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Add mvp links

上级 33b23fe7
......@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ This repository contains a detailed sample app that implements MVVM architecture
7. [Android Tinder Swipe View Example](https://blog.mindorks.com/android-tinder-swipe-view-example-3eca9b0d4794#.u7i7jbbvy)
8. [Debugging Android Databases And Shared Preferences In The Easiest Way](https://blog.mindorks.com/debugging-android-databases-and-shared-preferences-in-the-easiest-way-e5f705dfc06b#.pxw0hvnws)
### Looking for Kotin MVP Architecture - [Check here](https://github.com/MindorksOpenSource/android-kotlin-mvp-architecture)
### Looking for MVP Architecture - [Check here](https://github.com/MindorksOpenSource/android-mvp-architecture)
[Check out Mindorks awesome open source projects here](https://mindorks.com/open-source-projects)
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