• T
    Reduce the number of measure calls for children of Flexbox (#514) · d6c186b1
    Takeshi Hagikura 提交于
    This PR reduces the number of measure calls for the children of the
    If any items in a FlexLine don't have the flexGrow or flexShrink
    attributes set, the children in the FlexLine don't have to be measured
    in the FlexboxHelper#determineMainSize method.
    Similarly, if the AlignItems attribute for the Flexbox is not equal to
    AlignItems.STRETCH nor any items in a FlexLine don't have the
    AlignSelf.STRETCH attributes, the items in the FlexLine don't have to be
    measured in the FlexboxHelpers#stretchViews method.
    Also this PR changes the default values of FlexboxLayout as follows:
    - mAlignItems: STRETCH -> FLEX_START
    - mAlignContent: STRETCH -> FLEX_START
FlexboxAndroidTest.kt 202.5 KB