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上级 957afa3d
......@@ -132,17 +132,53 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.TinyMCEEditor = MWF.APPTinyMCEEditor = new Class(
fontsize_formats: '12px 14px 16px 18px 24px 36px 48px 56px 72px',
// importcss_append: true,
// file_picker_callback: function (callback, value, meta) {
// if (meta.filetype === 'file') {
// callback('https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png', { text: 'My text' });
// }
// if (meta.filetype === 'image') {
// callback('https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png', { alt: 'My alt text' });
// }
// if (meta.filetype === 'media') {
// callback('movie.mp4', { source2: 'alt.ogg', poster: 'https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png' });
// }
// },
file_picker_callback: function (callback, value, meta) {
//this 指向editor实例
// if (meta.filetype === 'file') {
// callback('https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png', { text: 'My text' });
// }
if (meta.filetype === 'image') {
var enablePreview = this.getParam('enablePreview', true);
var localImageMaxWidth = this.getParam('localImageMaxWidth', 2000);
var reference = this.getParam('reference');
var referenceType = this.getParam('referenceType');
if( !reference || !referenceType )return;
MWF.require("MWF.widget.Upload", function(){
var action = new MWF.xDesktop.Actions.RestActions("/xDesktop/Actions/action.json", "x_file_assemble_control");
var upload = new MWF.widget.Upload($(document.body), {
"data": null,
"parameter": {"reference" : reference, "referencetype": referenceType, "scale" : localImageMaxWidth || 2000 },
"action": action,
"method": "uploadImageByScale",
"accept": "image/*",
"onEvery": function(json, index, count, file){
var attrs = {};
if(file.name)attrs.alt = file.name;
var id = json.data ? json.data.id : json.id;
attrs["data-id"] = id;
attrs["data-orgid"] = json.data ? json.data.origId : json.origId;
var src = MWF.xDesktop.getImageSrc( id );
callback( src, attrs )
// if (meta.filetype === 'media') {
// callback('movie.mp4', { source2: 'alt.ogg', poster: 'https://www.baidu.com/img/bd_logo1.png' });
// }
autosave_ask_before_unload: false,
imagetools_toolbar: 'editimage imageoptions'
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