提交 6fc2127b 编写于 作者: R roo00

bug fix

上级 b5852861
......@@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ public class DocumentFactory<T> extends AbstractFactory {
public List<String> listByCategoryId( String categoryId ) throws Exception {
public List<String> listByCategoryId( String categoryId, Integer maxCount ) throws Exception {
EntityManager em = this.entityManagerContainer().get( Document.class );
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<String> cq = cb.createQuery( String.class );
Root<Document> root = cq.from( Document.class );
Predicate p = cb.equal(root.get( Document_.categoryId ), categoryId );
cq.select(root.get( Document_.id)).where(p);
return em.createQuery( cq ).setMaxResults(10000).getResultList();
return em.createQuery( cq ).setMaxResults(maxCount).getResultList();
......@@ -86,6 +86,16 @@ public class DocumentFactory<T> extends AbstractFactory {
return em.createQuery(cq).getSingleResult();
public Long countByAppId( String appId ) throws Exception {
EntityManager em = this.entityManagerContainer().get( Document.class );
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Long> cq = cb.createQuery(Long.class);
Root<Document> root = cq.from(Document.class);
Predicate p = cb.equal( root.get(Document_.appId), appId );
return em.createQuery(cq).getSingleResult();
public List<Document> listInReviewDocumentList( Integer maxCount ) throws Exception {
EntityManager em = this.entityManagerContainer().get(Document.class);
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
package com.x.cms.assemble.control.jaxrs.appinfo;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import com.x.base.core.container.EntityManagerContainer;
import com.x.base.core.container.factory.EntityManagerContainerFactory;
import com.x.base.core.entity.annotation.CheckRemoveType;
import com.x.base.core.project.cache.ApplicationCache;
import com.x.base.core.project.config.StorageMapping;
import com.x.base.core.project.http.ActionResult;
import com.x.base.core.project.http.EffectivePerson;
import com.x.base.core.project.jaxrs.WoId;
import com.x.base.core.project.logger.Logger;
import com.x.base.core.project.logger.LoggerFactory;
import com.x.base.core.project.tools.ListTools;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.Business;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.DocumentDataHelper;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.ThisApplication;
import com.x.cms.core.entity.AppInfo;
import com.x.cms.core.entity.Document;
import com.x.cms.core.entity.FileInfo;
import com.x.query.core.entity.Item;
public class ActionEraseDocumentWithAppInfo extends BaseAction {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActionEraseDocumentWithAppInfo.class);
protected ActionResult<Wo> execute(HttpServletRequest request, String id, EffectivePerson effectivePerson) throws Exception {
ActionResult<Wo> result = new ActionResult<>();
AppInfo appInfo = null;
Boolean check = true;
if ( id == null || id.isEmpty() ) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionIdEmpty();
if( check ){
try {
appInfo = appInfoServiceAdv.get( id );
if( appInfo == null ){
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionAppInfoNotExists( id );
result.error( exception );
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionAppInfoProcess( e, "根据指定ID查询应用栏目信息对象时发生异常。ID:" + id );
result.error( exception );
logger.error( e, effectivePerson, request, null);
if ( check ) {
Long count = documentServiceAdv.countByAppId( id );
List<String> idsForDelete = null;
List<String> allFileInfoIds = null;
Document document = null;
Integer queryMaxCount = 5000;
Integer whileCount = 0;
Integer currentWhileCount = 0;
FileInfo fileInfo = null;
StorageMapping mapping = null;
DocumentDataHelper documentDataHelper = null;
if ( count > 0 ) {
whileCount = (int) (count/queryMaxCount + 1);
try (EntityManagerContainer emc = EntityManagerContainerFactory.instance().create()) {
Business business = new Business( emc );
while( count > 0 && currentWhileCount<=whileCount ) {
idsForDelete = documentServiceAdv.listIdsByAppId( id, null, queryMaxCount );
if( ListTools.isNotEmpty( idsForDelete )) {
emc.beginTransaction( Document.class );
emc.beginTransaction( Item.class );
emc.beginTransaction( FileInfo.class );
for( String docId : idsForDelete ) {
try {
document = emc.find( docId, Document.class );
documentDataHelper = new DocumentDataHelper( emc, document );
