 | https://gitcode.net/qq_44441233/JavaBooks |
| 87 | ihbai | https://gitcode.net/ihbai/Python-100-Days |
| 88 | weixin_43187135 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_43187135/rt-thread |
| 89 | wjc133 | https://gitcode.net/wjc133/echarts |
| 90 | DONG999 | https://gitcode.net/DONG999/rt-thread |
| 91 | SoulNone | https://gitcode.net/SoulNone/white-jotter |
| 92 | alexqdjay2 | https://gitcode.net/alexqdjay2/tdengine |
| 93 | qq_19312767 | https://gitcode.net/qq_19312767/datax |
| 94 | m0_51775172 | https://gitcode.net/m0_51775172/free-programming-books |
| 95 | weixin_47074044 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_47074044/mall |
| 96 | love398146779 | https://gitcode.net/love398146779/Python-100-Days |
| 97 | qq_38328331 | https://gitcode.net/qq_38328331/Python-100-Days |
| 98 | rim32 | https://gitcode.net/rim32/JavaBooks |
| 99 | l3147843941 | https://gitcode.net/l3147843941/incubator-skywalking |
| 100 | m0_50840332 | https://gitcode.net/m0_50840332/JavaBooks |
| 101 | weixin_65897114 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_65897114/Python-100-Days |
| 102 | qq_45370314 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45370314/Python-100-Days |
| 103 | suncj1314 | https://gitcode.net/suncj1314/fucking-algorithm |
| 104 | Westudytogether | https://gitcode.net/Westudytogether/easyexcel |
| 105 | fanxinliuchen | https://gitcode.net/fanxinliuchen/free-programming-books |
| 106 | backaxe | https://gitcode.net/backaxe/free-programming-books |
| 107 | ALL_BYA | https://gitcode.net/ALL_BYA/datax |
| 108 | m0_57361160 | https://gitcode.net/m0_57361160/Python-100-Days |
| 109 | shanjunpeng | https://gitcode.net/shanjunpeng/JavaBooks |
| 110 | m0_49270962 | https://gitcode.net/m0_49270962/echarts |
| 111 | huawuque404 | https://gitcode.net/huawuque404/JavaGuide |
| 112 | u010104383 | https://gitcode.net/u010104383/Python-100-Days |
| 113 | haiwei_z | https://gitcode.net/haiwei_z/Python-100-Days |
| 114 | BugEngine | https://gitcode.net/BugEngine/JavaBooks |
| 115 | crazyman2010 | https://gitcode.net/crazyman2010/JavaBooks |
| 116 | qq_35629971 | https://gitcode.net/qq_35629971/Python-100-Days |
| 117 | qq_43479509 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43479509/SheepASheep |
| 118 | book_Seto | https://gitcode.net/book_Seto/free-programming-books |
| 119 | qq_42295103 | https://gitcode.net/qq_42295103/white-jotter |
| 120 | H244855 | https://gitcode.net/H244855/free-programming-books |
| 121 | qq_43279230 | https://gitcode.net/qq_43279230/JavaBooks |
| 122 | weixin_42011875 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42011875/Python-100-Days |
| 123 | qq_28314431 | https://gitcode.net/qq_28314431/zookeeper |
| 124 | xingfuyusheng | https://gitcode.net/xingfuyusheng/free-programming-books |
| 125 | weixin_45399695 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45399695/white-jotter |
| 126 | m0_61953345 | https://gitcode.net/m0_61953345/Python-100-Days |
| 127 | qq_16525279 | https://gitcode.net/qq_16525279/iview-admin |
| 128 | qq_44324289 | https://gitcode.net/qq_44324289/JavaBooks |
| 129 | weixin_47744974 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_47744974/Python-100-Days |
| 130 | weixin_39872704 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_39872704/canal |
| 131 | biliblicsq | https://gitcode.net/biliblicsq/echarts |
| 132 | zhangpiner | https://gitcode.net/zhangpiner/uni-app |
| 133 | weixin_50549337 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_50549337/incubator-skywalking |
| 134 | veinstone | https://gitcode.net/veinstone/awesome-markdown-editor |
| 135 | qq_41626672 | https://gitcode.net/qq_41626672/superset |
| 136 | sven357 | https://gitcode.net/sven357/Paddle |
| 137 | weixin_45795947 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_45795947/free-programming-books |
| 138 | m0_61433200 | https://gitcode.net/m0_61433200/uni-app |
| 139 | weixin_66304724 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_66304724/fucking-algorithm |
| 140 | jf16831207 | https://gitcode.net/jf16831207/SheepASheep |
| 141 | Mudcccc | https://gitcode.net/Mudcccc/mall |
| 142 | qq_32682301 | https://gitcode.net/qq_32682301/JavaBooks |
| 143 | silenceallat | https://gitcode.net/silenceallat/white-jotter |
| 144 | m0_38082783 | https://gitcode.net/m0_38082783/JavaBooks |
| 145 | qq_31887361 | https://gitcode.net/qq_31887361/incubator-skywalking |
| 146 | weixin_41013322 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_41013322/superset |
| 147 | Macao7_W | https://gitcode.net/Macao7_W/echarts |
| 148 | u013456468 | https://gitcode.net/u013456468/Python-100-Days |
| 149 | m0_74787639 | https://gitcode.net/m0_74787639/easyexcel |
| 150 | m0_74131351 | https://gitcode.net/m0_74131351/JavaBooks |
| 151 | zpwvip | https://gitcode.net/zpwvip/JavaBooks |
| 152 | weixin_42263093 | https://gitcode.net/weixin_42263093/white-jotter |
