提交 1369a4ba 编写于 作者: U unknown


上级 bba71a56
MWF.xApplication.Selector = MWF.xApplication.Selector || {};
MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("Selector", "Person", null, false);
MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.Selector.Person,
options: {
"style": "default",
"count": 0,
"title": MWF.xApplication.Selector.LP.selectDictionary,
"values": [],
"names": [],
"appType" : ["process","cms"],
"expand": false,
"forceSearchInItem" : true
loadSelectItems: function(addToNext){
var json = {};
this.options.appType.each( function (type) {
var container = new Element("div").inject(this.itemAreaNode);
var action;
if( type === "process" ){
action = o2.Actions.load("x_processplatform_assemble_designer").ApplicationDictAction.listPaging;
}else if( type === "cms" ){
var json = {};
var array = [];
action(1, 1000, {}, function( dictionaryJson ) {
dictionaryJson.data.each(function (dictionary) {
var appName = dictionary.portalName || dictionary.applicationName;
var appId = dictionary.portal || dictionary.application;
if (!json[appId]) {
json[appId] = {
name: appName,
applicationName: appName,
appName: appName,
application: appId,
appId: appId
json[appId].dictionaryList = [];
dictionary.appName = appName;
dictionary.appId = appId;
dictionary.appType = type;
dictionary.type = "dictionary";
for (var application in json) {
if (json[application].dictionaryList && json[application].dictionaryList.length) {
if( this.options.appType.length === 1 ){
array.each( function (data) {
var category = this._newItemCategory(data, this, container);
var category = this._newItemCategory({
name: MWF.xApplication.Selector.LP.appType[type],
id: type,
applicationList: array
}, this, container);
_scrollEvent: function(y){
return true;
_getChildrenItemIds: function(data){
return data.dictionaryList || [];
_newItemCategory: function(data, selector, item, level){
return new MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary.ItemCategory(data, selector, item, level)
_listItemByKey: function(callback, failure, key){
return false;
_getItem: function(callback, failure, id, async){
if (callback) callback.apply(this, [json]);
}.bind(this), failure, ((typeOf(id)==="string") ? id : id.id), async);
_newItemSelected: function(data, selector, item){
return new MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary.ItemSelected(data, selector, item)
_listItemByPinyin: function(callback, failure, key){
return false;
_newItem: function(data, selector, container, level){
return new MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary.Item(data, selector, container, level);
MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary.Item = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.Selector.Person.Item,
_getShowName: function(){
return this.data.name;
_setIcon: function(){
this.iconNode.setStyle("background-image", "url("+"../x_component_Selector/$Selector/default/icon/attr.png)");
loadSubItem: function(){
return false;
checkSelectedSingle: function(){
var selectedItem = this.selector.options.values.filter(function(item, index){
if (typeOf(item)==="object"){
if( this.data.id && item.id ){
return this.data.id === item.id;
//return (this.data.id === item.id) || (this.data.name === item.name) ;
//if (typeOf(item)==="object") return (this.data.id === item.id) || (this.data.name === item.name) ;
if (typeOf(item)==="string") return (this.data.id === item) || (this.data.name === item);
return false;
if (selectedItem.length){
checkSelected: function(){
var selectedItem = this.selector.selectedItems.filter(function(item, index){
if( item.data.id && this.data.id){
return item.data.id === this.data.id;
//return (item.data.id === this.data.id) || (item.data.name === this.data.name);
if (selectedItem.length){
//selectedItem[0].item = this;
this.selectedItem = selectedItem[0];
MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary.ItemSelected = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.Selector.Person.ItemSelected,
_getShowName: function(){
return this.data.name;
_setIcon: function(){
this.iconNode.setStyle("background-image", "url("+"../x_component_Selector/$Selector/default/icon/attr.png)");
check: function(){
if (this.selector.items.length){
var items = this.selector.items.filter(function(item, index){
//return (item.data.id === this.data.id) || (item.data.name === this.data.name);
if( item.data.id && this.data.id){
return item.data.id === this.data.id;
this.items = items;
if (items.length){
item.selectedItem = this;