allFileInfoIds = business.getFileInfoFactory().listAllByDocument( docId );
if( allFileInfoIds != null && !allFileInfoIds.isEmpty() ){
for( String fileInfoId : allFileInfoIds ){
fileInfo = emc.find( fileInfoId, FileInfo.class );
if( fileInfo != null ){
if( "ATTACHMENT".equals( fileInfo.getFileType() )){
mapping = ThisApplication.context().storageMappings().get( FileInfo.class, fileInfo.getStorage() );
fileInfo.deleteContent( mapping );
emc.remove( fileInfo, CheckRemoveType.all );
emc.remove( document, CheckRemoveType.all );
}catch( Exception e ) {
ApplicationCache.notify( Document.class );
count = documentServiceAdv.countByAppId( id );
Wo wo = new Wo();
return result;
public static class Wo extends WoId {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -79,6 +79,26 @@ public class AppInfoAction extends StandardJaxrsAction {
return ResponseFactory.getDefaultActionResultResponse(result);
@JaxrsMethodDescribe(value = "根据栏目ID删除所有的信息文档.", action = ActionEraseDocumentWithAppInfo.class)
public Response eraseWithAppId(@Context HttpServletRequest request,
@JaxrsParameterDescribe("栏目ID") @PathParam("id") String id) {
EffectivePerson effectivePerson = this.effectivePerson(request);
ActionResult<ActionEraseDocumentWithAppInfo.Wo> result = new ActionResult<>();
try {
result = new ActionEraseDocumentWithAppInfo().execute(request, id, effectivePerson );
} catch (Exception e) {
result = new ActionResult<>();
Exception exception = new ExceptionAppInfoProcess(e, "根据栏目ID删除所有的信息文档发生未知异常,ID:" + id);
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
return ResponseFactory.getDefaultActionResultResponse(result);
@JaxrsMethodDescribe(value = "根据标识获取信息栏目信息对象.", action = ActionGet.class)
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import com.x.base.core.project.tools.ListTools;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.AppDictServiceAdv;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.AppInfoServiceAdv;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.CategoryInfoServiceAdv;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.DocumentInfoServiceAdv;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.FormServiceAdv;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.PermissionOperateService;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.service.PermissionQueryService;
......@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ public class BaseAction extends StandardJaxrsAction {
protected ScriptServiceAdv scriptServiceAdv = new ScriptServiceAdv();
protected AppDictServiceAdv appDictServiceAdv = new AppDictServiceAdv();
protected CategoryInfoServiceAdv categoryInfoServiceAdv = new CategoryInfoServiceAdv();
protected DocumentInfoServiceAdv documentServiceAdv = new DocumentInfoServiceAdv();
protected UserManagerService userManagerService = new UserManagerService();
protected PermissionQueryService permissionQueryService = new PermissionQueryService();
protected PermissionOperateService permissionOperateService = new PermissionOperateService();
package com.x.cms.assemble.control.jaxrs.appinfo;
import com.x.base.core.project.exception.PromptException;
class ExceptionIdEmpty extends PromptException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1859164370743532895L;
ExceptionIdEmpty() {
super("分类信息“ID”不能为空。" );
package com.x.cms.assemble.control.jaxrs.categoryinfo;
import java.util.List;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import com.x.base.core.container.EntityManagerContainer;
import com.x.base.core.container.factory.EntityManagerContainerFactory;
import com.x.base.core.entity.annotation.CheckRemoveType;
import com.x.base.core.project.cache.ApplicationCache;
import com.x.base.core.project.config.StorageMapping;
import com.x.base.core.project.http.ActionResult;
import com.x.base.core.project.http.EffectivePerson;
import com.x.base.core.project.jaxrs.WoId;
import com.x.base.core.project.logger.Logger;
import com.x.base.core.project.logger.LoggerFactory;
import com.x.base.core.project.tools.ListTools;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.Business;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.DocumentDataHelper;
import com.x.cms.assemble.control.ThisApplication;
import com.x.cms.core.entity.CategoryInfo;
import com.x.cms.core.entity.Document;
import com.x.cms.core.entity.FileInfo;
import com.x.query.core.entity.Item;
