提交 53afeda5 编写于 作者: xpxyr's avatar xpxyr 提交者: guo

fix inet_ioctlsocket set O_LARGEFILE flag by musl.

上级 d3553e72
......@@ -225,11 +225,14 @@ static int inet_getsockname(int socket, struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t *namele
int inet_ioctlsocket(int socket, long cmd, void *arg)
int flags;
switch (cmd)
case F_GETFL:
case F_SETFL:
return lwip_fcntl(socket, cmd, (int)(size_t)arg);
flags = (int)(size_t)arg;
flags &= ~O_LARGEFILE;
return lwip_fcntl(socket, cmd, flags);
return lwip_ioctl(socket, cmd, arg);
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