提交 78465314 编写于 作者: A AMIT SHEKHAR 提交者: GitHub

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......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
4. PlaceHolderView: https://github.com/janishar/PlaceHolderView
5. AndroidDebugDatabase: https://github.com/amitshekhariitbhu/Android-Debug-Database
6. Calligraphy: https://github.com/chrisjenx/Calligraphy
7. GreenDao: http://greenrobot.org/greendao/
7. Room: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/room.html
### Concept reference resources:
1. [Introduction to Dagger 2: Part 1](https://blog.mindorks.com/introduction-to-dagger-2-using-dependency-injection-in-android-part-1-223289c2a01b#.ki6nt86l6)
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### Contributing to Android MVVM Architecture
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