提交 9b1407f4 编写于 作者: NoSubject's avatar NoSubject

Merge branch 'fix/o2js' into 'wrdp'


See merge request o2oa/o2oa!5197
......@@ -385,20 +385,6 @@ if (!window.o2) {
// if (!window.layout) window.layout = {};
// if (!window.layout.config){
// new Request.JSON({
// url: "../x_desktop/res/config/config.json",
// secure: false,
// method: "get",
// noCache: true,
// async: false,
// onSuccess: function(responseJSON, responseText){
// window.layout.config = responseJSON;
// }.bind(this),
// }).send();
// }
if (window.layout && layout.config && layout.config.urlMapping) {
for (var k in layout.config.urlMapping) {
var regex = new RegExp(k);
......@@ -508,7 +494,6 @@ if (!window.o2) {
var _loadingModules = {};
var _checkUrl = function (url, base) {
var urlStr = new URI(url, {base: base}).toString();
return urlStr;
......@@ -640,7 +625,7 @@ if (!window.o2) {
if (op.dom) _parseDom(op.dom, function (node) {
if (node.className.indexOf(uuid) == -1) node.className += ((node.className) ? " " + uuid : uuid);
}, op.doc);
var completed = function () {
if (_loadCssRunning[key]) {
_loadCssRunning[key] = false;
......@@ -663,59 +648,6 @@ if (!window.o2) {
if (cssText) {
op.uuid = uuid;
var style = _loadCssText(cssText, op);
// cssText = cssText.replace(/\/\*(\s|\S)*?\*\//g, "");
// if (op.bind) cssText = cssText.bindJson(op.bind);
// if (op.dom){
// var rex = new RegExp("(.+)(?=\\{)", "g");
// var match;
// var prefix = "." + uuid + " ";
// while ((match = rex.exec(cssText)) !== null) {
// // var rule = prefix + match[0];
// // cssText = cssText.substring(0, match.index) + rule + cssText.substring(rex.lastIndex, cssText.length);
// // rex.lastIndex = rex.lastIndex + prefix.length;
// var rulesStr = match[0];
// if (rulesStr.substr(0,1)=="@" || rulesStr.indexOf("%")!=-1){
// // var begin = 0;
// // var end = 0;
// }else{
// if (rulesStr.indexOf(",")!=-1){
// var rules = rulesStr.split(/\s*,\s*/g);
// rules = rules.map(function(r){
// return prefix + r;
// });
// var rule = rules.join(", ");
// cssText = cssText.substring(0, match.index) + rule + cssText.substring(rex.lastIndex, cssText.length);
// rex.lastIndex = rex.lastIndex + (prefix.length*rules.length);
// }else{
// var rule = prefix + match[0];
// cssText = cssText.substring(0, match.index) + rule + cssText.substring(rex.lastIndex, cssText.length);
// rex.lastIndex = rex.lastIndex + prefix.length;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// var style = op.doc.createElement("style");
// style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
// var head = (op.doc.head || op.doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || op.doc.documentElement);
// head.appendChild(style);
// if(style.styleSheet){
// var setFunc = function(){
// style.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
// };
// if(style.styleSheet.disabled){
// setTimeout(setFunc, 10);
// }else{
// setFunc();
// }
// }else{
// var cssTextNode = op.doc.createTextNode(cssText);
// style.appendChild(cssTextNode);
// }
style.id = uid;
var styleObj = {"module": module, "id": uid, "style": style, "doc": op.doc, "class": uuid};
......@@ -788,7 +720,6 @@ if (!window.o2) {
var _loadCssText = function (cssText, options, callback) {
var op = (_typeOf(options) === "object") ? _getCssOptions(options) : _getCssOptions(null);
var cb = (_typeOf(options) === "function") ? options : callback;
var uuid = options.uuid || "css" + _uuid();
......@@ -900,7 +831,6 @@ if (!window.o2) {
var _injectHtml = function (op, data, baseUrl) {
if (op.bind) data = data.bindJson(op.bind);
if (op.dom) _parseDom(op.dom, function (node) {
var scriptText;
......@@ -937,7 +867,7 @@ if (!window.o2) {
if (scriptSrc) {
var scriptSrcs = scriptSrc.split(/\n/g).trim();
if (scriptSrcs && scriptSrcs.length) {
o2.load(scriptSrcs, {baseUrl: baseUrl}, function () {
o2.load(scriptSrcs, {baseUrl: baseUrl, reload:true}, function () {
if (op.evalScripts && scriptText) Browser.exec(scriptText);
} else {
......@@ -1693,32 +1623,13 @@ if (!window.o2) {
res.setHeader(o2.tokenName, token);
res.setHeader("Authorization", token);
// if (layout.session && (layout.session.user || layout.session.token)){
// token = layout.session.token;
// if (!token && layout.session.user && layout.session.user.token) token = layout.session.user.token;
// if (token) {
// res.setHeader(o2.tokenName, token);
// res.setHeader("Authorization", token);
// }
// }
//Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
}.bind(this)).then(function (responseJSON) {
return responseJSON;
}).catch(function (err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
// p = p.then(function(responseJSON){
// return o2.runCallback(callback, "success", [responseJSON],null);
// }, function(xhr, text, error){
// return o2.runCallback(callback, "failure", [xhr, text, error], null);
// });
//p = p.catch(function(xhr, text, error){});
//var oReturn = (callback.success && callback.success.isAG) ? callback.success : callback;
var oReturn = p;
oReturn.res = res;
return oReturn;
......@@ -3047,7 +2958,6 @@ if (!window.o2) {
if (Browser.iecomp) {
o2.load("ie_adapter", null, false);
o2.session.isDebugger = true;
//layout["debugger"] = true;
o2.session.isMobile = (["mac", "win", "linux"].indexOf(Browser.Platform.name) === -1);
......@@ -479,13 +479,23 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.$Module = MWF.APP$Module = new Class(
_checkEvdata: function(evdata, id, v){
switch (o2.typeOf(evdata)){
case "array":
evdata.check(id, v);
setBusinessDataById: function(v){
//对id类似于 xx..0..xx 的字段进行拆分
var evdata = this.form.Macro.environment.data;
var data = this.form.businessData.data;
if(this.json.id.indexOf("..") < 1){
data[this.json.id] = v;
evdata.check(this.json.id, v);
this._checkEvdata(evdata, this.json.id, v);
//this.form.businessData.data[this.json.id] = v;
var idList = this.json.id.split("..");
......@@ -500,13 +510,15 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.$Module = MWF.APP$Module = new Class(
if( i === lastIndex ){
data[id] = v;
evdata.check(id, v);
//evdata.check(id, v);
this._checkEvdata(evdata, id, v);
var nexId = idList[i+1];
if(o2.typeOf(nexId) === "number"){ //下一个ID是数字
if( !data[id] && o2.typeOf(data[id]) !== "array" ){
data[id] = [];
evdata.check(id, []);
//evdata.check(id, []);
this._checkEvdata(evdata, id, []);
if( nexId > data[id].length ){ //超过了最大下标,丢弃
......@@ -514,7 +526,8 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.$Module = MWF.APP$Module = new Class(
}else{ //下一个ID是字符串
if( !data[id] || o2.typeOf(data[id]) !== "object"){
data[id] = {};
evdata.check(id, {});
//evdata.check(id, {});
this._checkEvdata(evdata, id, {});
data = data[id];
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