提交 524ad4e2 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

fix(css): rebase urls (#3514)

上级 2e3f1586
......@@ -738,6 +738,9 @@ type CssUrlReplacer = (
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#identifier-code-point
export const cssUrlRE =
export const cssDataUriRE =
export const importCssRE = /@import ('[^']+\.css'|"[^"]+\.css"|[^'")]+\.css)/
const cssImageSetRE = /(?<=image-set\()((?:[\w\-]+\([^\)]*\)|[^)])*)(?=\))/
const UrlRewritePostcssPlugin: Postcss.PluginCreator<{
......@@ -783,35 +786,61 @@ function rewriteCssUrls(
css: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
): Promise<string> {
return asyncReplace(css, cssImageSetRE, async (match) => {
return asyncReplace(css, cssUrlRE, async (match) => {
const [matched, rawUrl] = match
return await doUrlReplace(rawUrl, matched, replacer)
function rewriteCssDataUris(
css: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
): Promise<string> {
return asyncReplace(css, cssDataUriRE, async (match) => {
const [matched, rawUrl] = match
return await doUrlReplace(rawUrl, matched, replacer, 'data-uri')
function rewriteImportCss(
css: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
): Promise<string> {
return asyncReplace(css, importCssRE, async (match) => {
const [matched, rawUrl] = match
return await doImportCSSReplace(rawUrl, matched, replacer)
// TODO: image and cross-fade could contain a "url" that needs to be processed
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#image-notation
// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-images-4/#cross-fade-function
const cssNotProcessedRE = /(gradient|element|cross-fade|image)\(/
async function rewriteCssImageSet(
css: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
): Promise<string> {
return await asyncReplace(css, cssImageSetRE, async (match) => {
const [, rawUrl] = match
const url = await processSrcSet(rawUrl, async ({ url }) => {
// the url maybe url(...)
if (cssUrlRE.test(url)) {
return await rewriteCssUrls(url, replacer)
return await doUrlReplace(url, url, replacer)
if (!cssNotProcessedRE.test(url)) {
return await doUrlReplace(url, url, replacer)
return url
return url
function rewriteCssImageSet(
css: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
): Promise<string> {
return asyncReplace(css, cssImageSetRE, async (match) => {
const [matched, rawUrl] = match
const url = await processSrcSet(rawUrl, ({ url }) =>
doUrlReplace(url, matched, replacer)
return `image-set(${url})`
async function doUrlReplace(
rawUrl: string,
matched: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
replacer: CssUrlReplacer,
funcName: string = 'url'
) {
let wrap = ''
const first = rawUrl[0]
......@@ -819,6 +848,7 @@ async function doUrlReplace(
wrap = first
rawUrl = rawUrl.slice(1, -1)
if (
isExternalUrl(rawUrl) ||
isDataUrl(rawUrl) ||
......@@ -828,7 +858,30 @@ async function doUrlReplace(
return matched
return `url(${wrap}${await replacer(rawUrl)}${wrap})`
const newUrl = await replacer(rawUrl)
if (wrap === '' && newUrl !== encodeURI(newUrl)) {
// The new url might need wrapping even if the original did not have it, e.g. if a space was added during replacement
wrap = "'"
return `${funcName}(${wrap}${newUrl}${wrap})`
async function doImportCSSReplace(
rawUrl: string,
matched: string,
replacer: CssUrlReplacer
) {
let wrap = ''
const first = rawUrl[0]
if (first === `"` || first === `'`) {
wrap = first
rawUrl = rawUrl.slice(1, -1)
if (isExternalUrl(rawUrl) || isDataUrl(rawUrl) || rawUrl.startsWith('#')) {
return matched
return `@import ${wrap}${await replacer(rawUrl)}${wrap}`
export async function minifyCSS(css: string, config: ResolvedConfig) {
......@@ -1055,6 +1108,7 @@ function preprocessCss(content: string, isNVue: boolean = false) {
return content
* relative url() inside \@imported sass and less files must be rebased to use
* root file as base.
......@@ -1067,21 +1121,29 @@ async function rebaseUrls(
): Promise<Sass.ImporterReturnType> {
file = path.resolve(file) // ensure os-specific flashes
// 条件编译
const contents = preprocessCss(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'), isNVue)
// fixed by xxxxxx 条件编译
let contents = preprocessCss(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'), isNVue)
// in the same dir, no need to rebase
const fileDir = path.dirname(file)
const rootDir = path.dirname(rootFile)
if (fileDir === rootDir) {
return { file, contents }
// no url()
if (!cssUrlRE.test(contents)) {
const hasUrls = cssUrlRE.test(contents)
// data-uri() calls
const hasDataUris = cssDataUriRE.test(contents)
// no @import xxx.css
const hasImportCss = importCssRE.test(contents)
if (!hasUrls && !hasDataUris && !hasImportCss) {
return { file, contents }
const rebased = await rewriteCssUrls(contents, (url) => {
let rebased
const rebaseFn = (url: string) => {
if (url.startsWith('/')) return url
// match alias, no need to rewrite
for (const { find } of alias) {
......@@ -1094,10 +1156,24 @@ async function rebaseUrls(
const absolute = path.resolve(fileDir, url)
const relative = path.relative(rootDir, absolute)
return normalizePath(relative)
// fix css imports in less such as `@import "foo.css"`
if (hasImportCss) {
contents = await rewriteImportCss(contents, rebaseFn)
if (hasUrls) {
contents = await rewriteCssUrls(rebased || contents, rebaseFn)
if (hasDataUris) {
contents = await rewriteCssDataUris(rebased || contents, rebaseFn)
return {
contents: rebased,
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