提交 d0f6968b 编写于 作者: S StringKe

Social 提示文案错误

上级 370cd528
......@@ -324,10 +324,10 @@ public class SocialStrategy extends AbstractJapStrategy {
try {
authUserAuthResponse = authRequest.revoke(authToken);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JapSocialException("Third party refresh access token of `" + source + "` failed. " + e.getMessage());
throw new JapSocialException("Third party revoke access token of `" + source + "` failed. " + e.getMessage());
if (!authUserAuthResponse.ok() || ObjectUtil.isNull(authUserAuthResponse.getData())) {
throw new JapUserException("Third party refresh access token of `" + source + "` failed. " + authUserAuthResponse.getMsg());
throw new JapUserException("Third party revoke access token of `" + source + "` failed. " + authUserAuthResponse.getMsg());
return JapResponse.success();
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