MWF.xApplication.Selector.Dictionary.ItemCategory = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.Selector.Person.ItemCategory,
clickItem: function (callback) {
if (this._hasChild() ) {
var firstLoaded = !this.loaded;
this.loadSub(function () {
if (firstLoaded && this._hasChild() ) {
if (!this.selector.isFlatCategory) {
this.children.setStyles({"display": "block", "height": "auto"});
this.isExpand = true;
// this.checkSelectAll();
} else {
var display = this.children.getStyle("display");
if (display === "none") {
// this.selector.fireEvent("expand", [this] );
this.children.setStyles({"display": "block", "height": "auto"});
this.isExpand = true;
} else {
// this.selector.fireEvent("collapse", [this] );
this.children.setStyles({"display": "none", "height": "0px"});
this.isExpand = false;
if (callback) callback();
loadSub: function (callback) {
if (!this.loaded) {
if( this.data.dictionaryList ){
this.data.dictionaryList.each(function (subItem, index) {
var item = this.selector._newItem(subItem, this.selector, this.children, this.level + 1, this);
if(this.subItems)this.subItems.push( item );
if ( this.data.applicationList ) {
this.data.applicationList.each(function (subCategory, index) {
var category = this.selector._newItemCategory(subCategory, this.selector, this.children, this.level + 1, this);
this.subCategorys.push( category );
this.loaded = true;
if (callback) callback();
} else {
if (callback) callback();
_getShowName: function(){
return this.data.name;
_getTtiteText: function () {
return this.data.name;
createNode: function(){
this.node = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.selector.css.selectorItemCategory_department
_setIcon: function(){
this.iconNode.setStyle("background-image", "url("+"../x_component_Selector/$Selector/default/icon/applicationicon.png)");
_hasChild: function(){
return ( this.data.dictionaryList && this.data.dictionaryList.length ) ||
( this.data.applicationList && this.data.applicationList.length);
afterLoad: function(){
if ( this._hasChild() ){
check: function(){}
......@@ -34,9 +34,8 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.FormStyle = new Class({
}, this, this.itemAreaNode);
var json = {};
var appJs = {};
var array = [];
o2.Actions.load("x_processplatform_assemble_designer").ScriptAction.listPaging(1, 500, {}, function( scriptJson ){
o2.Actions.load("x_processplatform_assemble_designer").ScriptAction.listPaging(1, 1000, {}, function( scriptJson ){
scriptJson.data.each(function (script) {
if (!json[script.application]) {
json[script.application] = {
......@@ -8,52 +8,66 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.Script = new Class({
"title": MWF.xApplication.Selector.LP.selectScript,
"values": [],
"names": [],
"appType" : ["process","portal"],
"expand": false,
"forceSearchInItem" : true
loadSelectItems: function(addToNext){
var json = {};
var appJs = {};
o2.Actions.load("x_processplatform_assemble_designer").ScriptAction.listNext("(0)", 500, function (scriptJson) {
o2.Actions.load("x_processplatform_assemble_designer").ApplicationAction.list(function (appJson) {
appJson.data.each( function (app) {
appJs[ app.id ] = app;
scriptJson.data.each( function (script) {
if( !json[script.application] ){
json[script.application] = appJs[ script.application ];
json[script.application].scriptList = [];
this.options.appType.each( function (type) {
var container = new Element("div").inject(this.itemAreaNode);
var action;
if( type === "process" ){
action = o2.Actions.load("x_processplatform_assemble_designer").ScriptAction.listPaging;
}else if( type === "portal" ){
action = o2.Actions.load("x_portal_assemble_designer").ScriptAction.listPaging;
}else if( type === "cms" ){
var json = {};
var array = [];
action(1, 1000, {}, function( scriptJson ) {
scriptJson.data.each(function (script) {
var appName = script.portalName || script.applicationName;
var appId = script.portal || script.application;
if (!json[appId]) {
json[appId] = {
name: appName,
applicationName: appName,
appName: appName,
application: appId,
appId: appId
json[appId].scriptList = [];
script.appName = appJs[ script.application ].name;
script.appId = script.application;
json[script.application].scriptList.push( script )
script.appName = appName;
script.appId = appId;
script.appType = type;
script.type = "script";
for( var application in json ){
var category = this._newItemCategory(json[application], this, this.itemAreaNode);
var item = this._newItem(d, this, category.children);
for (var application in json) {