public class ActionEraseDocumentWithCategory extends BaseAction {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActionEraseDocumentWithCategory.class);
protected ActionResult<Wo> execute(HttpServletRequest request, String id, EffectivePerson effectivePerson) throws Exception {
ActionResult<Wo> result = new ActionResult<>();
CategoryInfo categoryInfo = null;
Boolean check = true;
if ( id == null || id.isEmpty() ) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionIdEmpty();
if ( check ) {
try {
categoryInfo = categoryInfoServiceAdv.get(id);
} catch ( Exception e ) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionCategoryInfoProcess(e, "根据ID查询分类信息对象时发生异常。ID:" + id);
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
if ( check ) {
if ( categoryInfo == null ) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionCategoryInfoNotExists( id );
if ( check ) {
Long count = documentServiceAdv.countByCategoryId(id);
Document document = null;
List<String> idsForDelete = null;
List<String> allFileInfoIds = null;
Integer queryMaxCount = 5000;
Integer whileCount = 0;
Integer currentWhileCount = 0;
FileInfo fileInfo = null;
StorageMapping mapping = null;
DocumentDataHelper documentDataHelper = null;
if ( count > 0 ) {
whileCount = (int) (count/queryMaxCount + 1);
try (EntityManagerContainer emc = EntityManagerContainerFactory.instance().create()) {
Business business = new Business( emc );
while( count > 0 && currentWhileCount<=whileCount ) {
idsForDelete = documentServiceAdv.listIdsByCategoryId( id, queryMaxCount );
if( ListTools.isNotEmpty( idsForDelete )) {
emc.beginTransaction( Document.class );
emc.beginTransaction( Item.class );
emc.beginTransaction( FileInfo.class );
for( String docId : idsForDelete ) {
try {
document = emc.find( docId, Document.class );
documentDataHelper = new DocumentDataHelper( emc, document );
allFileInfoIds = business.getFileInfoFactory().listAllByDocument( docId );
if( allFileInfoIds != null && !allFileInfoIds.isEmpty() ){
for( String fileInfoId : allFileInfoIds ){
fileInfo = emc.find( fileInfoId, FileInfo.class );
if( fileInfo != null ){
if( "ATTACHMENT".equals( fileInfo.getFileType() )){
mapping = ThisApplication.context().storageMappings().get( FileInfo.class, fileInfo.getStorage() );
fileInfo.deleteContent( mapping );
emc.remove( fileInfo, CheckRemoveType.all );
emc.remove( document, CheckRemoveType.all );
}catch( Exception e ) {
ApplicationCache.notify( Document.class );
count = documentServiceAdv.countByCategoryId( id );
Wo wo = new Wo();
return result;
public static class Wo extends WoId {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -118,6 +118,26 @@ public class CategoryInfoAction extends StandardJaxrsAction{
return ResponseFactory.getDefaultActionResultResponse(result);
@JaxrsMethodDescribe(value = "根据分类ID删除所有的信息文档.", action = ActionEraseDocumentWithCategory.class)
public Response eraseWithCategory(@Context HttpServletRequest request,
@JaxrsParameterDescribe("分类ID") @PathParam("id") String id) {
EffectivePerson effectivePerson = this.effectivePerson(request);
ActionResult<ActionEraseDocumentWithCategory.Wo> result = new ActionResult<>();
try {
result = new ActionEraseDocumentWithCategory().execute(request, id, effectivePerson );
} catch (Exception e) {
result = new ActionResult<>();
Exception exception = new ExceptionCategoryInfoProcess(e, "根据分类ID删除所有的信息文档发生未知异常,ID:" + id);
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
return ResponseFactory.getDefaultActionResultResponse(result);
@JaxrsMethodDescribe(value = "获取用户有查看访问文章信息的所有分类列表.", action = ActionListWhatICanView_Article.class)
......@@ -167,6 +167,11 @@ public class AppInfoService {
List<String> document_ids = null;
CategoryInfo categoryInfo = null;
Document document = null;
Long docCount = 0L;
Integer totalWhileCount = 0;
Integer currenteWhileCount = 0;
Integer queryMaxCount = 1000;
Business business = new Business(emc);
appInfo = emc.find( wrapIn.getId(), AppInfo.class );
emc.beginTransaction( AppInfo.class );
......@@ -193,16 +198,28 @@ public class AppInfoService {
emc.check( categoryInfo, CheckPersistType.all );
document_ids = business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryId );
if( document_ids != null && !document_ids.isEmpty() ){
for( String docId : document_ids ){
document = emc.find( docId, Document.class );
document.setAppName( categoryInfo.getAppName() );
document.setCategoryAlias( categoryInfo.getCategoryAlias() );
if( document.getHasIndexPic() == null ){
