未验证 提交 bd22ff5f 编写于 作者: Thomas_Fly's avatar Thomas_Fly 提交者: GitHub

[tools][vsc] Add the workspace of vscode (#7017)

上级 d1baf1f5
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
# Change Logs:
# Date Author Notes
# 2018-05-30 Bernard The first version
# 2023-03-03 Supperthomas Add the vscode workspace config file
Utils for VSCode
......@@ -31,6 +32,10 @@ import utils
import rtconfig
from utils import _make_path_relative
def delete_repeatelist(data):
temp_dict = set([str(item) for item in data])
data = [eval(i) for i in temp_dict]
return data
def GenerateCFiles(env):
......@@ -69,6 +74,36 @@ def GenerateCFiles(env):
vsc_file.write(json.dumps(json_obj, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
Generate vscode.code-workspace files
vsc_space_file = open('vscode.code-workspace', 'w')
if vsc_space_file:
info = utils.ProjectInfo(env)
path_list = []
for i in info['CPPPATH']:
if _make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i)[0] == '.':
if i[0] == '\"' and i[len(i) - 2:len(i)] == '\",':
path_list.append({'path':_make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i[1:len(i) - 2])})
path_list.append({'path':_make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i)})
for i in info['DIRS']:
if _make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i)[0] == '.':
if i[0] == '\"' and i[len(i) - 2:len(i)] == '\",':
path_list.append({'path':_make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i[1:len(i) - 2])})
path_list.append({'path':_make_path_relative(os.getcwd(), i)})
json_obj = {}
path_list = delete_repeatelist(path_list)
path_list = sorted(path_list, key=lambda x: x["path"])
target_path_list = []
for path in path_list:
if path['path'] != '.':
path['name'] = 'rtthread/' + '/'.join([p for p in path['path'].split('\\') if p != '..'])
json_obj['folders'] = path_list
vsc_space_file.write(json.dumps(json_obj, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))
def GenerateVSCode(env):
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