提交 01d563a7 编写于 作者: NoSubject's avatar NoSubject

Merge branch 'cherry-pick-2116069d' into 'develop_java8'


See merge request o2oa/o2oa!3347
......@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
var pxUnit = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength,
needsIEHacks = CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks );
//var notCheckScale = (layout.userLayout && layout.userLayout.scale && layout.userLayout.scale!==1);
function getWidth( el ) {
return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? el.$.clientWidth : parseInt( el.getComputedStyle( 'width' ), 10 );
return el.$.getSize().x;
//return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? el.$.clientWidth : parseInt( el.getComputedStyle( 'width' ), 10 );
function getBorderWidth( element, side ) {
......@@ -34,7 +37,8 @@
function setPillarDimensions( nativeTableElement ) {
if ( nativeTableElement ) {
var tableElement = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( nativeTableElement );
return { height: tableElement.$.offsetHeight, position: tableElement.getDocumentPosition() };
//return { height: tableElement.$.offsetHeight, position: tableElement.getDocumentPosition() };
return { height: tableElement.$.getSize().y, position: tableElement.$.getPosition() };
......@@ -70,22 +74,24 @@
// Calculate the pillar boundary positions.
var pillarLeft, pillarRight, pillarWidth;
var x = td.getDocumentPosition().x;
var x = td.$.getPosition().x;
// Calculate positions based on the current cell.
rtl ? pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( td, 'left' ) : pillarLeft = x + td.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( td, 'right' );
//rtl ? pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( td, 'left' ) : pillarLeft = x + td.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( td, 'right' );
rtl ? pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( td, 'left' ) : pillarLeft = x + td.$.getSize().x - getBorderWidth( td, 'right' );
// Calculate positions based on the next cell, if available.
if ( nextTd ) {
x = nextTd.getDocumentPosition().x;
x = nextTd.$.getPosition().x;
rtl ? pillarLeft = x + nextTd.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'right' ) : pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'left' );
rtl ? pillarLeft = x + nextTd.$.getSize().x - getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'right' ) : pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'left' );
// Otherwise calculate positions based on the table (for last cell).
else {
x = table.getDocumentPosition().x;
x = table.$.getPosition().x;
rtl ? pillarLeft = x : pillarRight = x + table.$.offsetWidth;
//rtl ? pillarLeft = x : pillarRight = x + table.$.offsetWidth;
rtl ? pillarLeft = x : pillarRight = x + table.$.getSize().x;
pillarWidth = Math.max( pillarRight - pillarLeft, 3 );
......@@ -242,6 +248,9 @@
if ( ++cellsSaved == cellsCount ) {
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
var module = editor.element.$.retrieve("module");
if (module) module.reLocationFiletextToolbar();
}, 0, this, [
leftCell, leftCell && getWidth( leftCell ),
rightCell, rightCell && getWidth( rightCell ),
......@@ -268,7 +277,12 @@
function onMouseMove( evt ) {
move( evt.data.getPageOffset().x );
var x = evt.data.getPageOffset().x;
if (layout.userLayout && layout.userLayout.scale && layout.userLayout.scale!==1){
x = x/layout.userLayout.scale;
move( x );
document = editor.document;
......@@ -308,10 +322,16 @@
resizerY = firstAligned.y;
resizerHeight = lastAligned.height + lastAligned.y - firstAligned.y;
resizerX = targetPillar.x;
// if (layout.userLayout && layout.userLayout.scale && layout.userLayout.scale!==1){
// resizerX = resizerX/layout.userLayout.scale;
// resizerY = resizerY/layout.userLayout.scale;
// }
resizer.setStyles( {
width: pxUnit( targetPillar.width ),
height: pxUnit( resizerHeight ),
left: pxUnit( targetPillar.x ),
left: pxUnit( resizerX ),
top: pxUnit( resizerY )
} );
......@@ -337,7 +357,8 @@
return 0;
var resizerNewPosition = posX - Math.round( resizer.$.offsetWidth / 2 );
//var resizerNewPosition = posX - Math.round( resizer.$.offsetWidth / 2 );
var resizerNewPosition = posX - Math.round( resizer.$.getSize().x / 2 );
if ( isResizing ) {
if ( resizerNewPosition == leftShiftBoundary || resizerNewPosition == rightShiftBoundary )
......@@ -394,10 +415,19 @@
if ( target.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
var page1 = {
x: evt.getPageOffset().x,
y: evt.getPageOffset().y
var page = {
x: evt.getPageOffset().x,
y: evt.getPageOffset().y
if (layout.userLayout && layout.userLayout.scale && layout.userLayout.scale!==1){
page.x = page.x/layout.userLayout.scale;
page.y = page.y/layout.userLayout.scale;
// If we're already attached to a pillar, simply move the
// resizer.
......@@ -427,7 +457,6 @@
table.on( 'mouseout', clearPillarsCache );
table.on( 'mousedown', clearPillarsCache );
var pillar = getPillarAtPosition( pillars, page );
if ( pillar ) {
!resizer && ( resizer = new columnResizer( editor ) );
......@@ -1433,6 +1433,7 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor = MWF.APPDocumenteditor = new Cla
var className = "cke_editor_" + this.filetextEditor.name;
var filetextToolbarNode = $$("." + className)[0];
this.filetextToolbarNode = filetextToolbarNode;
......@@ -1472,6 +1473,11 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor = MWF.APPDocumenteditor = new Cla
var size = this.layout_filetext.getSize();
var contentSize = this.filetextScrollNode.getSize();
if (layout.userLayout && layout.userLayout.scale && layout.userLayout.scale!==1){
var x = this.filetextEditor.editable().$.getPosition().x;
this.filetextToolbarNode.setStyle("left", ""+x+"px");
if (position.y<0 && size.y+position.y+h<contentSize.y){
// var top = size.y+position.y;
// this.filetextToolbarNode.setStyle("top", ""+top+"px");
......@@ -2330,6 +2336,10 @@ MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor = MWF.APPDocumenteditor = new Cla
window.setTimeout(this.reLocationFiletextToolbar.bind(this), 10);
}.bind(this) );
this.filetextEditor.on( 'loaded', function( e ) {
this.filetextEditor.element.$.store("module", this);
}.bind(this) );
this.filetextEditor.on( 'paste', function( e ) {
var html = e.data.dataValue;
//if (this.json.fullWidth=="y") html = html.replace(/\x20/g, " ");
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