document.setHasIndexPic( false );
docCount = business.getDocumentFactory().countByCategoryId( categoryInfo.getId() );
if( docCount > 0 ) {
totalWhileCount = (int) (docCount/queryMaxCount) + 1;
if( totalWhileCount > 0 ) {
while( docCount > 0 && currenteWhileCount <= totalWhileCount ) {
document_ids = business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryId, queryMaxCount );
if( document_ids != null && !document_ids.isEmpty() ){
for( String docId : document_ids ){
try {
document = emc.find( docId, Document.class );
document.setAppName( categoryInfo.getAppName() );
document.setCategoryAlias( categoryInfo.getCategoryAlias() );
if( document.getHasIndexPic() == null ){
document.setHasIndexPic( false );
emc.check( document, CheckPersistType.all );
}catch( Exception e ) {
emc.check( document, CheckPersistType.all );
......@@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ public class CategoryInfoService {
String oldCategoryName = null;
List<String> document_ids = null;
Business business = new Business(emc);
Long docCount = 0L;
Integer totalWhileCount = 0;
Integer currenteWhileCount = 0;
Integer queryMaxCount = 1000;
if( temp_categoryInfo.getId() == null ){
temp_categoryInfo.setId( CategoryInfo.createId() );
......@@ -183,16 +187,33 @@ public class CategoryInfoService {
if( !oldCategoryName.equals( categoryInfo.getCategoryName() )){
emc.beginTransaction( Document.class );
document_ids = business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryInfo.getId() );
if( document_ids != null && !document_ids.isEmpty() ){
for( String docId : document_ids ){
document = emc.find( docId, Document.class );
document.setAppName( categoryInfo.getAppName() );
document.setCategoryAlias( categoryInfo.getCategoryAlias() );
if( document.getHasIndexPic() == null ){
document.setHasIndexPic( false );
docCount = business.getDocumentFactory().countByCategoryId( categoryInfo.getId() );
if( docCount > 0 ) {
totalWhileCount = (int) (docCount/queryMaxCount) + 1;
if( totalWhileCount > 0 ) {
while( docCount > 0 && currenteWhileCount <= totalWhileCount ) {
document_ids = business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryInfo.getId(), queryMaxCount );
if( document_ids != null && !document_ids.isEmpty() ){
for( String docId : document_ids ){
try {
document = emc.find( docId, Document.class );
document.setAppName( categoryInfo.getAppName() );
document.setCategoryAlias( categoryInfo.getCategoryAlias() );
if( document.getHasIndexPic() == null ){
document.setHasIndexPic( false );
emc.check( document, CheckPersistType.all );
}catch( Exception e ) {
currenteWhileCount ++;
docCount = business.getDocumentFactory().countByCategoryId( categoryInfo.getId() );
emc.check( document, CheckPersistType.all );
......@@ -259,6 +280,10 @@ public class CategoryInfoService {
AppInfo appInfo = null;
ViewCategory viewCategory = null;
List<Item> dataItems = null;
Long docCount = 0L;
Integer totalWhileCount = 0;
Integer currenteWhileCount = 0;
Integer queryMaxCount = 1000;
Business business = new Business( emc );
emc.beginTransaction( AppInfo.class );
......@@ -268,8 +293,7 @@ public class CategoryInfoService {
emc.beginTransaction( Document.class );
emc.beginTransaction( Item.class );
categoryInfo = emc.find( id, CategoryInfo.class );
categoryInfo = emc.find( id, CategoryInfo.class );
categoryExt = emc.find( id, CategoryExt.class );
ids = business.getViewCategoryFactory().listByCategoryId(id);
......@@ -291,26 +315,44 @@ public class CategoryInfoService {
ids = business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( id );
if( ids != null && !ids.isEmpty() ){
for( String del_id : ids ){
document = emc.find( del_id, Document.class );
if( document != null ){
dataItems = business.itemFactory().listWithDocmentWithPath(del_id);
if ((!dataItems.isEmpty())) {
emc.beginTransaction( Item.class );
for ( Item o : dataItems ) {
docCount = business.getDocumentFactory().countByCategoryId( id );
if( docCount > 0 ) {
totalWhileCount = (int) (docCount/queryMaxCount) + 1;
if( totalWhileCount > 0 ) {
while( docCount > 0 && currenteWhileCount <= totalWhileCount ) {
ids = business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( id, queryMaxCount );
if( ids != null && !ids.isEmpty() ){
for( String del_id : ids ){
document = emc.find( del_id, Document.class );
if( document != null ){
try {
dataItems = business.itemFactory().listWithDocmentWithPath( del_id );
