未验证 提交 5835b17a 编写于 作者: T Takeshi Hagikura 提交者: GitHub

Bump library versions (#391)

上级 1865c6a0
......@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ buildscript {
minSdkVersion = 14
targetSdkVersion = 27
compileSdkVersion = 27
buildToolsVersion = "27.0.1"
buildToolsVersion = "27.0.2"
androidGradlePluginVersion = "3.0.1"
androidMavenGradlePluginVersion = "1.5"
gradleBintrayPluginVersion = "1.6"
kotlinVersion = "1.1.61"
supportLibVersion = "27.0.1"
supportLibVersion = "27.0.2"
espressoVersion = "3.0.0"
testRunnerVersion = "1.0.0"
junitVersion = "4.12"
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