| 153 | qq_36286161 | https://gitcode.net/qq_36286161/canal |
| 154 | wang_chuntao | https://gitcode.net/wang_chuntao/Python-100-Days |
| 155 | nozer1993 | https://gitcode.net/nozer1993/uni-app |
| 156 | YUHAOniss | https://gitcode.net/YUHAOniss/easyexcel |
| 157 | u011278744 | https://gitcode.net/u011278744/Paddle |
| 158 | csdnerM | https://gitcode.net/csdnerM/JavaGuide |
| 159 | kfosigjfosig | https://gitcode.net/kfosigjfosig/echarts |
| 160 | qq_25481967 | https://gitcode.net/qq_25481967/JavaBooks |
| 161 | liuzhihan209 | https://gitcode.net/liuzhihan209/fastjson2 |
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月5日当天会发放完成。
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## 2. 2022/11/03 任务完成名单公布(208人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
...@@ -217,7 +386,7 @@ ...@@ -217,7 +386,7 @@
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## 2. 2022/11/02 任务完成名单公布(162人) ## 3. 2022/11/02 任务完成名单公布(162人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
...@@ -388,7 +557,7 @@ ...@@ -388,7 +557,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月3日当天会发放完成。 - 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月3日当天会发放完成。
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## 3. 2022/11/01 任务完成名单公布(127人) ## 4. 2022/11/01 任务完成名单公布(127人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | Aaron_King | https://gitcode.net/Aaron_King/JavaBooks | | 1 | Aaron_King | https://gitcode.net/Aaron_King/JavaBooks |
...@@ -524,7 +693,8 @@ ...@@ -524,7 +693,8 @@
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 4. 2022/10/31 任务完成名单公布(103人) ## 5. 2022/10/31 任务完成名单公布(103人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | aomeng | https://gitcode.net/aomeng/tdengine | | 1 | aomeng | https://gitcode.net/aomeng/tdengine |
...@@ -635,7 +805,7 @@ ...@@ -635,7 +805,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月1日当天会发放完成。 - 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),11月1日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 5. 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(10人) ## 6. 2022/10/30 任务完成名单公布(10人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
...@@ -654,7 +824,7 @@ ...@@ -654,7 +824,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月31日当天会发放完成。 - 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月31日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 6. 2022/10/29 任务完成名单公布(11人) ## 7. 2022/10/29 任务完成名单公布(11人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
...@@ -674,7 +844,7 @@ ...@@ -674,7 +844,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月30日当天会发放完成。 - 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月30日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 7. 2022/10/28 任务完成名单公布(28人) ## 8. 2022/10/28 任务完成名单公布(28人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | |序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
...@@ -712,7 +882,7 @@ ...@@ -712,7 +882,7 @@
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 8. 2022/10/27 任务完成名单公布(31人) ## 9. 2022/10/27 任务完成名单公布(31人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | |序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | lcrpkking | https://gitcode.net/lcrpkking/free-programming-books | | 1 | lcrpkking | https://gitcode.net/lcrpkking/free-programming-books |
...@@ -751,7 +921,7 @@ ...@@ -751,7 +921,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月28日当天会发放完成。 - 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月28日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 9. 2022/10/26 任务完成名单公布(37人) ## 10. 2022/10/26 任务完成名单公布(37人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | |序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | qq_45199172 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45199172/vhr | | 1 | qq_45199172 | https://gitcode.net/qq_45199172/vhr |
...@@ -797,7 +967,7 @@ ...@@ -797,7 +967,7 @@
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## 10. 2022/10/25 任务完成名单公布(48人) ## 11. 2022/10/25 任务完成名单公布(48人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | |序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
| 1 | city1993 | https://gitcode.net/city1993/incubator-skywalking | | 1 | city1993 | https://gitcode.net/city1993/incubator-skywalking |
...@@ -853,7 +1023,7 @@ ...@@ -853,7 +1023,7 @@
- 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月26日当天会发放完成。 - 以上用户获得 [一年10核10G云容器实验环境会员](https://mydev.csdn.net/product/pod/new),10月26日当天会发放完成。
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 11. 2022/10/24 任务完成名单公布(共计58人) ## 12. 2022/10/24 任务完成名单公布(共计58人)
| 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | | 序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
|---- | ---- | ---- | |---- | ---- | ---- |
...@@ -921,7 +1091,7 @@ ...@@ -921,7 +1091,7 @@
- 上述顺序不区分先后顺序! - 上述顺序不区分先后顺序!
## 12. 2022/10/23 任务完成名单公布 (共计22人) ## 13. 2022/10/23 任务完成名单公布 (共计22人)
|序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 | |序号 | 用户名 | 项目地址 |
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