if ((!dataItems.isEmpty())) {
emc.beginTransaction( Item.class );
for ( Item o : dataItems ) {
}catch( Exception e ) {
try {
ThisApplication.queueDocumentDelete.send( document.getId() );
} catch ( Exception e1 ) {
emc.remove( document );
try {
ThisApplication.queueDocumentDelete.send( document.getId() );
} catch ( Exception e1 ) {
emc.remove( document );
currenteWhileCount ++;
docCount = business.getDocumentFactory().countByCategoryId( id );
......@@ -17,13 +17,26 @@ import com.x.query.core.entity.Item;
public class DocumentInfoService {
// public List<Document> list( EntityManagerContainer emc, List<String> ids ) throws Exception {
// if( ids == null || ids.isEmpty() ){
// return null;
// }
// Business business = new Business( emc );
// return business.getDocumentFactory().list( ids );
// }
public List<String> listByCategoryId( EntityManagerContainer emc, String categoryId, Integer maxCount ) throws Exception {
if( categoryId == null || categoryId.isEmpty() ){
return null;
Business business = new Business( emc );
return business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryId, maxCount );
public List<String> listByAppId( EntityManagerContainer emc, String appId, String documentType, Integer maxCount ) throws Exception {
if( appId == null || appId.isEmpty() ){
return null;
if( documentType == null || documentType.isEmpty() ){
documentType = "全部";
Business business = new Business( emc );
return business.getDocumentFactory().listByAppId( appId, documentType, maxCount );
public List<String> listByCategoryId( EntityManagerContainer emc, String categoryId ) throws Exception {
......@@ -31,7 +44,7 @@ public class DocumentInfoService {
return null;
Business business = new Business( emc );
return business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryId );
return business.getDocumentFactory().listByCategoryId( categoryId, 10000 );
public Document get(EntityManagerContainer emc, String id) throws Exception {
......@@ -49,6 +62,14 @@ public class DocumentInfoService {
Business business = new Business( emc );
return business.getDocumentFactory().countByCategoryId(categoryId);
public Long countByAppId(EntityManagerContainer emc, String appId) throws Exception {
if( appId == null || appId.isEmpty() ){
return null;
Business business = new Business( emc );
return business.getDocumentFactory().countByAppId(appId);
public Document save( EntityManagerContainer emc, Document wrapIn ) throws Exception {
if( wrapIn == null ){
......@@ -58,6 +58,28 @@ public class DocumentInfoServiceAdv {
throw e;
public List<String> listIdsByCategoryId( String categoryId, Integer maxCount ) throws Exception {
if( categoryId == null || categoryId.isEmpty() ){
throw new Exception("categoryId is null!");
try ( EntityManagerContainer emc = EntityManagerContainerFactory.instance().create() ) {
return documentInfoService.listByCategoryId( emc, categoryId, maxCount );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw e;
public List<String> listIdsByAppId( String appId, String documentType, Integer maxCount ) throws Exception {
if( appId == null || appId.isEmpty() ){
throw new Exception("categoryId is null!");
try ( EntityManagerContainer emc = EntityManagerContainerFactory.instance().create() ) {
return documentInfoService.listByAppId( emc, appId, documentType, maxCount );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw e;
public Document get( String id ) throws Exception {
if( id == null || id.isEmpty() ){
......@@ -125,6 +147,17 @@ public class DocumentInfoServiceAdv {
throw e;
public Long countByAppId(String appId ) throws Exception {
if( appId == null || appId.isEmpty() ){
throw new Exception("appId is null!");
try ( EntityManagerContainer emc = EntityManagerContainerFactory.instance().create() ) {
return documentInfoService.countByAppId( emc, appId );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw e;
public List<Document> list(List<String> ids) throws Exception {
if( ListTools.isEmpty( ids ) ){
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class ActionUpload extends BaseAction {
String fileName = new String(disposition.getFileName().getBytes(DefaultCharset.charset_iso_8859_1),
fileName = FilenameUtils.getName(fileName);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName))) {
throw new ExceptionEmptyExtension(fileName);
......@@ -53,18 +53,20 @@ public class ActionErrorInfoFilterListNextWithFilter extends BaseAction {
if (check) {
