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Title = "开源软件推进联盟KOL"
Title = "开源推进发展联盟"
BaseUrl = "https://copu.gitcode.host/kols/"
DefaultContentLanguage = "zh-cn"
Name = "蓝皮书"
Name = "开源蓝皮书"
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Name = "开源名词库"
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Name = "蓝皮书"
Name = "开源蓝皮书"
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Name = "名词示例"
Name = "开源名词库"
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URL = "categories/开源名词库/"
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Name = "关于我们"
Description = "中国开源软件推进联盟"
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Introduce = "上边可以放蓝皮书封面,后续佳牧处理。"
DateFormat = "2006-01-02"
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title = "【名词示例】AI"
date = "2022-05-28"
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categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
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title = "【名词示例】AIoT"
date = "2022-05-28"
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categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
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title = "【开源人物】包云岗"
title = "包云岗,中科院计算所副所长,中国开放指令生态(RISC-V)联盟秘书长"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "【开源人物】崔宝秋"
title = "崔宝秋,小米副总裁"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "【开源人物】宫敏"
title = "宫敏,凝思软件董事长"
date = "2022-05-28"
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "【开源人物】黄东旭"
title = "黄东旭,PingCAP 联合创始人兼 CTO"
date = "2022-05-28"
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ author = ""
title = "【名词示例】IoT"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
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title = "贾扬清,阿里巴巴集团副总裁、开源委员会主席"
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description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "【名词示例】开源供应链"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
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......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ author = ""
title = "【专有名词】开源基金会"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
toc = true
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title = "【开源人物】刘澎"
title = "刘澎,中国开源推进联盟副主席"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "【开源人物】陆首群"
title = "陆首群,中国开源软件联盟名誉主席"
date = "2022-05-28"
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title = "【开源人物】倪光南"
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categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "【开源人物】任旭东"
title = "任旭东,华为首席开源联络官、华为开源办公室总监"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "谢超(星爵),Zilliz 创始人兼 CEO"
date = "2022-05-28"
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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title = "尤雨溪,Vue.js 作者"
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description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
toc = true
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title = "【开源人物】袁进辉"
title = "袁进辉,OneFlow(一流科技有限公司)创始人"
date = "2022-05-28"
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categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
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description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
toc = true
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title = "【开源人物】周明辉"
title = "周明辉,北京大学计算机系教授"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["开源人物"]
categories = ["开源人物"]
toc = true
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ author = ""
title = "【名词示例】最终用户许可协议"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
toc = true
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ author = ""
title = "【名词示例】自由软件"
date = "2022-05-28"
description = ""
categories = ["名词示例"]
categories = ["开源名词库"]
toc = true
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