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# RecyclerView integration

With the latest alpha version of the release, Flexbox can now be used inside the `RecyclerView`
as a `LayoutManager` (`FlexboxLayoutManager`).
That means now you can use Flexbox with a large number of items in a scrollable container!
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![FlexboxLayoutManager in action](/assets/flexbox-layoutmanager.gif)

## Supported attributes / features comparison
Due to some characteristics of the RecyclerView, some Flexbox attributes are not available/not implemented
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to the `FlexboxLayoutManager`.
Here is a quick overview of the attributes/features comparison between the two containers.

|Attribute / Feature|FlexboxLayout| FlexboxLayoutManager (RecyclerView)|
| ------- |:-----------:|:----------------------------------:|
|flexWrap|![Check](/assets/pngs/check_green_small.png)|![Check](/assets/pngs/check_green_small.png) (except `wrap_reverse`)|
|alignContent|![Check](/assets/pngs/check_green_small.png)| - |
|layout_order|![Check](/assets/pngs/check_green_small.png)| - |
|View recycling| - |![Check](/assets/pngs/check_green_small.png)|
|Scrolling| *1 |![Check](/assets/pngs/check_green_small.png)|

*1 Partially possible by wrapping it with `ScrollView`. But it isn't likely to work with large set
   of views inside the layout. Because it doesn't consider view recycling.

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## Setting Flexbox attributes
You can set the attributes through Java code instead of settings those from XML for the `FlexboxLayoutManager`.
For example when you want change the `flexDirection` and `justifyContent`:

FlexboxLayoutManager layoutManager = new FlexboxLayoutManager();

or for the attributes for the children of the `FlexboxLayoutManager` you can do like:

ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = mImageView.getLayoutParams();
if (lp instanceof FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams) {
Gaëtan Muller 已提交
    FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams flexboxLp = (FlexboxLayoutManager.LayoutParams) lp;
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Takeshi Hagikura 已提交
## Backward-incompatible changes from the 0.2.x versions
`FlexboxLayout` can still be used as the same way, but there are some backward-incompatible
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changes introduced.

* Now Flexbox specific constants are now defined in each individual class such as:
  * `FlexboxLayout.FLEX_DIRECTION_ROW` -> `FlexDirection.ROW`
  * `FlexboxLayout.FLEX_WRAP_WRAP` -> `FlexWrap.WRAP`
  * `FlexboxLayout.JUSTIFY_CONTENT_FLEX_START` -> `JustifyContent.FLEX_START`
  * `FlexboxLayout.ALIGN_ITEMS_FLEX_START` -> `AlignItems.FLEX_START`
  * `FlexboxLayout.ALIGN_CONTENT_FLEX_START` -> `AlignContent.FLEX_START`

  including other values (such as FLEX_END, STRETCH) are now moved to each individual class.

## Sample code
The code for the new `FlexboxLayoutManager` hasn't merged to the master branch yet, since
it's not as stable as the existing `FlexboxLayout`.
But you can still reference some sample code using the `FlexboxLayoutManager` inside the
`RecyclerView` in the [dev_recyclerview]( branch
such as:
  -  [Playground demo app](
  -  [Cat Gallery demo app](