try {
if (!okrUserInfoService.getIsOkrManager(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName())) {
if( !"xadmin".equalsIgnoreCase( currentPerson.getName() )) {
try {
if (!okrUserInfoService.getIsOkrManager(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName())) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionInsufficientPermissions(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName(),
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionInsufficientPermissions(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName(),
Exception exception = new ExceptionOkrSystemAdminCheck(e, currentPerson.getDistinguishedName());
logger.error(e, currentPerson, request, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionOkrSystemAdminCheck(e, currentPerson.getDistinguishedName());
logger.error(e, currentPerson, request, null);
......@@ -57,18 +57,32 @@ public class ActionLogin extends BaseAction {
okrUserCache = setUserLoginIdentity( request, effectivePerson, wrapIn.getLoginIdentity() );
} catch (Exception e) {
Exception exception = new ExceptionGetOkrUserCache(e, effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(),
Exception exception = new ExceptionGetOkrUserCache(e, effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(), wrapIn.getLoginIdentity());
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
} else {// 用户自己没有传入的身份,查询用户是否有该身份的代理配置(秘书)
try {
ids = okrConfigSecretaryService.listIdsByLeaderIdentity(effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(), wrapIn.getLoginIdentity());
if (ListTools.isEmpty(ids)) {//用户没有指定身份的代理权限,无法登录系统
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionUserHasNoProxyIdentity( effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(), wrapIn.getLoginIdentity());
if (ListTools.isEmpty(ids)) {//用户没有指定身份的代理权限,无法登录系统
identity = okrUserManagerService.getIdentityWithPerson( effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName() );
if( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( identity )) {
System.out.println( "用户使用身份:" + identity + " 登录系统......" );
try {
okrUserCache = setUserLoginIdentity( request, effectivePerson, identity );
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionGetOkrUserCache(e, effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(), wrapIn.getLoginIdentity());
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
}else {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionUserHasNoProxyIdentity( effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(), wrapIn.getLoginIdentity());
} else {// 顺利查询到身份代理配置信息,向cache里新增用户相关信息
okrUserCache = setUserLoginIdentity(request, effectivePerson, wrapIn.getLoginIdentity());
......@@ -53,18 +53,19 @@ public class ActionListNextWithFilterAdmin extends BaseAction {
if (check) {
try {
if (!okrUserInfoService.getIsOkrManager(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName())) {
if( !"xadmin".equalsIgnoreCase( currentPerson.getName() )) {
try {
if (!okrUserInfoService.getIsOkrManager(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName())) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionInsufficientPermissions(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName(), ThisApplication.OKRMANAGER);
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionInsufficientPermissions(currentPerson.getDistinguishedName(),
Exception exception = new ExceptionOkrSystemAdminCheck(e, currentPerson.getDistinguishedName());
logger.error(e, currentPerson, request, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionOkrSystemAdminCheck(e, currentPerson.getDistinguishedName());
logger.error(e, currentPerson, request, null);
......@@ -54,19 +54,21 @@ public class ActionListNextWithFilter extends BaseAction {
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
try {
if (!okrUserInfoService.getIsOkrManager(effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName())) {
if( !"xadmin".equalsIgnoreCase( effectivePerson.getName() )) {
try {
if (!okrUserInfoService.getIsOkrManager(effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName())) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionInsufficientPermissions(effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(), ThisApplication.OKRMANAGER);
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionInsufficientPermissions(effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName(),
