提交 c7a1916f 编写于 作者: U unknown


上级 f61ccd96
......@@ -144,14 +144,14 @@ MWF.xApplication.ThreeMember.PasswordView = new Class({
saveForm: function(data){
var actions = [];
if( data.adminPassword ){
password: data.adminPassword
delete data.adminPassword;
// if( data.adminPassword ){
// actions.push(
// o2.Actions.load("x_program_center").ConfigAction.setToken({
// password: data.adminPassword
// })
// );
// delete data.adminPassword;
// }
if( data.systemManagerPassword || data.securityManagerPassword || data.auditManagerPassword ) {
var d = {};
if (data.systemManagerPassword) {
......@@ -181,10 +181,17 @@ MWF.xApplication.ThreeMember.PasswordView = new Class({
}.bind(this)).catch(function (json) {
if (json.type === "error") {
this.app.notice(json.message, "error");
if (json.text) {
this.app.notice(json.text, "error");
}else if(json.xhr){
var responseJSON = JSON.parse( json.xhr.responseText );
if( responseJSON.message ){
this.app.notice( responseJSON.message, "error" );
this.app.notice( this.lp.saveFailure, "error" );
this.app.notice( this.lp.saveFailure );
this.app.notice( this.lp.saveFailure, "error" );
......@@ -197,13 +204,13 @@ MWF.xApplication.ThreeMember.PasswordView = new Class({
loadData: function( callback ){
var personAction = o2.Actions.load("x_program_center").ConfigAction.getPerson();
var TMAction = o2.Actions.load("x_program_center").ConfigAction.getTernaryManagement();
var tokenAction = o2.Actions.load("x_program_center").ConfigAction.getToken();
Promise.all([personAction, TMAction, tokenAction]).then(function (args) {
// var tokenAction = o2.Actions.load("x_program_center").ConfigAction.getToken();
Promise.all([personAction, TMAction]).then(function (args) {
this.personData = args[0].data;
this.TMData = args[1].data;
this.tokenData = args[2].data;
// this.tokenData = args[2].data;
var data = Object.clone(this.personData);
data.adminPassword = this.tokenData.password;
// data.adminPassword = this.tokenData.password;
data.systemManagerPassword = "";
data.securityManagerPassword = "";
data.auditManagerPassword = "";
......@@ -224,7 +231,7 @@ MWF.xApplication.ThreeMember.PasswordView = new Class({
itemTemplate: {
password: { "text": lp.password, tType : "text", notEmpty: true, attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
passwordPeriod: { "text": lp.passwordPeriod, tType : "number", attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
adminPassword: { "text": lp.adminPassword, type : "password", notEmpty: true, attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
// adminPassword: { "text": lp.adminPassword, type : "password", notEmpty: true, attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
passwordRegex: { "text": lp.passwordRegex, tType : "text", notEmpty: true, attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
passwordRegexHint: { "text": lp.passwordRegexHint, tType : "text", notEmpty: true, attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
failureCount: { "text": lp.failureCount, tType : "number", attr: {"autocomplete": "off"} },
......@@ -266,9 +273,9 @@ MWF.xApplication.ThreeMember.PasswordView = new Class({
"<tr><td styles='formTableNote'>"+lp.failureIntervalNote+"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableValue' item='failureInterval'></td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableTitle'>"+lp.adminPassword+"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableNote'>"+lp.adminPasswordNote+"</td></tr>" +
"<tr><td styles='formTableValue' item='adminPassword'></td></tr>" +
// "<tr><td styles='formTableTitle'>"+lp.adminPassword+"</td></tr>" +
// "<tr><td styles='formTableNote'>"+lp.adminPasswordNote+"</td></tr>" +
// "<tr><td styles='formTableValue' item='adminPassword'></td></tr>" +
"<table width='90%' bordr='0' cellpadding='7' cellspacing='0' styles='formTable'>" +
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