if (json[application].scriptList && json[application].scriptList.length) {
if( this.options.appType.length === 1 ){
array.each( function (data) {
var category = this._newItemCategory(data, this, container);
var category = this._newItemCategory({
name: MWF.xApplication.Selector.LP.appType[type],
id: type,
applicationList: array
}, this, container);
// this.processAction.listApplications(function(json){
// json.data.each(function(data){
// if (!data.scriptList){
// this.designerAction.listScript(data.id, function(scriptJson){
// data.scriptList = scriptJson.data;
// }.bind(this), null, false);
// }
// if (data.scriptList && data.scriptList.length){
// var category = this._newItemCategory(data, this, this.itemAreaNode);
// data.scriptList.each(function(d){
// d.applicationName = data.name;
// var item = this._newItem(d, this, category.children);
// this.items.push(item);
// }.bind(this));
// }
// }.bind(this));
// }.bind(this));
_scrollEvent: function(y){
return true;
......@@ -115,8 +129,6 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.Script.Item = new Class({
var selectedItem = this.selector.selectedItems.filter(function(item, index){
if( item.data.id && this.data.id){
return item.data.id === this.data.id;
return item.data.name === this.data.name;
//return (item.data.id === this.data.id) || (item.data.name === this.data.name);
......@@ -143,8 +155,6 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.Script.ItemSelected = new Class({
//return (item.data.id === this.data.id) || (item.data.name === this.data.name);
if( item.data.id && this.data.id){
return item.data.id === this.data.id;
return item.data.name === this.data.name;
this.items = items;
......@@ -160,9 +170,62 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.Script.ItemSelected = new Class({
MWF.xApplication.Selector.Script.ItemCategory = new Class({
Extends: MWF.xApplication.Selector.Person.ItemCategory,
clickItem: function (callback) {
if (this._hasChild() ) {
var firstLoaded = !this.loaded;
this.loadSub(function () {
if (firstLoaded && this._hasChild() ) {
if (!this.selector.isFlatCategory) {
this.children.setStyles({"display": "block", "height": "auto"});
this.isExpand = true;
// this.checkSelectAll();
} else {
var display = this.children.getStyle("display");
if (display === "none") {
// this.selector.fireEvent("expand", [this] );
this.children.setStyles({"display": "block", "height": "auto"});
this.isExpand = true;
} else {
// this.selector.fireEvent("collapse", [this] );
this.children.setStyles({"display": "none", "height": "0px"});
this.isExpand = false;
if (callback) callback();
loadSub: function (callback) {
if (!this.loaded) {
if( this.data.scriptList ){
this.data.scriptList.each(function (subItem, index) {
var item = this.selector._newItem(subItem, this.selector, this.children, this.level + 1, this);
if(this.subItems)this.subItems.push( item );
if ( this.data.applicationList ) {
this.data.applicationList.each(function (subCategory, index) {
var category = this.selector._newItemCategory(subCategory, this.selector, this.children, this.level + 1, this);
this.subCategorys.push( category );
this.loaded = true;
if (callback) callback();
} else {
if (callback) callback();
_getShowName: function(){
return this.data.name;
_getTtiteText: function () {
return this.data.name;
createNode: function(){
this.node = new Element("div", {
"styles": this.selector.css.selectorItemCategory_department
......@@ -172,7 +235,13 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.Script.ItemCategory = new Class({
this.iconNode.setStyle("background-image", "url("+"../x_component_Selector/$Selector/default/icon/applicationicon.png)");
_hasChild: function(){
return (this.data.scriptList && this.data.scriptList.length);
return ( this.data.scriptList && this.data.scriptList.length ) ||
( this.data.applicationList && this.data.applicationList.length);
afterLoad: function(){
if ( this._hasChild() ){
check: function(){}
......@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.LP = MWF.SelectorLP = {
"role" : "Role",
"group" : "Group",
"unit" : "Unit",
"appType" : {
"process": "Process",
"cms": "CMS",
"portal": "Portal"
"cancel": "Cancel",
"back": "Back",
......@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ MWF.xApplication.Selector.LP = MWF.SelectorLP = {
"group" : "群组",
"unit" : "组织",
"appType" : {
"process": "流程管理",
"cms": "内容管理",
"portal": "门户管理"
"cancel": "取消",
"back": "返回",
"ok": "确定",
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