Exception exception = new ExceptionOkrSystemAdminCheck(e, effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName());
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
check = false;
Exception exception = new ExceptionOkrSystemAdminCheck(e, effectivePerson.getDistinguishedName());
logger.error(e, effectivePerson, request, null);
if (check) {
if (wrapIn.getFilterLikeContent() != null && !wrapIn.getFilterLikeContent().isEmpty()) {
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import com.x.base.core.container.EntityManagerContainer;
import com.x.base.core.container.factory.EntityManagerContainerFactory;
import com.x.base.core.project.organization.Person;
import com.x.base.core.project.organization.Unit;
import com.x.base.core.project.tools.ListTools;
import com.x.okr.assemble.control.Business;
......@@ -173,6 +174,12 @@ public class OkrUserManagerService {
try (EntityManagerContainer emc = EntityManagerContainerFactory.instance().create()) {
business = new Business(emc);
identities = business.organization().identity().listWithPerson( personName );
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>loginIdentity:" + loginIdentity );
if( ListTools.isNotEmpty( identities )) {
for( String identity : identities ) {
System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>identity:" + identity );
if( identities.contains( loginIdentity )){
return true;
......@@ -63,25 +63,25 @@ public class ScriptHelperFactory {
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static ScriptHelper create(Business business, Work work, Data data, Activity activity,
BindingPair... bindingPairs) throws Exception {
WorkContext workContext = new WorkContext(business, work, activity);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_WORKCONTEXT, workContext);
map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_DATA, data);
map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_ORGANIZATION, new Organization(ThisApplication.context()));
map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_WEBSERVICESCLIENT, new WebservicesClient());
new ApplicationDictHelper(business.entityManagerContainer(), work.getApplication()));
map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_APPLICATIONS, ThisApplication.context().applications());
for (BindingPair o : bindingPairs) {
map.put(o.getName(), o.getValue());
ScriptHelper sh = new ScriptHelper(business, map, initialScriptText);
return sh;
// public static ScriptHelper create(Business business, Work work, Data data, Activity activity,
// BindingPair... bindingPairs) throws Exception {
// WorkContext workContext = new WorkContext(business, work, activity);
// Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
// map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_WORKCONTEXT, workContext);
// map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_DATA, data);
// map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_ORGANIZATION, new Organization(ThisApplication.context()));
// map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_WEBSERVICESCLIENT, new WebservicesClient());
// map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_DICTIONARY,
// new ApplicationDictHelper(business.entityManagerContainer(), work.getApplication()));
// map.put(ScriptingEngine.BINDINGNAME_APPLICATIONS, ThisApplication.context().applications());
// for (BindingPair o : bindingPairs) {
// map.put(o.getName(), o.getValue());
// }
// ScriptHelper sh = new ScriptHelper(business, map, initialScriptText);
// return sh;
// }
public static ScriptHelper create(Business business, Work work, Data data, Activity activity, Task task,
public static ScriptHelper createWithTask(Business business, Work work, Data data, Activity activity, Task task,
BindingPair... bindingPairs) throws Exception {
WorkContext workContext = new WorkContext(business, work, activity, task);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class ScriptHelperFactory {
return sh;
public static ScriptHelper create(Business business, Work work, Data data, Activity activity,
public static ScriptHelper createWithTaskCompleted(Business business, Work work, Data data, Activity activity,
TaskCompleted taskCompleted, BindingPair... bindingPairs) throws Exception {
WorkContext workContext = new WorkContext(business, work, activity, taskCompleted);
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
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