提交 bc9768cf 编写于 作者: O o2sword


上级 f9b79c2b
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ActionListNextPageViewData.class );
protected ActionResult<List<Wo>> execute( HttpServletRequest request, EffectivePerson effectivePerson, String lastDocId, Integer pageSize, JsonElement jsonElement ) throws Exception {
ActionResult<List<Wo>> result = new ActionResult<>();
List<Wo> wos = new ArrayList<>();
......@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
List<String> sortableFieldNames = null;
List<String> sortableFieldNames_upperCase = null;
QueryFilter queryFilter = null;
if( pageSize <= 0 || pageSize == null ){
pageSize = 12;
if( "(0)".equals( lastDocId ) || StringUtils.isEmpty( lastDocId ) ){
lastDocId = null;
try {
wi = this.convertToWrapIn( jsonElement, Wi.class );
} catch (Exception e ) {
......@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
result.error( exception );
logger.error( e, effectivePerson, request, null );
if( StringUtils.isEmpty( wi.getCategoryId() ) ) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionViewDateQueryCategoryIdEmpty();
result.error( exception );
if( StringUtils.isEmpty( wi.getViewId() ) ) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionViewDataQueryViewIdEmpty();
result.error( exception );
try {
isManager = userManagerService.isManager(effectivePerson );
} catch (Exception e) {
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
logger.error( e, effectivePerson, request, null);
if( check ){
view = viewServiceAdv.get( wi.getViewId() );
......@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
result.error( exception );
if( check ){
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
logger.error( e, effectivePerson, request, null);
if( check ){//设置查询条件的默认值,如果不传入则使用列表设置的值
if( StringUtils.isEmpty( wi.getOrderField() ) ) {
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
if (check) {
try {
queryFilter = wi.getQueryFilter();
......@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
if( check ) {
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( lastDocId )) {
document = documentQueryService.get( lastDocId );
//判断一下,如果排序的列不是Document的常规列, 需要从Item里查出符合条件的DocumentID列表
//从正常的Document属性列和全大写的属性列中都需要判断一下, sortableFieldNames and sortableFieldNames_upperCase
//如果sortableFieldNames and sortableFieldNames_upperCase都没有,那么就属性业务属性数据了,需要从item里去查询
......@@ -209,20 +209,20 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
List<String> viewableDocList = null;
if( isManager ) {
documentCount = documentQueryService.countWithConditionOutofPermission( queryFilter );
viewableDocList = documentQueryService.listIdsByCategoryId( category.getId(), wi.getOrderField(), wi.getOrderField(), 2000 );
viewableDocList = documentQueryService.listIdsByCategoryId( category.getId(), wi.getOrderField(), wi.getOrderType(), 2000 );
}else {
documentCount = documentQueryService.countWithConditionInReview( personName, queryFilter );
viewableDocList = documentQueryService.listDocIdsWithConditionInReview( personName, wi.getOrderField(), wi.getOrderField(), queryFilter, 2000 );
viewableDocList = documentQueryService.listDocIdsWithConditionInReview( personName, wi.getOrderField(), wi.getOrderType(), queryFilter, 2000 );
//以所有可见的DocId为基准,从Item里查询出2000个排序好的对象,拼成 dataObjList ( docId, sortFieldValue )返回
List<SimpleItemObj> simpleItems = documentQueryService.listSortObjWithOrderFieldInData( viewableDocList, wi.getOrderField(), wi.getOrderField(), wi.getOrderType() );
if( ListTools.isNotEmpty( simpleItems )) {
String sequence = null;
Boolean pickDocument = false;
documentList = new ArrayList<>();
for( SimpleItemObj item : simpleItems ) {
searchResultList = new ArrayList<>();
for( SimpleItemObj item : simpleItems ) {
sequence = documentQueryService.getSequence( item.getId() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( sequence)) {
......@@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
}else {
pickDocument = true;//取第1页的pageSize个document
if( pickDocument ) {
if( documentList.size() < pageSize ) {
documentList.add( documentQueryService.get( item.getId() ));
if( searchResultList.size() < pageSize ) {
searchResultList.add( documentQueryService.get( item.getId() ));
}else {//数据够一页了
......@@ -297,10 +297,10 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
if( check ){
if( searchResultList != null && searchResultList.size() > 0 ){
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
result.error( exception );
logger.error( e, effectivePerson, request, null);
wos.add( wo );
......@@ -342,36 +342,36 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
result.setData( wos );
result.setCount( documentCount );
return result;
public class Wi {
@FieldDescribe( "是否置顶:ALL|TOP|UNTOP." )
private String topFlag = "ALL";
private String categoryId;
private String viewId;
private String orderField;
private String orderType;
@FieldDescribe("值类别:支持string | date | time | datetime | boolean | boolean | text")
private String fieldType;
@FieldDescribe("查询文档类型: 全部 | 信息 | 数据 ")
private String documentType;
@FieldDescribe("需要查询的文档状态:published | draft | archived")
private String docStatus;
public String getFieldType() {
return fieldType;
......@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
public void setDocumentType(String documentType) {
this.documentType = documentType;
public String getTopFlag() {
return topFlag;
......@@ -439,27 +439,27 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
* 根据传入的查询参数,组织一个完整的QueryFilter对象
* @return
* @throws Exception
* @throws Exception
public QueryFilter getQueryFilter() throws Exception {
QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
QueryFilter queryFilter = new QueryFilter();
queryFilter.setJoinType( "and" );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( this.getCategoryId() )) {
queryFilter.addEqualsTerm( new EqualsTerm( "categoryId", this.getCategoryId() ) );
//文档类型:全部 | 信息 | 数据
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( this.getDocumentType())) {
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( this.getDocumentType())) {
if( "信息".equals( this.getDocumentType() )) {
queryFilter.addEqualsTerm( new EqualsTerm( "documentType", this.getDocumentType() ) );
}else if( "数据".equals( this.getDocumentType() )) {
queryFilter.addEqualsTerm( new EqualsTerm( "documentType", this.getDocumentType() ) );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( this.getTopFlag())) {
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( this.getTopFlag())) {
if( "TOP".equals( this.getTopFlag() )) {
queryFilter.addIsTrueTerm( new IsTrueTerm( "isTop" ) );
}else if( "UNTOP".equals( this.getDocumentType() )) {
......@@ -470,20 +470,20 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( this.getDocStatus())) {
queryFilter.addEqualsTerm( new EqualsTerm( "docStatus", this.getDocStatus() ) );
return queryFilter;
public static class Wo extends GsonPropertyObject {
@FieldDescribe( "文档对象的序列." )
private String sequence = null;
@FieldDescribe( "文档对象的ID." )
private String id = null;
@FieldDescribe( "排序列的值." )
private String orderFieldValue = null;
......@@ -531,21 +531,21 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
public void setOrderFieldValue(String orderFieldValue) {
this.orderFieldValue = orderFieldValue;
public static class WoDocument extends Document {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5076990764713538973L;
public static WrapCopier<Document, WoDocument> copier = WrapCopierFactory.wo( Document.class, WoDocument.class, null, JpaObject.FieldsInvisible);
private String creatorPersonShort = null;
private String creatorUnitNameShort = null;
private String creatorTopUnitNameShort = null;
......@@ -571,6 +571,6 @@ public class ActionListNextPageViewData extends BaseAction {
public void setCreatorTopUnitNameShort(String creatorTopUnitNameShort) {
this.creatorTopUnitNameShort = creatorTopUnitNameShort;
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